Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 139 This is also Alchemy

"Is this a potion? Is this also a potion?" Harry couldn't help but sigh.

The process of making potions in the academy is completely different from what Hogwarts is teaching now. Harry couldn't believe that this was also potion science.

The process of making potions itself is a bit similar to cooking, so Harry got started quickly. The process of making potions in Hogwarts is roughly as follows:

First, preparing food. Like cooking, potions, except for some semi-finished products that need to be taken immediately or refined, all materials used need to be ground into powder, chopped, or crushed into mud. It is said that juice needs to be squeezed, but Harry's current knowledge does not involve it.

Second, the heat, observe the color changes of the liquid in the crucible, and add the materials at the right time.

Third, stirring, this is different from cooking. Potions have strict regulations on the number of stirring times and clockwise and counterclockwise.

Fourth, the participation of the wizards themselves. If it is replaced by a Muggle, there is no mistake in the previous steps, and the boiled pot is just a pot of waste. What's more, some potions even require the participation of a wand. Ryan said that this is consecration, which is very appropriate.

The name of the Academy of Alchemy was changed to a different style in the first year. It explained the essence of the potion at the beginning, which is the product of a ritual involving the physical properties of material materials and magic.

The Academy's potion class almost completely abandoned the crucible in the first year. It also uses potion materials, but the content has become the participation of wizards, and the heating and stirring of the crucible are all gone.

The process of making the Academy version of potions is as follows:

First, magic immersion. There is no need for the assistance of a wand here, but staring at these materials, imagining that it is a part of yourself. When you feel that something is consumed, it means success. Beginners are advised to directly touch some touchable materials with their hands, and also imagine that it is a part of yourself, and feel that the fingertips are slightly warm.

Second, extraction. This step requires a spell, which is the basis of the academy's potion process. It is required for the production of all subsequent potions. Something like juice or crystals is extracted from the impregnated materials.

Third, this step is mostly completed by the Muggles in Atlantis. They only need to mix the above precipitated things. Some of the more advanced potions still require the participation of wizards. Wizards must mix them according to the steps, and some even need to be consecrated.

The consecration spells are also explained in detail in the academy's textbooks. They are all evolutions of Old English or other lost languages, representing the names of potions.

This is to use words to let the potion understand what it is before it loses its spirituality.

Looking at Harry who was amazed at the side, Ryan couldn't help but think of his expression after seeing this book for the first time-surprise and shame.

Ryan was arrogant three years ago. He went to Atlantis for the first time with Kate. At that time, he read some journals and found that they were only relative truths. He no longer took the knowledge here seriously, and even read the history he hated the most.

But when he passed by a potion shop on the street, Ryan was surprised to find that the warehouse on the first floor was full of Muggles or squibs.

Without the participation of magic, they just mixed some materials to produce some common potions.

At that time, Ryan was preparing to build a new Smith Castle. During that period, Ryan really felt what it felt like to live a tight life again.

Let the new and the old complement each other. If the ritual of escaping attention fails, at least you can survive in the real castle, pop up from time to time to breathe in the real world, and wait until you are powerful to go out and sweep everything.

But the consumption at that time was also great, almost emptying out the accumulation of Ryan's ancestors. At this time, Ryan was so surprised and ashamed to find that Atlantis could still be like this. If he had known this earlier, he would not have to almost empty his savings.

If Muggles can do it, he only needs to find a factory in a third world country, use the Confusion Spell, and make some potions that are often used and consumed. Will there be a shortage of gold galleons?

Does he still need to write books, start an alchemy workshop, and do business?

In Ryan's view, the potion of Atlantis is undoubtedly a groundbreaking invention. It allows wizards to no longer need to guard the crucible to make potions. They can soak multiple materials at the same time and precipitate them, and the rest can be handed over to Muggles or wizards with average potion skills.

If the original process is followed, no matter how skilled the potion master is, he can only rely on his proficiency in potion making to make a few copies at the same time, or directly boil a large pot of the same potion. This efficiency is really too slow.

If the wizards in the academy are skilled, they can soak the potion materials in one breath, and the consumption of magic power is small. In addition, magic power is actually like muscle for wizards. The consumption is just for easier understanding. The consumed magic power does not directly reduce the muscles, but consumes physical strength. The physical strength consumed by soaking the potion materials is converted into exercise, which is similar to picking up a can of Coke.

So Ryan "visited" Atlantis many times. With Ryan's continuous "efforts", he finally reached a strategic partnership with Atlantis. They provided people and Ryan provided strength.

Even the channels passed down by Smith's ancestors, Ryan reluctantly shared and opened them to the wizards of Atlantis for cooperation. What a noble and selfless spirit!

Ryan got the gold galleons, the underwater wizards got the materials, the wizarding world got cheaper potions, and we all have a bright future!

Although Ryan no longer needs to be as busy as before, and this cooperation is no longer necessary, but the recent discovery made Ryan find that these little brothers in Atlantis are still quite useful, and Yuecheng and them are actually connected.

Under Ryan's soft and hard persuasion, Yuecheng actually placed an order through Atlantis, and they just need to wait for them to receive the huge arbitrary door. The moon, this beautiful woman with a lute half-covered face, will also welcome Ryan's visit. For the unity and development of the wizarding world, Ryan has no choice but to do it!

Unconsciously, it was already night. Harry still wanted to stay in Atlantis, but Ryan refused sternly: "Harry, controlling two bodies for a long time will cause you serious trauma. It's late. Go back now and you can still catch up with the dinner at Hogwarts."

"Okay, Ryan, but fortunately I got rid of Ron in the afternoon, and the other body is lying in the dormitory. Otherwise, how can I read this afternoon." Harry put down the book reluctantly, and the book turned into a meteor and flew back to the "starry sky".

"Ryan, how do we go back? Are we still going to see the Staff of Poseidon?" Hermione said with lingering fear.

"It won't be so troublesome to go back." Ryan pretended to touch the necklace on his chest. The next second, the four disappeared on the spot, and the real them replaced the other body in Hogwarts.

Harry panted and exhaled. After the strong sense of weightlessness, he opened his eyes in the Ravenclaw dormitory, as if he had never left.

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