Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 204: People's Speculations

What kind of existence is a wizard? Everyone has a different understanding of it.

In the Muggle world, due to different cultures, in some places, it refers to people who pretend to be gods and pray for others as a profession; in some places, it refers to people who are responsible for conveying oracles, interpreting magic cards, and fortune-telling; in some places, it refers to people with extraordinary abilities who use magic to protect others from natural disasters, outsiders, and enemies. They are also responsible for correcting mistakes, measuring right and wrong, controlling nature, and explaining terrifying phenomena.

It is no exaggeration to say that as the best group of wizards, in the eyes of Professor McGonagall and others, wizards are just mortals with some special abilities.

They can change the shape and appearance of the object of the spell, they can change the inherent properties of the object of the spell, and the best of them can even brew immortal potions and return to the tools of the past.

But wizards themselves are fragile, like mortals, and cannot control magic like other magical creatures instinctively.

They must use gestures, language, and even external objects such as wands.

If only gestures or language are used, the magic effect produced will be very small. Like the wizards in Ouagadou, Africa, they fight more by Animagus, and gesture magic is only used for life or sneak attacks.

If you only use the wand without chanting spells and waving it, it is the silent spell that you will learn in the fifth year of Hogwarts. This is not the same as above, but the reason is that the wand will remember the magic used, and it is itself composed of powerful magical substances.

The wand is a prop that allows wizards to "transform" into magical creatures.

In short, the mysterious young man in the image is not a wizard at all, he is more like a humanoid magical creature.

Such a discovery made the four people in the headmaster's office silent at the moment, thinking about how to answer Dumbledore's question.

"Wandless spellcasting is too difficult for our British wizards, and it is simply impossible to use it in battles with wizards."

"But this self-proclaimed magician, the magic created by his language and actions has reached the level that only excellent wizards can achieve with a wand."

"And his body is likely to have been transformed by magic, which is a very dangerous and remote magic, but for someone as perfect as him, without causing any changes in his appearance, this is already beyond my imagination." Professor McGonagall, the most experienced among the few, spoke first.

She is best at Transfiguration, and she knows that the most difficult magical transformation, especially for her own kind, is not yet at this level in the current magic world.

"Minerva looked at it from the perspective of Transfiguration, and I looked at it from the perspective of my expertise, just like her."

"Devil's Snare, we learn about it in the courses that first-year students are exposed to."

"In the books and my courses, it is said that it is a rare and dangerous plant, but it is easy to deal with. Just a little sunlight can prevent it from being entangled to death."

"But what you don't know is that it is also the most common and famous rare plant."

"I dare even say that no magic school will not mention it in the teaching of Herbology, because it is also the easiest to get as a teaching material and the easiest plant to deal with."

"The reason why it is rare is that it only exists in the lack of sunlight and damp underground."

"The young man knows but has never seen this tenacious plant, plus he mentioned the moon, I suspect that he grew up in an extremely closed teaching environment, where it is referred to as the moon."

"The 'moon' should be in the desert, only there can you not see the real Devil's Snare." Professor Sprout said immediately.

"No, why not use your imagination?"

"According to what you said, the possibility that you use it means that there are also devil snares in the desert."

"Why not use your imagination? Why can't he really come from the moon?"

"His spellcasting mode and the proficiency he showed can show that he uses a spell outside of all the schools we are familiar with today, and this mode cannot be created by one person or one family."

"He must come from a place outside the magic society we know - and the moon is a place where we wizards have never stopped." Professor Flitwick saw this from Ryan's spellcasting method.

However, what he didn't know was that Ryan had a plug-in, and his spellcasting mode was developed from scratch and was most suitable for him.

In addition, Ryan is now almost equivalent to level 7, so it is normal for Flitwick to make a wrong judgment. Smart people can see these, Flitwick is like this, and Dumbledore is also.

This is what Ryan deliberately showed, wanting them to discover.

Sure enough, after Flitwick pointed it out, the others thought about it carefully and agreed with this statement.

"It is indeed possible. As you all know, I live in Spinner's End on weekdays and holidays. I have read reports from Muggles that the United States has landed on the moon using something called a rocket."

"I suspect that there are wizards behind this. The ridiculous guy who calls himself a magician may be from the group of wizards that landed on the moon in the United States." Snape concluded.

"Very good, that's what I thought." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Then who are you?"

"Isn't this the reason you asked us to come here?" Snape frowned.

"You guessed right, Severus."

"This is just an appetizer, and you must know this. Maybe you know something that a poor old man like me doesn't know." Dumbledore waved his hand in a pitiful manner and continued, "What I want to say is--"

Just when Dumbledore was halfway through his speech, the "Sorcerer's Stone" that had been silent just now lit up again.

This time it played a new image, a phoenix appeared from the void and sank into the back of Quirrell's head, and Harry immediately appeared from the black flames.

Then Quirrell fell to the ground.

"Is it you, Albus?" McGonagall said. She had a surprised expression. After Dumbledore said that he was following Harry and the others, she thought that the mysterious man and Quirrell who was controlled by the mysterious man were dealt with by Dumbledore.

But she didn't expect that Dumbledore was so anxious that he didn't even give Harry a chance to talk to Quirrell or the mysterious man.

However, the mysterious man should not be so easy to be knocked down.

The impact in the air continued to play.

"What, it's Harry Potter!" Flitwick couldn't help but said in a sharp voice.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout were speechless, and Snape knew what happened next and was eagerly watching the scene he missed.

"Yes, it was Harry." Dumbledore nodded half surprised and half serious.

He didn't expect that this scene would be recorded by the "Sorcerer's Stone". He originally wanted to talk about Sirius.

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