Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 201 Principal's Office

It was already late at night, and there was still an hour before the curfew of 10 o'clock.

"You should go back quickly, it's almost 10 o'clock. Filch especially likes to pretend to accidentally stop students from returning to the common room at this time, so that they can go to his office to receive punishment." Ron looked at the clock on the wall.

Although Ron enjoyed being noticed, he didn't want to be noticed by his two friends because of his great father at this moment.

He felt that this was a sulliation of his father's reputation.

"What? The toilet was also invented by Muggles?"

"Well, and Muggles have many different ways of entertainment from the wizarding world."

But Harry and Draco still looked like they didn't want to leave. Draco was still asking Harry about something in the Muggle world, and Harry was talking about computers and games that he had never had the chance to touch.

"Harry, the Philosopher's Stone is gone, what is Dumbledore's reaction? Where is Nick Flamel? Will he die?" Ron asked quickly. He was very anxious now. This was a question that he had finally thought of that should divert their attention.

In this way, Harry would no longer discuss Muggle world things with Draco around his father.

"The Philosopher's Stone?"

"According to Dumbledore and his plan, even if the Philosopher's Stone was not stolen, he would have destroyed it in front of Voldemort according to the original plan, so as to prevent Hogwarts from being targeted by Voldemort because of it."

"Nicolas Flamel and his wife had lived long enough, and they just prepared some elixirs to prepare for their afterlife." Harry's eyes were filled with memories.

"In my opinion, Dumbledore must have lied to you, or Nicolas Flamel lied."

"He is probably really tired of it, but it's because he is tired of living as Nicolas Flamel."

"He must have mastered the method of making elixirs without the Philosopher's Stone, or he has extra Philosopher's Stone."

"Under the notarization of Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard, everyone knows that he is dead and there is no Philosopher's Stone. He can change his identity and start a new journey with his lover." The more Draco spoke, the more he felt that his idea was correct.

Ron also nodded, and he also thought that Draco's statement was more reliable.

"Maybe. But I don't think Dumbledore lied or was deceived."

"Ron may know this. During Christmas, I discussed this issue with Dumbledore in front of the Mirror of Erised."

"He said a lot of profound words at the time. I can't repeat many of them completely. One sentence I remember very clearly is, 'Death is just another great adventure.'" Harry thought for a moment and expressed the opposite opinion.

"So Dumbledore let you know the function of the Mirror of Erised in advance, and arranged for us to go to the Forbidden Forest, and left you a message just in case."

"By the way, I remember you said before that you and Hagrid went to get the Philosopher's Stone together."

"Plus Hagrid is always good at talking - to you. Hagrid has emphasized many times that everything is under Dumbledore's control."

"Dumbledore, what if you fail and are killed by the mysterious man?" Draco said angrily, showing a magical fear.

"As for the incomplete You-Know-Who and Quirrell, in my opinion, they are no match for Harry at all!"

"And according to your previous idea, the Unbreakable Vow is a hoax, but Dumbledore just happened to appear - in my opinion, Dumbledore has always been hiding behind the scenes."

"No matter how we act, there will be no danger." Ron complained without caring anymore.

"Indeed, combined with what the mysterious young man said, and what I learned before, the Philosopher's Stone in the Mirror of Erised can only be obtained if you know it but don't want to take it."

"Besides, it seems that the brain block technique is useless, let alone the Confusion Spell."

"When Voldemort boasted about himself, he only mentioned that he was a master of brain block technique, and the literal understanding was only the level of brain block technique." When Harry said this, Ron and Draco couldn't help but said in unison, "We don't do anything, and the Philosopher's Stone is still safe?"

Harry nodded dejectedly.

"Dumbledore is Dumbledore after all. Although he is not as good as my father, he is still amazing."

"Harry, Saturday is the last Quidditch match of the year. You must practice tomorrow. It's almost 10 o'clock. You can go back." Ron couldn't help but admire Dumbledore first, and then ordered him to leave.


At this time, the principal's office on the 8th floor of Hogwarts was particularly lively.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and even Professor Sprout, who usually stayed in the greenhouse, came to the principal's office.

They stood around a red stone with Dumbledore and the previous principals in the magic painting on the wall.

"Is this the Philosopher's Stone?" Professor Flitwick stood on a floating chair to avoid being blocked by other professors.

"If I have it, maybe I can cure more diseases, such as dragon pox." An old witch with long silver curls in the picture frame next to her immediately opened her eyes. As a former healer of St. Mungo's, Delis Devonte was very curious.

In the picture frame closest to the ceiling, next to Delis, a yellow-faced wizard with short black bangs also said, "With the elixir of life, what disease do you need to study? Delis, you are confused."

"Evra, you!" Delis didn't expect that her former headmaster and neighbor would complain about her.

The four professors below stopped talking and looked at the Philosopher's Stone curiously.

"Pay attention! Didn't you notice that no one else was talking?" An old wizard who looked weak couldn't help but interrupted.

"Thank you, Armando." Dumbledore blinked his blue eyes at his former headmaster.

"You're welcome, Albus. It's our duty to serve the current headmaster." Armando Dippet waved his hand.

"Do you need to say it?" Phineas Nigellus, the most unpopular headmaster in history, touched his goatee and said sarcastically.

"Okay, be quiet." Dumbledore knocked on the table.

The four deans of the colleges next to him were all silent.

But soon, Snape couldn't help but speak, "Why, aren't you going to destroy it? Isn't it okay?"

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, Professor Sprout accidentally dropped the gloves with mud marks on his hands, and Professor Flitwick gasped and almost fell off the chair.

The portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses around them looked like they had known this for a long time.

"I didn't ask you to watch me destroy the Philosopher's Stone this time. This stone is not the Philosopher's Stone. Even Voldemort was fooled by it." Dumbledore looked mysterious and showed his signature smile.

"When did the You-Know-Who arrive at the school!" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but take a step back, "And where's Professor Quirrell?"

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