Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Space Hall

When Ron and Draco quarreled about the moon, Harry was confused.

He finally understood that Draco's stories always ended with him narrowly avoiding a Muggle helicopter, not to attract his attention.

And Ron also told the story that he once rode Charlie's broken broom and almost hit a hang glider, not to compete with Draco.

They really lack common sense.

Draco thought Wink's story was unreliable, not because there was a moon on the moon, and he only relied on sweeping six stars, but because he liked to brag and was unreliable.

According to this, maybe in the eyes of Draco and Ron, their stories are very complete and without loopholes?

Harry finally understood why there is a Muggle Studies class.

"Wait a minute, what you said is too outrageous."

"Outrageous? Harry is talking about me? Not Weasley?"

"Harry, I, Ron Weasley, will never be wrong in this regard."

Harry's words made the two of them quiet down temporarily.

"Do you know how far the moon is from the earth? - About 60 million miles, and take the Nimbus 1000, which is much faster than the Sweep Six, for example, its speed is 100 miles per hour."

"Then this means that if the wizard uses the Nimbus 1000, he will need 600,000 hours, which is 25,000 days, or 68 years." Harry looked at them meaningfully.

"Merlin's beard!"

"How dare Wink!" Ron couldn't help but sneered.

"How did you get this number?" Draco keenly discovered the blind spot.

"Don't you know that the United States landed on the moon more than 20 years ago." Harry held his forehead with his hand, speechless.

"Are American wizards so powerful? Has Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry surpassed Hogwarts? It is worthy of being a school founded by the descendants of Slytherin!" Draco looked longing.

"No, it's Muggles." Harry emphasized.

"How could it be! Just Muggles——" Draco collapsed again. He had always been proud of wizards, but he found that the Muggles he looked down upon were so powerful.

"Did they use magic?" Ron was also surprised.

In his opinion, Muggles were like his poor relatives. Although they should be treated kindly, it was a theorem that they were not as good as wizards, an undeniable theorem.

"Without magic, they relied on their technology."

"And it took about four days." Although Harry was at the elementary school level and didn't understand more things like the first cosmic speed, he still understood some common sense.

Hearing this, Draco and Ron's worldview broke down.

If they were introduced to nuclear bombs, guns and the like, they would not be too surprised, as some magic could also do it.

But such a long distance and speed made them, as Quidditch enthusiasts, deeply understand the gap between Muggles and wizards.

"The fastest Nimbus 2000 is only 186 miles per hour." Ron said with a dry throat.

"Harry, the mysterious wizard you are talking about must be from the United States. He can land on the moon and looks like he has lived there for a long time. He must have used Muggle methods." Draco regained his composure, but his pride would never go back.

This is why Muggle Studies classes never talk about these things. They talk more about Muggle clothing, food, housing, transportation and behavior.

Airplanes, rockets, moon landings, things that hit wizards' self-confidence, Hogwarts Muggle Studies classes will not talk about them.

Voldemort was born too early. 50 years ago, he was just a fifth-year student at Hogwarts.

When the United States landed on the moon, he was almost 40 years old. His worldview at that time was already fixed, and he missed the opportunity to bury the Horcrux on the moon.

This is why the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries has a special space hall.

The Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries is more like a place for the Ministry of Magic to do research, and even the Minister of Magic cannot know the content of it.

Their employees are called silent people. Employees are forbidden to discuss their work content and cannot disclose any information related to the department.

The study of space is also regarded by them as something that cannot be known by ordinary people, just like love, time, thought, and death.

Just like their other work.

They study love in the Hall of Love, which is always locked according to Albus Dumbledore; they study time in the Hall of Time, where the Ministry of Magic stored the time converter before the outbreak of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries; they study the nature of thought in the Hall of Brains; they also study death in the Hall of Death, where there is an arch with a curtain: people who approach it can hear the voice of their deceased loved ones, and those who cross the curtain will die directly.

This shows how much they value space.

Ryan couldn't help thinking this after hearing Harry's conversation.

However, although the Department of Mysteries looks tall and has a high degree of autonomy, they are still no match for Voldemort.

After Voldemort controlled the Ministry of Magic, the Department of Mysteries fabricated false research conclusions for the new regime.

That is, magic can only be inherited through the birth of wizards, and the magical abilities of Muggle-borns may be acquired through theft or violence. This also marked the beginning of the Ministry of Magic establishing the Muggle-Born Registration Committee and beginning to persecute Muggle-borns.

It's really ridiculous. This is the disadvantage of not turning research into combat power. Moreover, their research is too advanced, which is not accessible to them at this level.

Ryan has also read the content of their research. It is all specious speculation and summary of rules.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore said that the wizard is likely to come from the United States. He also guessed that the wizard has never been to the ground." While Ryan was thinking, Harry affirmed Draco's guess.

"What is the Ministry of Magic doing? My father loves to study the things of the Muggle world so much, but he has never been taken seriously!" Ron was very indignant.

Because of his mother's influence, he also thought that his father's research was interesting, but he was just not doing his job.

But now, in his eyes, his father is the future of the wizarding world, and he may even be the first wizard to use magic to land on the moon!

Those Americans who take shortcuts with Muggle means can't be compared with his father at all.

Now, Ron even thinks that Dumbledore is not as great as his father.

His father, Arthur Weasley, is the Prometheus of the wizarding world, stealing the spark of the Muggle moon landing technology for wizards!

"Indeed, it's ridiculous, Ministry of Magic." Draco nodded in agreement at this time.

As the mortal enemy of the Weasley family, a member of the Malfoy family.

Since he was a child, he has heard his father slander Arthur Weasley, which is even more than the entire Weasley family.

This makes Draco know his father even better than Ron.

Now, in Draco's eyes, Ron's father is greater than Ron's imagination.

Even now, he thinks that Ron's family's poor appearance is a proof of greatness! ——And, shining!

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