Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 The invincible Hermione falls!

"We come from prison, we crave power, we are ruthless, we are cold-blooded, we are cunning, we never regret, we are Azkaban." On the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to be attacked by poison gas again, Harry heard such an introduction from afar. Looking closely, it turned out that the Weasley twins were surrounding Dudley, singing their own ditty, with short sentences about the introductions of various colleges to pinch him.

Harry hurriedly took a long detour and left from another staircase, and the other Ravenclaws who followed Harry to avoid Peeves' attack also followed Harry's steps, fearing that they would be left behind.

This is not because they are timid, but because they have learned from previous experience.

Like Padma Patil, in order to have breakfast with her sister Parvati Patil in Gryffindor, she went to the hall alone in advance, and then was bumped by Peeves, who was depressed because he could not attack the first-year Ravenclaw.

In the end, the whole person was soaked by the water ball. If Penelope hadn't happened to see him, he would have been wet all the way to the hall.

"Harry, don't you think Fred and George are a little too much?" Hermione said as she walked.

"Too much? They asked me about my family before. For example, when I got the letter, Dudley would use his Smelting cane to drive me to pick it up like a puppy."

"You say, do I think it's too much?" Harry laughed in anger.

"Oh, Harry, I said, I didn't understand it before and spoke without authorization. Sorry." Hermione followed Harry closely behind and explained stutteringly.

"Come on, brother, Dudley is in Hogwarts now. My brothers' methods are not limited to these. I have a deep understanding of it." Ron explained.

"Well, when I was three, Fred turned my-my teddy bear into an ugly spider because I broke his toy broom." Seeing Anthony, Lisa Dupin and others around him gossiping curiously, Ron said without hesitation.

"Poor Dudley." Harry smiled evilly.

However, this smile soon disappeared from Harry's face. The familiar smell that came to his face immediately made some Ravenclaws who had just taken a nap and were sleepy perk up.

From Ryan's perspective, poor Quirrell's life breath was declining. In the eyes of other Ravenclaws, no, more precisely, in their noses, the smell was even more sour.

That smell can't be described only as garlic.

Hermione, on the side, raised her head slightly, looking confident.

Even Ryan was a little curious. Could it be that this know-it-all found a way to solve this stench in an unknown book?

Or simply learned the Bubble Head Charm.

When Quirrell was stuttering again in class, Ryan watched Hermione sitting in the front row with a confident look on her face, then drew out his wand, pointed at himself and chanted a spell: "Clear your mind and clear your mind!"

The invincible Hermione fell down.

Ryan stroked his forehead helplessly. The spell he developed was to raise his spirits, and it also added a little bit of the effect of enhancing the five senses. Fortunately, Hermione did not use the extrasensory spell, otherwise, I am afraid she would stink to death on the spot.

"Hermione!" One after another exclamations came from the mouths of the little eagles in the audience.

"No--------Don't worry, let me do-----" Quirrell found the fainted Hermione and wanted to get closer.

"Professor Quirrell, stay away from me, Hermione was fainted by the stink." Ryan had to come forward and interrupted Quirrell's next words.

"How------how could it be, aren't the other classmates------all fine." Quirrell pretended to get closer again.

"Harry!" Ryan shouted.

"Periculum!" Harry drew out his wand and pointed it at the sky. The fiery red fireworks appeared again, and Quirrell fell down again.

It must be said that magic is really a subjective power. Before Ryan had time to guide it, Harry exerted this power alone, and even his wrong pronunciation at that time was reproduced again, fearing that he would follow the correct pronunciation (the m in Periculum should be emphasized and the front should be fast).

All this is related to the appearance of Dudley, which makes the power of the talisman on his body more active.

Although, Harry can do it as long as his willpower is strong enough.

Ryan is a little doubtful that Harry's specialty in the future will no longer be the disarming spell (disarm you) because of him, but will become this variant of red sparks.

However, Harry has to speed up his practice. If he has not reached the level of proficiency, when he is 17 years old and the power of the talisman fades, this short-lived spell will probably become a thing of the past.

On the other side, Quirrell fainted again. Without Ryan's intervention, it would probably take more than ten minutes. He might not wake up until the end of this class.

Hermione slowly woke up under the sparks of Harry, greedily taking a breath of air that had become clear again because of Harry's spell.

"Harry, what's wrong with you? Professor Quirrell! What's wrong with him?" Hermione was puzzled at first, and then she was horrified.

"Hermione, Professor Quirrell fainted you because of the stench, but he didn't believe in evil and wanted to get close to you. Harry could only use his power again to dispel the stench." Ryan explained.

"That's it." Ron agreed.

And this time, Anthony finally had the opportunity to carry Professor Quirrell to the school hospital, that is, to Madam Pomfrey, together with his good brothers Michael and Terry.

Anthony approached Quirrell tentatively step by step, and after confirming that there was no smell, he carried him out.

Ryan cast a reinforcement magic on Quirrell's turban to prevent Voldemort from being discovered in advance, which would be meaningless.

Voldemort also fainted at this time, so that he would not suddenly have a brain seizure and kill Anthony and others to prevent exposure.

"Harry, you won't be deducted points, it's all because of me." Hermione looked ashamed.

"What are you afraid of? Even if Dumbledore comes, I will say this. It's all because Quirrell fainted you first." Seeing this, Weasley ran to the podium and shouted loudly.

The other little eagles also looked like they agreed, but more of them didn't care about the college points.

"Oh, Mr. Weasley, I'm here, what did you just say?" At this time, Dumbledore appeared in front of the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with a gentle face.

"Sir, it's all because of me. I fainted Professor Quirrell." Harry said hurriedly, not paying attention to Dumbledore's gentle expression at all.

"Sir, it's all my fault. It was because Professor Quirrell made me faint that Harry took action." Hermione also said hurriedly, ignoring the fact that she used a spell on herself. She hoped that this would better reflect Professor Quirrell's fault and thus reduce the punishment for Harry.

"That's it." Ron blushed and agreed again. For the first time in his life, he hoped that he could open his mouth more and explain for Harry.

Neville and others on the side also chattered and explained.

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