Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 100 Snape's Questioning

First floor, staff lounge.

At this time, two wizards were communicating inside, and their words were filled with unprecedented gunpowder.

"Didn't you promise me that the boy would grow up healthily?"

"Why? You know that Penny and I have known each other for a long time. I can't hide the things in her head from me. Why did the boy grow up in that environment?"

"What does the Sorting Hat mean? Does it mean that the boy has suffered more unimaginable experiences in the past ten years!!!"

"Now! Tell me! Why!" The sallow-faced man's tone changed from calm to increasingly angry, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Severus, you have to understand that this is all to protect Harry. If he stays in the wizarding world, he will become famous, a legendary figure. If one day in the future, today is designated as Harry Potter Day, I will not be surprised at all. There will even be many books written about Harry, and every child in our world will know his name!"

"This is enough to make any child go crazy. Become famous when he can't walk or talk! Even famous for something he doesn't remember at all! Let him grow up far away from the past until he can accept it all, and then let him know that this is a better choice."

"Dumbledore, please answer my question. This is not an excuse. Even if he becomes like his hateful father, it doesn't matter to me. The important thing is why you don't care about the boy's growth environment. In your eyes, as long as he is alive, it's fine?" Snape narrowed his eyes, and a muscle next to his thin lips twisted unpleasantly. He kept bending his fingers, as if he wanted to strangle Dumbledore's throat.

"Yes, Severus, my answer is that my first consideration is to keep Harry alive."

"His mother (Snape twisted his neck unnaturally) gave her life to save Harry. She gave Harry an unexpected and lasting protection, which still flows in his blood today."

"I handed him over to his mother's sister, his mother's only surviving relative."

"Yes, I admit that she didn't like Harry. She may have been reluctant, unhappy, reluctant, and complained to take him in, but she accepted Harry after all. In this way, she made the best of what I did to Harry. The spell worked. His mother's sacrifice made the blood bond the strongest shield I could offer Harry. "

"As long as Harry can still call home where his mother's blood exists, he will not be disturbed or harmed by Voldemort there. Voldemort made his mother's blood flow, but that blood still exists in Harry and Petunia. Lily's (don't say her name, Snape begged) blood became his refuge. Harry only needs to go back once a year, but as long as Harry calls it home, Voldemort cannot harm him there." Dumbledore emphasized.

"Then why not keep the boy with you? You teach him yourself." Snape said dryly.

"At that time, Voldemort was defeated a few hours ago, but his supporters were still at large. They were all angry and brutal outlaws, and many of them were as terrible as Voldemort."

"Severus, I think you can understand how dangerous his situation is."

"I am a loser, Severus. I don't have the confidence to cultivate a Harry you expect. The situation at that time did not allow me to bring Harry with me. Putting him in Hogwarts was irresponsible to the students at that time." Dumbledore emphasized.

"I don't care, as long as the boy - you promised me, and what about Dudley." Snape said excitedly.

"Those are the traces of magic left on Dudley's body, and the memories left behind. I'm afraid that when Harry left his home, some wizards attacked Dudley and even Petunia's family for unknown reasons. This also made him awaken his magic after a period of time and become a wizard."

"Severus, I even suspect that Dudley was also poisoned by that strange wizard. After all, the magic was deeply engraved in Dudley's body. Then, the information read by the Sorting Hat may not be comprehensive, and tall boys are also in his hunting range."

"Severus, like strong men and tall boys, magic is so advanced that it can break through the protective spell after Harry left, cruel, these characteristics can remind you of which wizard? Which remaining Death Eater?" Dumbledore said seriously.

"These characteristics? Isn't that you, Dumbledore."

"Okay, let me think about it, there are too many Death Eaters who like men, but the magic that you can call advanced, excuse me, there is no one." Snape made a joke.

"Severus, I hope you can pay extra attention to Dudley. He was attacked because of my decision (putting Harry in their home). You know how much Petunia wants to be a wizard, but his child is likely to be a mediocre wizard because of this."

"At the same time, pay attention to Quirrell, okay?" Dumbledore knew that Snape was not a joker, wiped his eyes, gave Snape a new order, and searched for wizards who met the requirements in his mind.

"Quirrel, he was able to become a professor of Muggle Studies as soon as he graduated, so he should be someone you trust."

"Could it be that he is the one with a unique taste?" Snape said.

"He went to the Albanian forest." Dumbledore said.

"So" Snape was shocked.

At the same time, Harry and others were in the Transfiguration classroom, taking a Transfiguration class.

"Honestly, what happened to you today?" Professor McGonagall said. At this time, with a slight puff, she had changed the table back to its original shape and looked around at the students.

"That's okay, but it's the first time that my Transfiguration didn't win the applause of the whole class."

Everyone turned their heads to Harry again, but no one spoke.

"I see, you must know clearly that this is not my compliment to Dumbledore. In my long teaching career, Dumbledore has never told a lie, and the Sorting Hat is the same."

"Potter, I think you are the one who really knows Dursley, so does he match the first few sentences of the Sorting Hat?" Professor McGonagall said.

"Yes, professor, Dudley is not a cruel person, he is very bad, just like the bully Darth Vader (Fat Tiger), but that's all." Harry said with relief, and Ryan on the side pouted in boredom.

"Well, then please listen carefully. Transfiguration is the most dangerous of all the courses in Hogwarts. Please be careful not to eat any food that has been transfigurated or inhale any substance that has turned into gas." Professor McGonagall continued to lecture.

This afternoon is the History of Magic and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Ryan noticed that after Harry checked the class schedule after class, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, flying class and potions class are not today." Harry suddenly said.

"You are crazy, brother, isn't the potions class only on Friday? Harry, are you still thinking about your cousin?" Ron said.

"Yes, as soon as I think of Dudley becoming a wizard and appearing in my life again, I will." Harry said gloomily.

"Brother, I have me! Besides, you are the one who defeated Voldemort. Even Professor Quirrell and Peeves were defeated by you." Ron comforted, and Neville patted Harry's back comfortingly.

"Okay, it's almost 11:30, boys, time to go to the auditorium for dinner." Hermione, who was reading a book in the lounge, suddenly closed the book and comforted. Having read "Doraemon", she also understood what kind of person the bully Darth Vader (Fat Tiger) was.

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