Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 104: Rita Skeeter's New Report

Today is Thursday, early in the morning, Ryan got up from the bed in the dormitory early.

An owl flew in and delivered a copy of the Daily Prophet. Ryan skipped some GGs that he thought were boring and went directly to his favorite gossip section.

I have to say, and sometimes Ryan has to admit that Rita Skeeter's gossip articles are really interesting. They take off the gorgeous coats of some glamorous people and reveal their ugly sides.

After all, most people in the wizarding world have no chance of being gossiped about by Rita Skeeter. Only famous people like Harry Potter make that possible.

Sure enough, the front page was a photo of Harry that Rita Skeeter had taken from nowhere.

Harry Potter's Troubled Childhood

Harry Potter, the boy who defeated the mysterious man, in the eyes of everyone in the wizarding world, his childhood should be treated like a prince.

At that time, there were countless wealthy and gentle wizard families who were very happy to accept him as their own child, or even better.

But the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, opposed all objections and insisted on sending the newly orphaned child to a Muggle family - Harry's aunt and uncle, the Dursleys.

Dumbledore claimed that it would be better for him to stay with his relatives.

But if we talk about relatives, the wizarding family has a close relationship. Even Malfoy, who behaved suspiciously and claimed that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse after the mysterious man died, can be regarded as a relative of this boy.

Dumbledore's reasons seemed a bit untenable.

Then let's look down.

Harry Potter's cousin Dudley Dursley is also a wizard.

The Sorting Hat had announced it with great alarm, and Dudley Dursley's evil tendencies even openly called out Azkaban.

As we all know, the Sorting Hat doesn't lie.

So, why put our savior in such a Muggle family? Is Dumbledore afraid of Harry Potter's bad control?

"Harry Potter has extraordinary magic. Even Peeves didn't dare to get close to him. He even knocked down Professor Quirrell twice. I dare say Dumbledore must be afraid that Harry Potter is stronger than him." ” revealed Hogwarts first year student Draco Malfoy.

"When Harry Potter came to Diagon Alley, it was Hagrid, Dumbledore's confidant, who came to take him shopping." said the bald wizard at the Leaky Cauldron who did not want to be named.

"That lucky Weasley shares a carriage, a dormitory, and a college with Harry Potter." said an unknown Hogwarts student.

As far as we know, the Weasleys have always been big fans of Dumbledore, and Arthur Weasley secretly joined Dumbledore's society.

Moreover, after Harry Potter defeated Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor twice, Dumbledore actually taught again after decades.

We have reason to suspect that Albus Dumbledore probably wanted to influence and suppress Harry Potter. In order to do this, he placed Harry Potter in an evil Muggle family.

This also had a bad effect on our Boy-Who-Lived, as shown by the two times he blatantly attacked professors in class.

Next week: Harry Potter at Hogwarts – Strange Orientations.

"It's really interesting." Ryan couldn't help but sigh, reaching out his hand to touch something.

"It's a pity that Jerry is too dangerous to be brought to Hogwarts, not to mention, it's not time to hunt Tom yet." Ryan smiled slightly, Harry Potter woke up, and he didn't know what to expect when he saw this Report, what do you think?

Although Rita Skeeter's arguments are ridiculous, and Dumbledore did not deliberately arrange for the Weasley family to get close to Harry, in general, the direction is correct. Dumbledore does have his own purpose, but It was more to protect him.

Today Harry noticed that everyone else was acting strangely, most of them walking around him in the corridors and avoiding his gaze.

Some put their hands over their mouths and whispered to each other as he passed.

Finally, while eating in the auditorium, Harry finally discovered the reason. It was a report - the "Daily Prophet" subscribed from Anthony.

"Who is this Rita Skeeter? This kind of thing can be in the newspaper?" Harry looked surprised, before he could get angry. It was a bit embarrassing to say it. Harry even felt a little relieved. He did live a miserable life. Because of Dumbledore.

However, regarding Ron, he was pretty sure that Ron, a guy he could see through at a glance, was not as complicated as Rita Skeeter thought.

Draco Malfoy shouted from the Slytherin table across the hall.

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How are you? Are you okay? You're not going to attack us suddenly, are you?"

"Damn it! Po Te! Now you understand who is qualified to be your friend!"

"Hey! Weasley! It would be interesting to listen to your father and make friends with Potter." Seeing that Harry ignored him, Draco Malfoy continued to shout and even greeted Ron.

"Shut up! Malfoy, Ron, are you okay?" Harry said.

Seeing this situation, Harry had to defend Ron. The smile on Malfoy's face disappeared, his pale face turned slightly red, and he left without eating. Crabbe and Goyle also hurriedly picked up some food. A piece of bread and jam, and left.

Harry didn't pay much attention to Malfoy's departure, but saw from the corner of his eye that the Weasley twins also left the long table filled with breakfast.

"Harry, I, I, you don't think I did it on purpose--" Ron hesitated.

"Ron, I believe you, details don't lie." Harry comforted him, Ryan on the side looked bored, it's like this, and he can't break up the relationship between you.

Sure enough, if one of them was a woman, then Ginny and Hermione would have no chance.

But that's not right, although Harry is not as precocious as his father, he is also obsessed with looks.

If she is not a beauty, Harry doesn't like her at all.

And he will ignore the familiar beauties around him, like Hermione is too introverted, he doesn't have the eyes to discover beauty like Krum, Ginny, is Ron's sister, he won't regard her as a woman he can date.

If Ron was a woman, he would probably ignore Ron because he was too familiar with her.

Just like Ginny, if Hermione hadn't taught Ginny to have more boyfriends and let her be intimate with her boyfriend in front of Harry, Harry would have discovered that Ginny was already a beautiful girl.

Ryan sighed as he followed the Ravenclaw team to the greenhouse outside Hogwarts Castle.

Today is the last Herbology class of the week. Today's class is probably for Ryan and his friends to observe the herbs in the morning. I wonder if Draco is okay now and whether he has been pranked by the twins.

"Merlin, please bless the poor little dragon (a nickname for Draco's name)." Ryan suppressed the idea of ​​using the Phoenix perspective to watch in advance. Good things should be saved for last.

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