Time 12:15, Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis.

The crowd around did not notice the four wizards who were not in the scheduled shift, and Ryan did not deliberately reduce the presence of the four.

The only reason is that in the past three years, they have been "accustomed" to Ryan's visit, from the initial resistance, ignoring to the current acceptance.

Of course, because of the contract, even if the wizards of Atlantis resisted, they just wanted to use various spells to control Ryan. But they failed. Even Ryan three years ago was as powerful. The control spell was just a breeze for him who had the magic of the phoenix.

And Ryan's own physique is also very strong. High mobility brings empty spells. What's the use of spells that can't hit, no matter how powerful they are.

The reason for their failure is that Ryan and they are not compatible. Ryan's methods themselves restrain most wizards in this world.

They are not weak. There are many wizards here, especially the old wizards, who are at level 5. If Dumbledore broke in and was besieged by this group of wizards, he would probably have to surrender.

Voldemort might be able to break through, as his body has been transformed by magic many times. At the beginning, the whites of his eyes seemed to be permanently filled with blood, his face seemed to be burned, his facial features were blurred, like wax, and twisted strangely, until his face was like a mask, and his eyes were like snakes, and very red.

And he didn't mind killing people. The underwater wizards might be confused when they encountered such a powerful wizard for the first time.

In short, the wizards of Atlantis are now accustomed to Ryan's invasion. This time, in addition to Kate, Ryan has two other young wizards.

In recent years, they have also realized that only Ryan is abnormally strong, and Kate's level is only average among the young wizards of the same age in Atlantis. The two newcomers are probably no exception.

Especially the one with glasses, who looks silly at first glance, but his eyes are better looking.

"Damn Ron!" Harry, who stood there for a long time and couldn't come back to his senses, said this as his first sentence, but the three people around him were not surprised at all.

After leaving the passage, Harry connected with his clone who was still in Hogwarts, as did Hermione, and Ryan and Kate had never been disconnected from the beginning.

Harry in Hogwarts was finally met by Ron. Now he was busy dealing with some seniors who usually focused on studying and had no time to gossip.

Hermione had to sneak back to the dormitory to relax and concentrate on the underwater world, the lost pearl - Atlantis.

"Harry, Harry, can you hear me?" Hermione asked with concern, Kate held back her laughter, and the clone and the original body ate melon at the same time.

"Just barely. It's too troublesome to control two bodies at the same time. Fortunately, the other body is sitting on the sofa in the lounge, and I can still move around freely."

"Ryan, where is the library?" Harry reluctantly scanned the magnificent and strange scenery around him, but then he made up his mind. Without high magical attainments, it would be impossible for him to get the place where the Resurrection Stone was hidden.

Ryan didn't think of taking the item either. He thought that there must be a more powerful wizard watching behind the item, perhaps the god of death in the legend of the three brothers.

"Okay, I'll take you out of Hogwarts. I can't just ignore your meals."

"The wizards here are very enthusiastic and don't need currency."

"They all use points, which come from their contributions to the city. Basic survival resources such as food alone don't require points, and the same goes for reading."

"The only thing you need to use is to exchange for others' guidance, buy some extra entertainment items, and exchange for treasures. Materials that cannot be supplied to everyone for the time being. Enjoying food also requires points. Don't worry, I have this too." Ryan led the four people in the direction of what should be a restaurant, and greeted the wizards they met on the road from time to time.

The ground here is all single-stored mud, without rigid boards, pebbles or other things, but it is unexpectedly clean, and the shoes are not dirty. It should be some magic.

Along the way, in addition to the common shops selling clothing, oxygen masks (the fish tank-like thing), and aircraft, there are more stalls set up in the local area.

They are all homemade gadgets, such as a dragon doll that flies and hunts like a living creature, a mirror that can be used for short-term cosmetic surgery, a wig made of seaweed that can be transplanted and grown (especially loved by Mediterranean wizards or some young wizards who are independent), and fish gills that can be directly attached to the neck.

"Ryan, what is this?" Hermione pointed to a small shop not far away where many young wizards gathered.

The strangeness of these young wizards is not only in their clothes. Some of them are bare-chested, with a thick octopus tentacle growing where their belly buttons should be; some of them put their lower bodies directly into the squid, looking similar to mermaids, a bit like the role that Luo wanted to play in the movie Mermaid in his previous life; others have a lot of suction cups installed on their elbows and thighs.

"This is similar to the hair salon in the Muggle world. They mainly sell some organs that can be transplanted and grown as decorations. It's similar to the transplantable seaweed wigs on the stalls before, but it's just more bold and avant-garde."

"The young wizards here have no pressure to survive, and they come here to study and research, and they will come here to purchase the parts they want and assemble them." Ryan sighed.

"This, this is so cruel! Those animals were removed from their bodies and made into such playthings."

"If it is for eating, I can understand, but!" Hermione said indignantly, and she showed her extra kindness without knowing the specific situation.

Ryan could understand, after all, she grew up in a middle-class white family, and this was the education she received when she was a child.

It is inevitable that they are a little out of touch with the world, claiming to be civilized, and condescendingly criticizing other people's civilization without knowing much. There were many such people in Ryan's world in his previous life, known as white leftists. To be honest, Hermione was better than them. She did good things to fight for it, not to occupy the moral high ground and satisfy herself.

"What you can think of, they can think of. In their culture, these parts are still alive. Transplanting them to wizards is a respect for them." Ryan emphasized, while leading the three people and weaving in the crowd.

Finally, not far away, a building like a huge whale appeared in front of everyone.

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