Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 123 Owl Expo

At 11:05, Harry was surrounded by some unsuspecting people. Since they were all classmates from the same college who went to and from get out of class together on weekdays, Ron could not directly clear a way for Harry.

"George, Fred, why are you two blocking the door with these little guys? I don't remember that you like transfiguration so much." Professor McGonagall opened the door and saw that the classroom was completely surrounded, so she took Fred and George took the lead in the front.

"Also, don't you want to eat? If you go to the auditorium now, you can still choose a good seat." Finally, with the help of Professor McGonagall, Harry and others broke out of the siege.

However, even when they arrived at the auditorium, they discovered that everything was just the beginning.

"Harry, let's finish eating quickly and rush back to the lounge." Ron said, and Neville nodded beside him.

"Good idea! What is that?" Harry asked, pointing to the sky.

Ron looked in the direction that Harry was pointing. There were owls one after another. They kept flying over and landed on the plate in front of Ron. The people on the side quickly removed the food around them.

In less than ten minutes, Ron's desk was crowded with owls, including snowy owls, pied-headed owls, red-horned owls, striped little owls, and the most common eagle owl in Europe. The laughing owl was deemed extinct in 1914 by melonologists.

Now, it was like an owl fair was opening in front of Ron, not far away, the Slytherin table was the same, and the same was in front of Malfoy.

"Damn, what the hell -" Ron said, taking the letter from the smallest flower-headed owl in front of him, and read it, "Damn, what is this!" He said angrily, his ears red.

"What's going on?" Ron said.

"This - this is so ridiculous -"

He pushed the letter to Harry, and Harry saw that it was not handwriting, but seemed to be made up of letters cut out of Wizarding Weekly.

You are a bad boy. Harry Potter deserves better girls, go back to your Ottery St. Catchpole village.

"These are the kind of letters!" Ron opened the letters one by one and said desperately, "Harry Potter deserves a boy a hundred times better than you...should put you in a toad's egg." Cook it... oh!"

As soon as he opened the last envelope, a stream of yellow-green liquid sprayed onto his hands, giving off a pungent smell of gasoline, and large yellow blisters immediately appeared on his hands.

"Undiluted baba tubers have pus!" Fred said. When he saw so many letters, he came over because he was worried about his little brother, but he still didn't have time to stop the reckless Ron. He picked up the envelope carefully and smelled it.

Malfoy on the Slytherin table asked Crabbe and Goyle to put on dragon leather gloves and check each letter. As time went by, his pale face could not stop becoming rosy.

"Damn it!" Ron shouted, tears bursting out of his eyes. He picked up a napkin and wiped the pus off his hands, but his fingers were covered in thick, painful sores that looked like he was wearing thick, knotty gloves.

"Harry, I'll take Ron to the school hospital. During his afternoon Charms class, you explain the situation to Professor Flitwick." George took out his wand and petrified them all to prevent Ron's actions from causing more pain and injuries to his hands. , and then cast an unpopular magic on him - zombie floating (a magic that makes the human body move, usually used to transport the human body).

Fred and Percy followed closely behind. Penello, who had no time to take action, was confused. As a prefect, he could not move as fast as several junior students, but Percy did not catch up either. He is more or less a prefect.

Penello smiled awkwardly at Ryan, turned his head and chatted with Kate as if nothing had happened.

But Kate, the most gossip-loving person, didn't even look here. That's right. She agreed to go on a date to Atlantis last weekend, but was cut off by Ryan, and she also had to bring the lightbulb Harry and her suspected love rival Hermione. Go, it is inevitable for her to behave like this.

Ryan had no choice but to take out his killer weapon again, the thinking game he had built in his mind. This afternoon, his thinking was going to work again.

Harry and Neville looked at each other in confusion. The looks from the people around them made them forget about eating. They picked up a plate of food and rushed towards Ravenclaw's tower.

It wasn't until 1:15 in the afternoon, when class was about to start, that Harry and Neville came out of the dormitory and ran towards the Charms classroom on the fourth floor.

The other first-year students couldn't wait to take the first step, regardless of the risk of being attacked by Peeves. After all, it was not far from class time.

The familiar school bell rang again, and Harry and Neville stepped on them again and entered the Charms classroom.

"Don't worry, I can understand your lateness today." It was the familiar opening again, with the same lines from Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall.

After hearing the good news, Harry and Neville were not happy at all, and both of them showed masks of pain.

Especially Neville, he is the only child of the Longbottom family. It was a surprise that his grandmother did not come to Hogwarts at noon today.

However, what Neville didn't know was that his grandmother Augusta Longbottom did almost rush to Hogwarts. However, Professor McGonagall, who already knew the character of his classmate, wrote a letter before class. , only then did Grandma Neville stop her action.

However, Neville will have a hard time in the next week. He will live in invisible fear without receiving any letters. Ryan, who has been in control of the overall situation and has been watching the show from multiple perspectives, thought so.

"By the way, I already know about Ron's matter." Professor Flitwick continued, making Harry, who had just remembered this, shut up again.

"Today we are going to learn the Levioso Spell (levitation spell), but when it comes to it, we have to mention the Lootor Spell (movement spell). Their effects are to lift objects into the air and to make the cursed objects move under the control of the caster."

"They are combined into the Levitation Charm (levitation spell). Well, today is September 11, 1991. This spell is estimated that you will learn it before Halloween next month, that is, before October 31." Professor Flitwick paused, frowned and calculated the date.

"Today, one of the Weasley twins used Mobilicorpus Incantation, which is very useful, but this spell is only used to move the human body, but it should be noted that this movement has nothing to do with whether the person being cursed is conscious."

"So, don't use this spell on others casually. His spell is the spell: Mobilicorpus, which should be pronounced as 'MOW-bill-ee-CORE-pus'." Hearing that Professor Flitwick had clearly ordered everyone not to use this spell, but taught it in detail, Harry couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Ravenclaw is like this. The knowledge itself is not wrong. If it was Professor Dumbledore, he would at most mention this spell once." Ryan said.

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