Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 A life as peaceful as water

More than a month has passed before he knew it, and now it is October 29th. During this time, Harry Potter has lived a rare peaceful life.

Professor Quirrell, except for his increasingly bad complexion, has not made any trouble in class. Dudley is also surprisingly honest. Even though he is already the tyrant of Hufflepuff, he has never troubled Harry for some reason.

Draco Malfoy, the original enemy, has long since become a silent friend. If it is not necessary, there will be no extra communication between them.

Perhaps it is Lucius Malfoy's effort (he said it in the few conversations with Draco), Rita Skeeter never wrote about his scandals again, and now Harry sometimes feels that everything before is like a dream.

Even his troublesome friend, Ron, who has always been unwilling to be ordinary and wants to hype up the heat, Harry has found a good way to deal with him - flatter him.

"Ron, I heard that you know a lot about Quidditch. Can you introduce it to me?" Harry said to him as soon as Ron showed signs of illness, and sometimes it was other problems that Harry knew Ron would have.

But recently, Harry finally found a universal solution, that is, chess, and Ron is really good at it. Once Ron has the urge to do something rash, Harry will deduce from chess that he is smart, and then pretend to flatter him and say that he will definitely not do it. This is an unwise approach.

In this way, Ron, one of the fuses of Harry's peaceful life, was solved.

However, although Harry's life is peaceful on a daily basis, it does not mean that it is developing in a good direction.

After he became a seeker, Snape, the potion teacher, never praised him in class. Sure enough, Snape was still angry because his seeker father angered Voldemort and killed his mother. No, just because he became a seeker, his attitude changed. If it weren't for his brief training in Atlantis, he probably wouldn't even give himself an occasional stiff smile.

The worst thing is not this. Roger Davis's teaching and the so-called tactical seminars made Harry no longer confident in himself.

Harry knew that he was a genius. In Ron's eyes, even his brother Charlie was a little inferior to him. But could he really do it alone?

If he failed in the end, would he become the loser who did not cooperate with his tactics in Roger's mouth?

Fortunately, everything was fine except these. Ryan didn't know what he was busy with recently. As soon as he had free time, he disappeared, leaving Harry no chance to go to Atlantis again.

What Harry didn't know was that the reason why he had been able to live peacefully until now was because Ryan was busy with other things and had no time to bother Harry again.

The reason for Harry's enthusiasm in the previous month was actually Dudley Dursley becoming a wizard, and this was originally done by Ryan.

In the past month, Ryan has been trying to locate and find the route to Moon City.

It's strange that Ryan can't go to the moon through the portal even though it has been determined to be on the moon. There is no level 6 wizard in Moon City, Ryan can be sure of this.

Because every lv6 wizard has a strong and indelible mark in Ryan's magic vision. As a reserve of gods (lv7), they are extraordinary beings.

Lv6 wizards cannot be matched by mastering a certain spell of lv6 power. If you really want to count it this way, there are many wizards with such trump cards.

There are several such existences among the underwater wizards. Amelia Burns's all-round protection is also at the level of lv6. Flitwick, Snape, and Magg are also at about the same level.

Lv6 is a transformation of the life level. Voldemort is a magical transformation. Dumbledore is the most outrageous. He completed the transformation by relying on a concept, philosophical thinking, and what he called love!

Then, the wizards of Moon City should not be able to stop him, but after Ryan "thinks", he finds that they have fully mastered the hidden concept of the moon itself, relying on the group.

Their magic power has become a common concept, which is very similar to Atlantis. Atlantis is peaceful, and Moon City is hidden. Ryan seriously suspects that they copied Smith.

In addition, they are still on the moon, too far away from the earth, and the gap between them and Ryan is also narrowed by such a long distance.

After this period of time, Ryan was surprised to find that he did nothing, except occasionally accompanying Penelope and Kate, looking for a good relationship, and he hadn't visited Harry for a long time.

Harry Potter actually lived a peaceful life, even when he failed to land in Moon City.

How dare Dudley Dursley! How can he be a good person? Ryan made him a wizard at the beginning, in addition to studying the spell on Harry, it was also to make Ryan's peaceful life a little bit more exciting.

Ryan has regretted letting Harry Potter become a Ravenclaw more than once. If he was a Gryffindor, he would go out at night every day, and would be teased by Ryan's little pranks from time to time, resulting in being caught, and finally Gryffindor would become a Gryffindor with fewer points, which would be a good thing!

And how come Ron is so easy to deal with? Didn't he say that he would find the talkative Sage to write a book?

If he really wrote it, Ryan would be willing to secretly invest and sell it through Smith's channels. He would not be afraid of losing money. Now Ryan is rich again.

Ryan rubbed his hair, but no hair fell. It was really boring. He was so strong that his hair didn't fall off. Ryan used to like playing with his hair.

In fact, all these failures and the lack of fun to watch are not problems.

The most annoying thing is that Halloween is coming soon. Kate and Penello take this holiday very seriously, and they have to spend time preparing for activities.

Moreover, the aroma of roasted pumpkin is now spreading everywhere, which makes Ryan think of a dark dish, his brother's favorite pumpkin rice in his previous life.

Pumpkin, whether used as pumpkin juice or used to make sweet soup, is accepted and even liked by Ryan.

But if you mix it with rice and make it look like eight-treasure rice, it will undoubtedly be a nightmare. When I was a child in my previous life, I was the only one in the family who hated it. I could only eat the part that was not contaminated by the pumpkin.

The taste of roasted pumpkin was almost the same as pumpkin rice. Ryan rubbed his eye point, temporarily blocking his sense of smell.

At the same time, I was also thinking about something to be happy about, "By the way! This guy Quirrell, he will release a troll on Halloween in two days!"

In this way, Quirrell has the opportunity to steal the Philosopher's Stone, Halloween is ruined, and he only has to give gifts. If he uses this time to do something sexy, Harry can also get a "surprise", which is not enough!

"Everyone can have the Halloween they want, well, except Snape, who will be bitten by a dog, as expected."

"Halloween is great." Ryan smiled expectantly.

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