Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 Harry and Ron's tryst

The next day, early in the morning.

Harry was very surprised. He had already prepared for a cold. However, his body was still warm, not even uncomfortable. He looked at the invisible cloak he was still wearing, "Is that you?"

He shook his head, stood up and stretched his body, and saw the floor again where his feet should be. The invisible cloak was really interesting.

He slowly approached the door and pushed it open carefully.

It was already dawn, and there were few people staying in Ravenclaw. At this time, the 6th floor was deserted and silent.

Harry held his breath and slowly came to the spiral staircase. He climbed and climbed until he was about to sweat, and the wooden door with a bronze eagle ring finally appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, neither Filch nor Professor Snape was squatting here. He thought for a moment, answered the question briefly, and the door opened.

Behind him, a wizard wearing a black long cloak and a bitter face separated from the surrounding environment. It was Snape. He used the Disillusionment Charm and waited for Harry's safe return.

Snape smiled, as if he was laughing at the fact that this boy really didn't look like James. If it was James, he would have risked his life to come back. Harry Potter, no, Harry Evans is the continuation of Lily.

He was in a trance for a moment, then turned around, threw his cloak, and strode away.

On the other side, Harry just bumped into Ron who was about to go out to look for him.

Just think about it, when you were in school, you were inseparable from your brother in the same dormitory. When you had to wait for each other even when you got up, when he suddenly disappeared and you touched the bed and found that there was no warmth at all, how anxious you would be.

And now Ron is like this. After accompanying Harry to put back the invisible cloak, Ron scolded Harry in the hall: "You should have woken me up so that I could see your family."

"You can come tonight. I will go again. I want you to see the mirror." Harry said expectantly, playing with the porridge without touching it at all.

"Come on, you'd better not go tonight. What if Filch and Snape are there to watch--" Ron actually used his brain for the first time, which surprised Ryan who was playing with the cat next to him. But Harry didn't care about being surprised. He interrupted Ron's speech, "Let's go there directly after dinner, not back to the common room!"

"Okay, I really want to see your parents." Ron said again, but the tone was like a young daughter-in-law who wanted to meet her future parents-in-law, which made Ryan very disgusted, but Harry had long been accustomed to it.

"I also want to see your whole family, the Weasley family, you can point out your other brothers and all your relatives to me." Harry's eyes were shining.

"You can see them anytime," Ron said in a nonchalant way. To be honest, he was sorted into Ravenclaw in the beginning, not only to be with Harry, but also because he had a certain affection for Hermione.

But now, he has completely forgotten Hermione, and only Harry is in his eyes.

Now, he has eagerly invited Harry, "Come to our house this summer vacation. However, maybe only dead people will appear in the mirror."

"Harry, why don't you eat anything? You just slept on the floor all night! It's good for you to eat some bacon." Ron said carefully.

Ryan couldn't help rolling his eyes. Ron Weasley really has a flexible ability to read the air. When he is not interested, no matter how obvious you are, he will not pay attention, just like when he asked Harry about football.

And when he is interested or full, he is particularly careful and his IQ is online.

However, these are not the main reasons for Ryan rolling his eyes.

Ryan had already let go of his presence a little. He was just trying to make Ron worry about his Scabbers, and Harry was afraid (Harry hated cats, especially Jerry, he could sense its danger. As for why Harry didn't hate Crookshanks in the original world line, it was just because it was too ugly, not like a cat, and helped Sirius later), and until now, they only had eyes for each other, and didn't notice Ryan and the kitten Jerry at all.

This made Ryan bored and fed Jerry eggs, enjoying the pleasure of having his fingertips licked.

"Ryan, what is this? Jerry?" Harry was persuaded by Ron to eat, and suddenly found out.

"Harry, Merlin's beard, Ryan, where did you get the cat." Ron thought of Scabbers when he saw Jerry, "It doesn't eat mice."

"Harry, do you still remember its name."

"Ron, Jerry has always been there, but it's still a baby, and it's always sleeping in my pocket."

"As for whether it eats mice, look, is the hamster I drew before still there?" Ryan said to the two separately.

"Of course I remember." Harry answered reluctantly. After becoming a wizard and finding that he was indeed extraordinary, he suspected that Jerry must have the blood of some dangerous magical creature. He swore by the sense of danger he felt when he first saw Jerry and now.

"My Scabbers, it's so old, but you are still a baby - Ryan, Scabbers is always in the dormitory, you must take this cat with you." Ron said worriedly.

"Okay." Looking at Ron who was worried about his mouse, Ryan finally smiled happily.

The time was 9:35, and it was still early before the curfew of 10 o'clock.

Harry and Ron looked guilty and told Ryan that they were going to Gryffindor Tower and living with Ron's brother. Ryan pretended not to know what they were going to do and watched them pick up the bag sent by Lucius Malfoy and put the quilt in it.

Because the Mirror of Erised this time was not placed on the route out of the library like the original world line, it was closer to the Ravenclaw Tower. In addition, Harry stayed there until he woke up in the morning, so he saw the location clearly. This time, Harry and Ron, wearing the invisibility cloak, quickly found the room where the magic mirror was placed.

"It's here - it's here - that's right!" They pushed open the door.

Harry took off the invisibility cloak from his shoulders, threw the bag on the ground, and ran to the mirror.

Greedily looking at everything in the mirror, his face was full of joy, and his mouth was about to smile crookedly. Ron carefully blocked the door, picked up the bag beside him, took out the quilt from it, and wrapped it around himself.

"I'm freezing," Ron said, "Why are you in such a hurry? We still have a whole night."

"Did you see it?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"I can't see anything." Ron huddled back into the quilt.

"Look! Look... they're all there... there's a lot of people..." Harry was eager to show his family to his friends.

"I can only see you." Ron emphasized again. If he didn't know what kind of person Harry was, he would probably think Harry was joking with him.

"Take a good look, come over here and stand where I am." Harry pulled Ron over and said unhappily.

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