Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Harry Potter at Hogwarts

Recently, Ryan felt that a strange atmosphere was spreading among the dormitory members.

First, Ron and Neville. Since Neville publicly questioned the Chudley Cannons last weekend, the two of them have not said a word to each other until now.

And Anthony, Terry, and Michael, the politically correct trio (Jewish, Indian, and black), are even more weirdly inseparable. They go to the toilet, take a shower, do homework, and read books together.

Among the first-year students in Ravenclaw now, Harry is the undisputed leader. He defeated Voldemort when he was still a baby. After entering school, he was publicly praised by the professor of the Charms class and his own dean. In addition to his achievements in expelling Peeves, defeating Quirrell, and purifying the air, even Snape looked at him differently, and Dumbledore gave him a class for the first time because of him.

Anthony, the prefect in the original world line, and his two friends began to unite subconsciously. Anthony also learned from Hermione and began to answer questions crazily. Although unlike Hermione, he answered wrongly several times and almost lost points, but Anthony still clearly felt that people around him no longer regarded him as just Harry Potter's roommate.

The most serious one was Harry Potter. He didn't care about Anthony's provocation, the cold war with Ron and Neville, and the relationship between him and Malfoy from Slytherin began to become weird after the Herbology class on Monday morning.

They were not friends, but every time they met, Harry took the lead in waving and greeting Malfoy, and smiled, and Malfoy nodded slightly every time.

The relationship between the two of them was always up and down, which made Ryan, who was eating melons, very depressed.

And his bed was next to Harry Potter. If his sexual orientation changed, it would be bad. Although Ryan was not afraid of his sneak attack, it was really uncomfortable to live with someone who put himself in the hunting range.

What made Ryan even more uncomfortable was that he showed Harry another side of himself and made up a half-true, half-false story for him and Hermione. Ryan was ready, and Harry secretly begged him if he could bring Ron with him.

Although he would definitely say no, it didn't mean that Harry wouldn't even ask.

"I can't stay in this dormitory anymore." Ryan thought.

At this time, the guys in the dormitory were still asleep. Now was the quietest time in the whole dormitory. In his previous life, he traveled through time before he could go to college and had never lived in a dormitory. Unexpectedly, after traveling through time, Ryan, at the age of only 11, deeply experienced it.

"Damn it! Living in a dormitory is not at all what I imagined. The most classic ranking of the eldest brother and the second brother based on age, why didn't I encounter it, but it's like this instead." Ryan continued to stay in the quilt. Waking up and getting up are two different things.

Not far away, Ron's bright orange quilt was particularly eye-catching. Even the area directly opposite his bed was covered with posters of the Chudley Cannons, with the little man in the bright orange robe (decorated with a galloping cannonball and two black letters "C") scoring goals.


Good fellow, this Ron bought these for himself when he went to Diagon Alley, but it is also possible that he asked his mother to bring them from home. After all, his room was described in the original book, which was even more exaggerated than this. Everything in Ron's room looked a dazzling orange-yellow color, including the bedspread, the walls, and even the ceiling.

"What a visual pollution."

Ryan turned his head and looked out the window. Ryan's moon-like eyes suddenly turned into silver-white animal pupils. In Ryan's sight, a niffler was sticking out its tongue and reaching for the dew on the two-eared grass. Behind it, an eight-eyed giant spider was ready to go.

With a thought, the annoying spider in the Forbidden Forest in the distance was killed by Ryan's eyes and turned into ashes, while the lovely Niffler still knew nothing.

Hagrid, this guy, really doted on Aragog too much. The Acromantula has long become what is called an alien invasive species in biology. If it weren't for the hunting and protection of the centaurs, the Forbidden Forest would have been out of balance long ago.

The centaurs have always regarded themselves as the owners of the Forbidden Forest, which is not unreasonable.

In this way, Ryan observed the Forbidden Forest in the early morning until an owl flew in.

The Daily Prophet, here it comes again.

Harry Potter at Hogwarts - Strange Orientation

Special reporter Rita Skeeter reports:

First of all, I would like to apologize to all readers for not publishing this issue until now.

Of course, this is not because I write slowly. As everyone knows, I am a famous fast hand. In the last report, I just reported without fear of power - the miserable childhood of the boy Harry Potter and Dumbledore's plan.

For some unknown reason, due to the pressure from a big shot, I had to postpone it.

However, these pressures have contributed to the birth of this article, and some new information has become the unique evidence of my article.

Harry Potter, he may be a different boy - but he also experienced the pain common to adolescent boys.

After losing his parents and growing up under the torture of cruel Muggle relatives, eleven-year-old Harry Potter thought he finally found emotional comfort in Hogwarts, in his friend who accompanied him all the time - Ronnie Weasley, who was born in a family of Dumbledore fanatics.

But he never thought that in his life that had already experienced many pains, he would soon suffer another emotional trauma.

Mr. Weasley was a plain-looking, passionate boy, and Harry alone could not satisfy his appetite.

Since being sorted into Ravenclaw, he has been getting together with his roommate Neville Longbottom, and Mr. Weasley has been playing with the feelings of the two boys.

Neville has obviously been fascinated by the cunning Mr. Weasley. Last Saturday, he invited the adults of both sides to go on a date in Diagon Alley together, and even changed to the same wand made of unicorn tail hair.

However, all this has been exposed. According to the revelations of several unknown Hogwarts students, they have not spoken to each other for a week.

And Harry, the little boy who became uninterested in girls under the training of his cousin and even the seemingly respected white wizard, seems to have finally recognized his heart.

"I was the first to know Potter! I should be his friend!" Draco Malfoy made a declaration directly to Dudley, whose sexual orientation was exposed by the Sorting Hat.

Harry Potter even ran into this scene directly.

As far as I know, they officially got married in the Herbology class on Monday this week. We should bless them!

Although the Malfoy family's camp is a mystery, Draco Malfoy's feelings are sincere, unlike Ronnie Weasley, who is suspected to be instructed by the white wizard.

Perhaps, Mr. Weasley is not philanthropic, and the person he really loves is Mr. Longbottom. It's just that he can only humbly dedicate himself because of a more powerful order that cannot be refused.

If this is true, Mr. Longbottom, please forgive Mr. Weasley, just like your wands with the same unicorn tail hair.

Next week: Keep it confidential. If I say more, I'm afraid my life will be in danger.

After reading this report, Ryan can only say good guy, it's really worthy of Rita Skeeter, but she only dares to do this to good people. If it's Fudge and Voldemort who are tough in the later period and use political means, he dare not do this.

However, he actually arranged Draco Malfoy, which is really bold, but in this way, Lucius Malfoy dare not do it, after all, she has written the title of the next issue.

And even if Lucius Malfoy doesn't care about this, Dumbledore will protect her instead, which is really interesting.

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