Qinglong asked Yang Nai to sit on his chair.

“…” This request is a bit difficult for Yang Nai.

Although this is a private room, the waiter may come in at any time.

She was a little worried that if she really sat down and Qinglong couldn’t help doing something more to her, her reputation would be completely ruined.

“Don’t worry.” Qinglong seemed to see her thoughts. “I just kiss you and do nothing else.”

“And I know how to restrain myself, I can press the gun.”

“…” Generally, if you say this, you must be very experienced.


Miss Yang Nai was inexplicably a little upset.

She was tricked by a scammer into getting married and registered.

Legally, she is already a real married woman. Meeting some of your partner’s needs is an obligation.


“Miss Yang Nao—”

Qinglong spread his hands towards her.


Yang Nai hesitated for a moment, then walked to Qinglong from the side of the booth, and then sat on his desk.

There is a hot and hard feeling.

Is this the boy’s big drop?

This seemed a bit strange to Yang Nai.

Because it seems that sitting like this is a bit comfortable.

“Close your eyes now.”

She heard Qinglong’s voice.


This really upset her.

Because it is controlled like a puppet.


Since Miss Yang (cgae) was chosen as the heir, she has been a puppet.

Accepting orders is nothing more than she is used to.

When she realized it, she closed her eyes.

“Open your mouth a little bit…”


Yang Nai did as he did.

Just thinking about it, I felt like I touched something.

Is this the boy’s lips?

A warm feeling.

“How do you feel?” Qinglong said.

“I don’t feel it!” Yang Nai said deliberately.

In fact, her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

Because it felt so strange. At that moment, it was like being electrocuted. This was something she didn’t expect.

“Really.” Qinglong seemed to be a little hit. “It’s just that it shouldn’t be right. No one who has kissed me said that they didn’t feel it. Even those who were indifferent to X didn’t object.”

“…” How many people have you kissed before?

How proficient is it!

Yang Nai really wanted to get mad.

Just not.

Because Qinglong held her face in his hands.


So is this going to happen again?

But what Yang Nao noticed was Qinglong’s magnified hateful face. “Do you think I’m going to kiss you again? No way. My restraint is fine, but I’m worried you can’t.”

“…” Yang Nai had nothing to say.

She said it as if she was a kiss madman.

“In my eyes, you are like a child.” Qinglong said again.”……”Mad!

Yang Nai’s lovely brows immediately raised.

Then, because if it continued, Xiaoxue would probably lose her temper in the apartment, so the two quickly checked out and went to Haibing Makuhari together.

Makuhari, the marine soldier.

This is a high-end apartment complex here in Chiba.

Not only is the access control system down-to-earth and modern, but it is often used as the background of some movies and TV shows because of the prosperity.

Sometimes you can even see the shooting scene nearby.

Being able to buy a house here shows that the financial resources of the Yukinoshita family are still worth seeing.

And Qinglong went with Yang Nai, looked around and nodded.

You can buy a house here for Komachi to live in during the holidays.

ps; In the latest volume of Real Education, Mrs. Kushida was actually taught to be a human being. .

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