Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 The Harry trio captured

In the next few days, Harry lived an ordinary and worry-free life again. The only thing that bothered him a little was the next game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Seamus and Dean from Gryffindor were all friends he could talk to in the Great Hall, not to mention Ron's brothers were also from Gryffindor, and the Weasley twins were directly his subordinates. A rival.

But if he wins this game, the Ravenclaw team will be ranked first, and they will be able to win the Quidditch Silver Cup that they have not won for almost a century.

This game is so important that Captain Jonny has temporarily put aside the selection of players, although this is very important.

After all, four of the Ravenclaws, including Jonny himself, are in seventh grade.

But compared to the Quidditch Silver Cup, the selection can come back next school year.

This is Johnny's last academy competition. If he wins, he may be able to use it as an honor to open the door to professional players and make his hobby his job.

Draco, on the other hand, was completely immersed in another thing - repairing his relationship with Hagrid.

Because of what happened before, Hagrid no longer lets them near his cabin.

After all, their proximity may well mean the arrival of Charlie's reply, which also means Norberta's separation from him.

In addition, he was indeed a little angry at what Harry and the three said.

However, due to Draco's superb knowledge of raising dragons, Hagrid still allowed him to stand aside for him. This made Ron very dissatisfied. Like Yaya, he showed off his injuries in front of Hagrid when he had free time (Yaya's tail was also damaged. Norbeta bit him), and from time to time he would mention his efforts for Norbeta - his bitten and swollen hand.

Finally, during a certain Transfiguration class, Ron was ordered and forcibly sent to the school doctor's office.

Madam Pomfrey clearly saw something, but said nothing. As a Slytherin graduate, she was very cold and not curious.

In the original world line, Harry and Ron insisted on seeing Hermione's performance after being petrified, which moved Professor McGonagall to tears, but Madam Pomfrey just felt reluctant, "Talking to a petrified person, It’s all a waste of time.”

Quirrell also started his own actions. Every night, he tried to attack the unicorn alone, but the unicorn's magic was too powerful, so he could only "reluctantly" pick some herbs to brew the potion.

This also meant that Charlie's letter was given to Harry by Hedwig just four days later.

Dear Ron:

Are you OK? They must not be seen illegally carrying a dragon. Can you take a Ridgeback to the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? Please hear back from me as soon as possible. Love you.


This letter may seem normal to Harry and there is nothing strange about it.

But in Ryan's opinion, it's too suspicious. That's why we have to go to the highest tower? Instead of going directly to Hagrid's Hut.

And is it so easy to get into Hogwarts? ——Without the permission of the principal.

In the original world line, it took a week for this letter to reach Harry, but now it is earlier. Dumbledore definitely knows about Charlie's actions and has even communicated with him, but Professor McGonagall doesn't know about it.

The reason for this, almost leading them to be captured, was just to bring Harry and Voldemort face to face to confirm whether Voldemort knew that Harry was a Horcrux.

And why the letter got to Harry early was because of the difference between Quirrell and the original world line.

Quirrell in this world line, because of the cheapness of potions and being knocked down by Harry twice, he was not completely controlled by Voldemort at this time.

So much so that he did not attack the unicorn under Voldemort's control, which led to his behavior being discovered by Dumbledore, and Dumbledore's plan was advanced.

If it were the original world line, Quirrell had become Voldemort's puppet at this time. In order to strengthen this temporary body, he absorbed the blood of the unicorn.

And because of Voldemort's superb skills, unlike Quirrell who could easily reveal his flaws, Dumbledore noticed that he took the risk and attacked the unicorn.

At this time, Hagrid was obsessed with Xiaolong again, so Hagrid naturally couldn't find it.

It was not until a week later that Dumbledore discovered that innocent lives had been attacked, so he asked Charlie to reply to the letter and launched the plan.

Dumbledore, this bad old man, is really bad!

"It seems that I have to prepare as soon as possible. It is easy to take away the Sorcerer's Stone, but it is not easy to scare Dumbledore and temper Harry at the same time." Ryan thought.

Time soon came to midnight on Saturday, and Ryan quietly followed Harry and others, preparing to see how they would be caught this time.

In the original world line, their arrest had nothing to do with Draco's complaint or Neville's well-intentioned reminder. They were all arrested because they forgot the invisibility cloak.

But what will happen to Dumbledore this time - Damn it!

Ryan was dumbfounded. This time, Dumbledore actually ended up directly. Is this okay? Is this your plan? He really doesn't respect martial ethics and bullies several young comrades who are less than second grade.

But this works. The simpler the plan, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

He just personally found Professor McGonagall who was resting in his study on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle. He said that he had seen a young wizard lingering in the astronomy tower. He had something to do and wanted to leave Hogwarts for a while. He hoped that Professor McGonagall would Just go and have a look.

This is nothing, just a snitch, it’s not shabby!

However, Ryan did not expect that Dumbledore would withdraw and return. He calculated the time and after Harry and the other two sent Norberta away, he hid beside them and cast a spell, making Harry and the other two forget about the invisibility cloak and walk downstairs with ease.

This is OK. It is not that our army is not strong, but that the enemy has Gundam!

Even if Harry and Draco are very careful now, how can they not be caught by Dumbledore's direct dimensionality reduction attack! Good guy.

The final result is that Harry and the other two ran into Professor McGonagall, who was wearing a plaid morning gown and a hairnet.

"You follow me." Professor McGonagall said calmly, but everyone could hear the anger under her calm voice.

Harry could even feel Professor McGonagall's disappointed look, which was more intense than the blow of words.

In the long calm, they came to Professor McGonagall's study on the second floor, where they sat without saying a word.

Ron was trembling all over, and his ears were red.

Malfoy's skin was as white as the Bloody Baron.

"I can't believe it was you guys. Filch said you went to the Astronomy Tower. Don't forget it's one in the morning. Explain yourself."

"Speak up, Mr. Potter. I thought you were different from your father, or more like your mother, but it seems I was wrong." Professor McGonagall said disappointedly.

Still silent, Harry and the other two lowered their heads and stared at their toes.

"All three of you will be put in detention, deducting 20 points each!" Professor McGonagall said angrily when she saw that they didn't say a word, breathing heavily with her long pointed nose.

"Professor - please -"'

"You can't -" Harry finally spoke, but he couldn't find any excuse to defend himself.

"You don't have to tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Well, all of you go to bed. If you don't want to say why, then don't say it, wait for the detention later." Professor McGonagall concluded.

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