Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 Dumbledore's Plan

My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Everyone else calls me Albus Dumbledore, Percival after my father, Wulfric, and Brian after my ancestor.

However, my full name is known to only my brother Albusford and that other person in the world. The others at most know my middle name as Percival.

Recently, the boy in the prophecy finally came to Hogwarts. He was kind, pure, and even smart. He went to Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin, which was chosen by the Tom potential in him.

Great, that means I made the right choice.

Before I knew he was a living Horcrux, I had already decided that the boy would be raised by Lily's relatives. Only under the cultivation of Lily's love spell could he truly become a prophecy star.

And with the help of Mrs. Figg, I know everything about Harry's upbringing and everything about him.

I have hesitated many times whether my decision was correct, and the other me in my heart was even happy about it. The accumulation of negative magic power would transform the little wizard into another powerful magical creature, Obscurus.

And Harry, under the protection of Lily's spell, will not develop in the direction of Obscurus, but will only increase his potential. Only in this way can he be regarded as the true son of prophecy. If I fail, I will be the one to defeat Tom.

When I discovered my dirty thoughts, I was even ready to convince myself to adopt Harry.

But at this time, I suddenly discovered that Harry was a Horcrux.

Fortunately, thanks to Lily's spell, that part of Tom had been digested and became just another part of Harry, but this meant that Harry's death was the best way to truly kill Voldemort.

I didn't know what to do, so I decided to let go of the horrible idea of ​​adopting Harry.

Although there are many smart, wise wizards who think that I am great, selfless, and a successful shining person. But I understand that I am a failure and I am incapable of cultivating a sound and happy soul.

And, if Harry was really with me, could I really suppress the thought of killing Harry?

I am not a noble person, and that terrible thought flashed through me when I discovered Harry's identity.

Just like I don't dare to touch power, I don't dare to touch Harry.

What's more, at that time, I had unrealistic thoughts about the existence of the invisibility cloak. If I collected all the Deathly Hallows, then!

Even now, I feel scared for who I was at that time.

Harry enrolled in Ravenclaw, along with two other Peverell descendants, Ryan and Neville.

And they are both children in the prophecy, it's just that Harry was marked by Tom, and Harry is more - wait, if this means that Harry is not necessary, I can?

It's so disgusting, me.

Dudley also became a wizard, fulfilling Petunia's original wish to become a wizard. However, this made me discover that there was a dark wizard hiding behind the scenes who had ill intentions towards Harry.

Petunia and his family also suffered bad consequences because of my decision to adopt Harry.

How selfish am I, for the greatest good? I've really never changed.

Tom also entered the school and possessed the back of the head of Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Really, does he still hold grudges against me for rejecting him as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

Quirrell, this child, has always wanted to show his suspiciousness in front of me. But he didn't understand at all that if he didn't say Tom's existence personally, or explicitly refused, I would no longer be able to separate Tom from him without guaranteeing Quirrell's life.

Moreover, after he was knocked down by the power of Harry's love spell, he clearly could have approached me to solve the problem, but he refused and even deliberately avoided me.

He was knocked down by Harry twice, two chances.

Desire is really the most difficult thing for human beings to get rid of. It’s the same for me, and so is Quirrell.

I deliberately found Nick's magic stone as bait, and sure enough, Tom quickly took the bait.

The reason why I chose this year is, firstly, because Nick has lived enough recently, just right; secondly, I want to fish Tom out of the Albanian forest, and I want to confirm one thing, the most important point - whether Tom knows that Harry is his Horcrux.

This is the most crucial part of the plan I came up with to save Harry's life.

However, Quirrell, or rather Tom, has never attacked Harry. According to Tom's character, he would not do this. Could it be that he knows Harry's identity?

Lucius's visit also made me discover that Tom didn't care about his Horcruxes. Then, my worst fears came true. Tom had not just one Horcrux, but many.

I can no longer let Harry stay in peace. In order to save his life in the future, I must take action.

My brain is so good that I sometimes surprise myself.

Sure enough, Harry knew about the existence of the Philosopher's Stone and that it was in the restricted area on the fourth floor.

News recently came from Mungdens that Quirrell had purchased dragon eggs and was trying to hide his identity.

Tom, Tom, he still remembers the hobbies of his junior brother Hagrid. This is an obvious sign that with Rubeus's character, Tom will definitely get the secret of the three-headed dog Luwei in the end.

Then, the next step is to create an opportunity for Tom to meet Harry face to face to see if Tom really knows.

In school, Tom didn't dare to make mistakes. The only place where he dared to be arrogant was in the Forbidden Forest.

But for some reason, the price of potions has been much cheaper recently, which makes Quirrell still have no intention of leaving for the Forbidden Forest even though Christmas is approaching.

It seems that I should hold back the salary for these weeks and pay it later, but by then, Quirrell should be arrested, so the money can be saved.

The reason is to use Dudley's crushed broom, saying that he needs to replace the teaching tools for the flying class.

I also need to contact Fudge and ask him to check the price and quantity of potions. The reason is to use Severus as an excuse, saying that based on his expertise, he thinks there is something fishy about the quality of these cheap potions.

With this two-pronged approach, Quirrell can only go to the Forbidden Forest to purchase potion materials.

Then the only problem next is how to let Harry enter the Forbidden Forest without him making any mistakes.

First, I returned the invisibility cloak to Harry so that he could develop a good habit of wandering around at night.

By the way, I let him touch the Mirror of Erised to know his true heart. After this period of time, is he still as pure as before?

The plan went smoothly. As expected, Harry went out for a night tour as soon as he got the invisibility cloak. He also got in touch with the magic mirror smoothly.

But at this time, seeing Harry's desire, I softened my heart. Is it really appropriate to use this excuse to let Harry go to the Forbidden Forest?

Forget it. After Rubeus got the dragon egg, he will be discovered by Harry sooner or later because of this matter. In the end, with Harry's character, he will help Hagrid, and finally the incident will happen.

Then let's wait a little longer, give Harry some time, some time to spend with his family.

In the night, Dumbledore stood behind Harry, looking at Harry who was crazy about his family in the mirror and thought.

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