Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Ryan's Lies

The corridor on the third floor was very quiet at this time.

After Madam Pomfrey's repeated emphasis, Ron reluctantly set out with Harry on the road to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"It's really unfair. I heard that other students were not allowed to go to class and had to stay in the infirmary all the time for the slightest problem. How come this happened to me?" Ron said as he walked slowly.

"Shut up, Ron, it's already 3:35 and we're already late." Harry said with a frown. In Harry's opinion, if Ron hadn't kept delaying, he wouldn't have reached the third floor until now.

Moreover, it was uncomfortable to suddenly enter during class and be stared at by everyone, especially the professor who was knocked unconscious by Quirrell twice.

"Harry, we're already late, why don't we forget about it, Professor Quirrell smells like that, yuck." Ron didn't know how many times he had said this, and Harry had become immune to it. , pretending not to hear it at all.

"Harry, we-" Ron repeated again, and then was interrupted by Harry. "Ron, Dumbledore said before that he would tell Professor Quirrell about his smell. I believe that this time it will be Much better.”

Then, Harry regretted it. When he and Ron stepped into the classroom, what greeted them was not the fragrance they imagined, but the familiar sour taste.

Hmm, no, it's a little lighter, it seems like there's a little perfume on it.

Unlike other colleges or their own senior students, they have long been accustomed to Professor Quirrell's sour smell. There is even a third-year Gryffindor student named Devin who always fights to sit in the first row for fear of not being able to smell it. .

He even became eager to learn because of this and pestered Professor Quirrell all day long. But recently, for some unknown reason, he suddenly got involved and made a bet with others and ate a few vixen eggs. He was sent to St. Mungo's and suspended from school.

Professor Quirrell heard that he lost several pounds because of it.

However, Ryan knows the specific reason for all this. In the past week, Quirrell has been taking advantage of helping Dumbledore arrange the defensive magic stone, and has been exploring the forbidden area on the fourth floor whenever he has time.

That Devon kept pestering him at this time. If he wasn't worried about Dumbledore, this student would have gone to see Merlin long ago.

Originally, he shouldn't have been in such a hurry. In the original world line, he wouldn't invade Hogwarts under the guise of a troll and try to seize the Sorcerer's Stone until Halloween at the end of next month.

But Harry's two previous purifications not only failed to restore Quirrell's vitality, but also increased Voldemort's control over Quirrell. Although it was more because Quirrell himself was self-righteous and tried to take advantage of Voldemort to be cursed by Harry. It was caused by performing a coquettish operation (controlling Voldemort) while sleeping.

Ryan also wondered why this guy never took advantage of this great opportunity to find Dumbledore. Dumbledore could handle this.

But it was all his own death, so let him die. Ryan had already given him a chance.

On the other side, as soon as Harry stepped into the classroom, Quirrell couldn't stop backing away, as if he was a sister-in-law who met a vicious dog, "Ha—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— "The last row is still empty, I think it looks good." I didn't notice at all that the last row was already crowded with students because of my smell.

Harry was very happy. He didn't want to get too close to Professor Quirrell. What if he was like the unlucky Devon? But Ron was very unhappy. Professor Quirrell only had eyes for Harry and didn't notice him at all. , he just came back from the school doctor's office!

It can only be said that every time Ron pays attention to something weird.

In the current Defense Against the Dark Arts class, all the eaglets are sitting in the last two rows.

However, Hermione was an exception. Ryan took her to sit in the front row grandly. The stench around them was purified before they even got close to them, but Quirrell seemed to be blind and did not notice this strange scene at all.

Since Ryan completed the ritual, he no longer has to care about Voldemort, Dumbledore and the like, so in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class where Voldemort's remnant soul exists, Ryan now dares to do this, and he is sure that he will never be able to discover him.

"Harry, have you noticed that Professor Quirrell's smell is indeed lighter?" Ron said as he and Harry squeezed next to Neville in the last row.

"Ron, you're crazy. They all stink. Do you still have the time to distinguish the severity of the smell?" Neville's small round eyes widened, "And not only is it light, but it seems like you've also sprayed a little extra perfume. ”

"Harry, please use that spell again, I'm about to faint." Michael's black face suddenly appeared from one side, while Professor Quirrell on the podium was still stuttering and giving lectures, completely ignoring what was happening below. chaos.

The reason why the little hawks in the audience behaved completely differently than usual was not because they did not respect knowledge, but because Professor Dumbledore had already taken them through the first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

With the help of Dumbledore, the eaglets who memorized all the key points, this school year, for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, they just study in books.

The more important point is that Professor Quirrell himself only followed the script.

Now, almost all the Eagles wonder if Roger Davis is crazy, and they say that Quirrell was very good before and was an outstanding senior from his own academy.

Even if he encounters a major accident and becomes stuttering, it does not mean that the knowledge itself has been forgotten. If Professor Quirrell can not follow the script and have his own thing, even if he stutters again, he will not be inferior to all the little eagles in the classroom now. They are all fishing.

Harry suddenly realized that he was a fool. Although Ron hated studying, he was not a fool who did not strive for progress. He must have considered this point and wanted to skip classes.

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I went back to the common room with Ron and told Dumbledore that studying was not good.

"Michael, forget it. I was lucky that I didn't lose points before. I don't want to lose the house points like this." Harry was a little tempted, and after a moment of hesitation, he refused.

Michael looked disappointed, and Ryan also noticed that Quirrell breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

On the other side, Hermione was curiously observing this magical scene. The students and teachers around her could not see her, and she seemed to be in another world.

Hermione greedily breathed in the fresh air. After all, there was no harm without comparison. The familiar sour smell when she entered the classroom before made her unable to stop recalling the experience of using that spell to clear her mind and brain, and then being suffocated.

"Ryan, is this also a spell learned in Atlantis?" Hermione asked, and then stared at Ryan's handsome face with eyes that she thought were not obvious.

"No, our Smith family is born with a weak sense of existence. If it weren't for Atlantis, I'm afraid I would have to live alone all my life." Ryan said in a low voice, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh! Ryan, everything is over!" Hermione's maternal instinct was strong, and then she took Ryan's hand and held it until the end of the get out of class, and then she reluctantly let go.

Hermione let go not because she was thin-skinned. After all, under the attraction of Ryan's handsome face, normal women would forget what shame is.

The only reason Hermione let go was that at this time, most Hogwarts students had finished class, and all the students who had no time to watch Harry and the others because of class gathered in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

There were too many people, even Filch pretended not to see it, and attracted Mrs. Norris's puzzled dawdling.

If it weren't for Professor Quirrell's biological weapon, paving the way, Harry probably wouldn't have been able to have dinner. Hermione had to let go of Ryan's hand, but judging by her expression, she probably wouldn't wash her hands tonight.

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