Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Harry's Crazy Idea

The best thing about being a Ravenclaw student is that there is always someone to answer your questions.

As long as you ask questions publicly on the blackboard or in the lounge, there will always be a little eagle who is interested in answering the questions, and can even tell you which book they are from.

But today, Harry doesn't want to go back to the lounge.

There are too many people in the hall, and many people are interested in the story Ron made up before.

Dumbledore's suspected personality collapse and Harry's concern that Ryan might take the Philosopher's Stone and leave Hogwarts made Harry urgently need to divert his attention.

Why American wizards can stay awake all the time is a good excuse.

Harry has guessed that it is a stimulant, but the effect of the stimulant is not that good.

Judging from the photos in the Daily Prophet, those American wizards are very energetic, none of them yawn, and even one is so bored that he is playing with his hair, but he hasn't dozed off yet.

If you find Professor Snape, this question should be answered.

However, it's a bit strange to say that Professor Snape has always regarded Harry as his favorite student.

But apart from the classroom, they had almost no private communication, and Harry was always embarrassed to meet his mother's friend.

As a Slytherin student, Draco did not dare to contact his own dean, let alone Ron.

"Come on, why don't we go back to the common room? There must be someone in Ravenclaw who knows, just like Susan, she is only a Hufflepuff, but she knows the knowledge that Percy doesn't know!" Ron suggested.

"Hagrid! We can find an adult wizard! He may know!" Harry said excitedly.

"Hagrid and potions?" Draco looked unconvinced.

Although Draco now regards Hagrid as his friend, it's not that Draco looks down on him, Hagrid doesn't look like a bookish wizard.

And he dropped out of school. If he mentions magical creatures, he believes Hagrid will understand.

"We can also find out what Hagrid said about what happened last night to Professor Dumbledore." Harry suddenly thought of this.

"Yes, even the unicorn, the black-robed wizard easily solved it, we need to let Dumbledore know his danger." Draco also suggested.

Although he didn't want Harry to think of Voldemort again, this matter was indeed necessary.

"As far as I'm concerned, that person is Quirrell! Quirrell is from Ravenclaw, it's not surprising that he has such skills."

"He may have mastered the unknown weakness of the unicorn." Ron said on the way to Hagrid's hut.

"Ron, you are probably right, Quirrell's back of the head may really be Voldemort!"

"This morning, I found a note left by Dumbledore on the invisibility cloak, which read: Just in case."

"That wizard is so dangerous, why did he leave a message to me!"

"I'm not bragging, I may really have magic against Voldemort. When I was just a baby, I defeated him, and now I'm a wizard!" Harry hesitated again and again, and told what happened this morning and his thoughts.

"Harry! You're crazy. The back of Quirrell's head is the You-Know-Who or something. It's just nonsense I said yesterday!" Ron showed a look of horror and stopped.

"Yes, Harry, that just in case may be for us to tell Professor McGonagall or Snape at the critical moment."

"Hagrid said before that we know about the fourth floor."

"We also know that the person who covets the Philosopher's Stone has broken through the first level!" Draco said hurriedly.

"No, that is probably referring to me going!"

"My scar hurt when school started. At that time, I thought it was Snape, but now I know it was Voldemort, and only Voldemort can make my scar touched - you know, it was left by Voldemort!"

"In the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the power contained in my body in the first two times was obviously not magical, because Quirrell touched it - Ron, you are right - Voldemort is on the back of Quirrell's head!" Harry said categorically, and Ron and Draco both showed worried expressions.


During the quarrel, the three of them had unknowingly arrived at Hagrid's hut.

This time, Fang had returned to the hut, and before Harry knocked on the door, Fang came up.

Harry and Draco both cleverly moved away, and Ron was covered in Fang's saliva again.

"Kids, are you all right?" Hagrid walked out of the hut, looking worried, "It was too dangerous last night, I don't understand why Professor Dumbledore--"

"So, it was Professor Dumbledore who arranged this detention!" Harry said excitedly.

"Hagrid, we want to ask if there is anything that can keep wizards awake all the time." Draco asked hurriedly, he was afraid that Harry would say something out of line, and he also wanted Harry to stop thinking about those crazy things for the time being.

"Oh, it's the Daily Prophet!"

"There have been a lot of strange creatures in Diagon Alley recently, but unfortunately - you didn't hear it!" Hagrid cleared his throat, "Except for Newt, I'm afraid that this problem is only me and Professor Celticburn of Care of Magical Creatures in the whole Hogwarts!"

"This has nothing to do with potions!" Ron asked in surprise, which made him not notice that his robes were soaked with Fang's saliva.

"This is related to the Horned Beast!"

"The Horned Beast has a head like a frog, horns, fangs and bright red eyes, and its body is similar to a big dog."

"It is a magical creature that mainly lives in Wisconsin, North America."

"It feeds on the Moon Beast. Grinding its horn into powder and taking it can make people unaffected by alcohol and stay awake for seven days and seven nights."

"Moreover, there are no side effects at all. This is why American wizards often work overtime." Hagrid stood up and said while gesturing.

"Eat the Moon Beast! Fortunately, we don't have the Divine Horned Beast here." Ron said with a chill, "However, American wizards will not use the Moon Beast to--"

"Don't worry, the Divine Horned Beast just likes to eat the Moon Beast, he doesn't have to have it." Hagrid explained hurriedly.

"What is the Moon Beast?" Draco looked confused. He was only good at dragons and some evil spells.

"A very cute magical creature that only comes out of the cave and dances on the night of the full moon." Ron explained.

And Harry on the side was still immersed in his own world.

"Aha! - Did you hear that? Dumbledore arranged this detention on purpose. He must want me to defeat Voldemort and save the unicorn!" Harry said excitedly after leaving Hagrid's hut.

"You're crazy! Harry. With Dumbledore here, you'd better not think about it for the time being." Ron and Draco said in unison, ending the topic.

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