Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 187 The Magician in the Moonlight

Time goes back to the weekend of the first week of June.

At that time, Quirrell was still correcting homework to pretend to be normal; Dumbledore was preparing to "leave" next Wednesday.

At this time, a ray of moonlight floated from the void into the small house at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor. The three-headed dog Fluffy squinted his eyes, feeling as if he had returned to the time when he was still a child and was raised by Hagrid.

No! This room has no windows!

As a precious pet used by Greek wizards to guard the door, Fluffy's wisdom is not as stupid as it looks.

Just as it tried to smell whether there were any hidden thieves around, a cold voice sounded, and it lost consciousness.

Along with the moonlight appeared a young man in a white dress, wearing a monocle, and holding a civilized staff. He was like he was born with the moonlight and stood here since ancient times.

If a time traveler saw this scene, he would definitely exclaim-Kaito Kidd!

From the appearance, he should be from Asia, with black hair and bright yellow skin like jade, and with his appearance, the whole house seemed to be filled with moonlight.

The young man smiled inscrutablely, and with his right hand in white gloves, he leaned straight down to the ground with his civilized cane.

The three-headed dog Lu Wei, who had fainted on the spot, floated up out of thin air - then the trap door under the three-headed dog opened automatically, revealing a dark passage without a ladder.

He was like a magician performing on stage, no, if people in the 21st century were watching, he was more like a live broadcast.

"Hush, I won't introduce myself first." He bowed slightly, and his feet in white leather shoes "walked" down from the passage, but there was obviously no staircase.

He walked slowly, and with his arrival, the originally dark underground room showed his true appearance - a room with vines crawling on the ground and walls.

It was illuminated by the accompanying moonlight at this moment, and all the vines shrank into the corner like a group of active snakes.

"Oh, is this the Devil's Snare? I've never seen it on the moon."

"But it's so gentle."

"Any wizard will create light in a dark environment. The Devil's Snare, which is afraid of sunlight, can't hurt any wizard at all - it even acts as a cushion." He walked down the invisible stairs muttering to himself, and a small section of the Devil's Snare in the corner automatically broke and fell off, and then flew to the right hand of the young man who had already stood at the bottom of the room.

"As an excellent magician, don't forget to restore the crime scene." He took a look, and then he threw it on the ground, and accompanied him to the next room. The broken vines crawled back to the original place like a small snake, as if they had never broken or left.

If Professor Sprout, who set up this defense line, saw it, he would definitely be surprised - the Devil's Snare will not heal automatically.

The only passage in this room, except for the trap door that is now just a spot of light, is a stone corridor.

"Oh, it seems that the final destination is down." The mysterious young man took a step and walked down, "It's worthy of Britain, damp and cold."

This corridor is a downward slope, and the air here is very humid, and water droplets drip slowly along the walls of the corridor.

After a while, the mysterious young man left the first room, the trap door above closed automatically, the devil's snare stretched out again, and the three-headed dog woke up, but he didn't remember anything.

Under some mysterious magic, everything returned to its original state.

Even if Dumbledore came to check in person, he would not find any traces of anyone breaking in.

At the end of the corridor, in front of him was a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling.

Countless birds as dazzling as gems fluttered their wings and flew around the room.

There was a heavy wooden door opposite the room.

In this room, soft rustling and tinkling sounds continued to sound, like an irregular music.

"Interesting 'birds', childlike in nature, full of imagination." The young man touched his chin and commented on the founder of the defense line.

He did not look at the flying broom prepared by the owner of the defense line for intruders, nor did he use his mysterious magic again.

"One of the necessary conditions for a magician is superb skills that are difficult for the naked eye to see clearly." He put the civilization stick on the left waist, bent down slightly, and put his right hand on the top of the stick.

Then, a silver "giant net" was born from the cane in the young man's right hand!

It did not catch the keys that looked like birds, but like a laser net, it cut all the keys it touched into two.

This is the trace of a sharp blade swinging!

It turned out that the civilization stick in the young man's hand had turned into a sharp blade with a very thin blade, and the original body of the civilization stick was used as a scabbard.

In that second, he actually stood there and swung it hundreds of times, and the invisible sharp power also surged from the blade. After separating the keys, it just disappeared when it hit the wall.

He stood there and inserted the sharp blade as bright as moonlight into the left side of the stick again. He stretched out his right hand again, and the only key that did not split into two and only lost its wings just fell on his outstretched right hand.

"Finally I stretched my muscles." He walked to the heavy wooden door and went to the next room.

Similarly, after he left, under his magic, everything returned to the appearance of no one breaking in.

The next room was dark and nothing could be seen.

After he stepped in, the room suddenly lit up, and a huge chessboard appeared in front of the young man.

In front of him were black chess pieces, about 2 meters high, which seemed to be carved from black stone or something.

At the other end of the room, facing him, were some white chess pieces without facial features.

"Interesting, you think the intruder is black, and you are white, the righteous side, and you don't even have a face, and you still want to intimidate the intruder?" The young man raised his eyebrows unhappily and drew out his magic wand for the first time.

It can't be said to be drawn out, this civilized stick is his magic wand, and it has returned to its original 7-inch appearance.

"Vera Verto! (Latin: I convert, I exchange.)" The young man waved his magic wand and chanted, and the colors of the chess pieces in front of the young man and the chess pieces on the opposite side changed to white and black respectively.

"That's good." The young man smiled.

"Sometimes if you pay too much attention to rules, you will be restricted by others."

"The second necessary condition for a magician is to learn to ignore the rules." The young man turned his head, as if talking to someone.

Then, his body turned into moonlight again, and when he reappeared, it was already the entrance to the next room.

He seemed to have foreseen something, and stopped at the entrance for a moment, "destroy!"

The giant monster in the room, who was tilting his head to see if there was anyone outside the door, and the unpleasant stench, all disappeared the moment the voice sounded.

"The third necessary condition for a magician - strength."

Then, he stepped happily into the next room.

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