Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 Snape's Change

Time: 9 o'clock, Potions Classroom.

Snape and Flitwick had the same teaching habits, picking up the roster as soon as the class started, and even like Flitwick, he stopped when he called Harry's name.

"Oh, yes," he whispered, "Harry Potter, this is our new... famous person."

Harry looked puzzled. This so-called friend of his mother really didn't like him very much. Just like his initial feeling, he even hated himself.

This made Harry look at Dudley and communicated with Dudley with his eyes, and Dudley also looked confused.

From Dudley's perspective, this guy named Snape, although very scary, and didn't buy his pretend crying, was indeed more attentive to him. Why was he so sarcastic to the son of a friend who had a better relationship with him in his mother's eyes?

Snape didn't seem to notice the eye contact between Harry and Dudley, but the muscles at the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. Obviously, Harry's hurt expression, coupled with the green eyes like Lily Evans, deeply hurt him, as if Lily was questioning him.

Snape suddenly stopped calling the names, as if he had finished reading all the names.

He looked up at the students below. The black eyes that had a little warmth in Ryan's eyes just now became cold and empty, making people think of two dark tunnels.

"This Snape is really interesting. He has to use brain occlusion in the last class?"

"Oh, this should be to close his heart and his sympathy for Harry Potter, so that he can bully him more unscrupulously." Ryan "thought", but he couldn't help laughing a little. He couldn't face his conscience honestly. This is a common problem of Slytherin.

"You are here to learn the precise science and strict craftsmanship of potion preparation."

"Since there is no foolish waving of wands here, many of you will not believe that this is magic."

"I don't expect you to truly appreciate the beauty of the slow-cooking cauldron with white smoke and bursts of fragrance." Snape spoke in a voice slightly higher than a whisper, but everyone could hear every word of his opening remarks.

Ryan couldn't help but complain in his heart that this sentence was more suitable for other colleges, but didn't Hufflepuff use its own small pot to simmer all kinds of delicacies in the lounge all day?

"You won't really understand the liquid that flows into people's veins, the kind of magical power that makes people excited and confused... I can teach you how to improve your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death - but there must be one thing, that is, you are not the kind of idiots I often meet." When he talked about idiots, his eyes couldn't help but look at Hufflepuff.

Some of the little eagles raised their heads, looking proud and arrogant. Among these little wizards, Michael Connor was particularly prominent.

Harry and Ron raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances. Noticing this, they quietly moved aside and moved a little further away from Michael.

Hermione, however, did not notice the strange atmosphere or the vague anger of the Hufflepuffs who had come to their senses. She was just about to move to the edge of the chair and leaned forward, just eager to prove that she was not a fool.

"That dark-skinned Ravenclaw! I want you to find me a bezoar. Where will you find it?" Snape frowned and said suddenly. Because he did not read the name in the original world line, he could only call the overly arrogant Ravenclaw student by his characteristics.

"Me, professor? My name is Michael Connor." Michael asked doubtfully.

"No one cares what your name is. Please answer the question, Mr. Corner." Snape said coldly. The Hufflepuffs, who had just secretly sneered at Michael's performance, immediately returned to silence. His words simply had the deterrent power to make the classroom orderly without any effort.

"I, I don't know." Michael said hesitantly. Terry on the side gently stroked his forehead, looking like he had a headache, and Hermione raised her right hand high, looking like she expected to answer it herself.

"Okay, very good, it seems that not all Ravenclaws are smart people, there are also the kind of idiots I often meet." A small number of freshmen at the Hufflepuff table began to laugh softly, and Dudley's performance was more obvious, but Snape seemed not to see it and was very tolerant of him.

Ryan even noticed that after Dudley expressed his attitude, some Hufflepuffs who were a little far away from him slowly stopped deliberately sitting far away and slowly accepted him. Dudley also noticed something and smiled with surprise.

"Potter! You answer." Snape looked at Harry deeply, with a hint of unnoticeable expectation.

"In the stomach of the cow." Harry answered, secretly thanking himself that this question was included in the questions asked by Ryan yesterday, and he also prepared well.

"What will I get if I add narcissus root powder to wormwood infusion?" Snape couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Life and death water? This is not the content involved in the first grade." Harry said.

"What is the difference between Aconitum naviculatum and Aconitum davidianum?" Snape ignored it.

"No difference, what else, sir." Harry said heavily on the word sir.

"Good, very good, 10 points for Ravenclaw!" Snape ignored Harry's troubles, and did not even emphasize that Harry called him professor. His sallow face flushed slightly, and his dark eyes began to warm up.

"Can I sit down?" Michael Connor interrupted without knowing whether to live or die.

"Sit down." Snape unexpectedly did not deduct points.

"Michael, and you, do you think you are as good as Harry?"

"Granger, your hand is about to break through the ceiling, put it down!"

"Why don't you write all this down?" Snape suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy, and there was a rustling sound of groping for quills and parchment in the classroom.

The potion class continued. It must be said that although Ravenclaw was targeted at the beginning because of a little eagle like Michael, Snape was too busy to continue targeting them because of the existence of Hufflepuff.

Snape divided all the students into groups of two and instructed them to mix a simple potion for treating scabies. He wrote down the ingredients and preparation methods needed to prepare the potion on the blackboard.

Snape dragged his long black cloak around the classroom, watching them weigh dry nettles and crush snake fangs. Almost all the students were criticized, only Harry and Ryan, Hermione was spared.

Ryan was not targeted because he had a low sense of presence, which also allowed Hermione to survive, but Harry was not targeted, which surprised everyone.

After Harry answered the question, Snape seemed to treat him as his favorite student, which reminded everyone of the previous conversation between Dudley and Harry in the corridor, which was probably true.

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