Mrs. Shanmu has been married for 2 years and her relationship with her husband is not good.

And yesterday, she had an affair with the handsome courier.

Although she was obsessed with ghosts for a while, she didn’t want to continue. So I decided to sternly reject the other party today.

“Ding dong—”

The doorbell rang, and her heart tightened.

He hesitated a little, but went to open the door anyway.


Sure enough, she saw the handsome young man delivering the courier, who was also her cheating partner.

At the same time, it is very clear why the other party came back today.


“Feel sorry.”

She wanted to say that this can’t go on like this. Although the relationship with her husband is not good, she can’t always be sorry to him.

But before these words were spoken, the courier had already entered the door.

He stood by the entrance, “Then please sign here.”

It looks businesslike.

“…” Mrs. Shanmu, she stretched out her fingers to sign, but just raised her hand to pick up the signed slip, only to find that the courier threw the pen and the express slip away.

Then he held her with soft fingers.

And his hot fingers were gently touching hers.

“I’m not wearing a ring…”

“The relationship between you and your husband is not very good…”

“It seems that I can continue our relationship with you—” The courier threw the other party on the ground, and Mrs. Shan felt her heart beat faster again.


“Do it again, Suzuki, your eyes, your eyes must be more focused.”

“Also, Mr. Qinglong, you can rest now.”Following the director’s voice, Kiyotaka stood up, while his exclusive manager, Ms. Totsuka, handed over the energy drink.

“Mr. Qinglong, today’s acting skills are also great.”

Now Qinglong is on the set with his agent.

He is an actor in the world of senior bunny girl, so his job is naturally acting.

And what I’m filming now is the scene where I asked Mai-senpai to put her younger sister Toyobin Kazuka.

“So-so. (cgae)”

Facing the manager’s compliment, Qinglong smiled.

Of course, he has a girlfriend who is super good at acting – Kushida Kikyo.

Even if you encounter a scene that is difficult to act, you only need to imagine how she would act, and then copy it.


Kiyotaka looked at Ms. Suzuki who was asked by the director to re-experience the eyesight practice.

The full name is Suzuki Ayako, the same name as Suzuki Sonoko’s older sister in the world of Conan, but her appearance and identity are quite different.

She is just a little idol.

And it came from the combination Sweet Bullet.

Qinglong remembered that he asked the director to invite Toyohama Kazuka, how did he become Miss Suzuki now?

“The president of Suzuki and Sweet Bullet is a niece and aunt.”

“It should be Kiyotaka-kun, you didn’t have a strong request to be Kazuka Toyohama, so the president of the other party took the opportunity to give his niece the opportunity to show his face.”

In other words, the president himself arranged for Suzuki to replace Kazuka Toyohama.

It seems that Kazuka’s mother also kept the relationship between Kazuka and Sakurajima Mai ruthless.

He didn’t let the president know about his daughter’s relationship with Mai Sakurajima.

She didn’t even give her daughter a chance to get promoted.

Thinking about it this way, Qinglong decided to change his way of getting in touch with Sister Hua. .

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