Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 206 Prelude to Sirius's Release from Prison

Time, 1:30 in the morning.

However, no one in the headmaster's office was sleepy at this time, nor would they be.

McGonagall and the others had never thought that Snape cared so much about Sirius' innocence and was so crazy.

"What about Peter Pettigrew! The bastard who killed Lily!"

"Don't tell me he's dead."

"If it's true - it's ridiculous, a traitor's finger is treasured for this, and he was awarded the first-class Merlin Knight Medal?"

"You know, what I live on! After Voldemort dies, I'm going to rush to Azkaban and kill Sirius Black!"

"Now if Peter is the traitor, who should I kill!" Snape said this in a flat tone.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but step back a few steps, Professor Flitwick wanted to comfort but couldn't speak, Professor Sprout wanted to get close, but was nimbly avoided by Snape.

"Severus, don't live because of hatred, think about Harry."

"Peter should be dead, so Sirius has no interest in life, and he always blames himself for killing Harry's parents."

"No matter who asks him, he keeps repeating those words." Dumbledore said.

"So, Peter Pettigrew is the secret keeper? That mad dog also contributed to it. He thought that he would be relieved in Azkaban!" Snape suddenly showed a creepy smile.

He thought of a real way to torture Sirius Black, and he himself had a deep understanding.

"Atonement? Don't think about it, I want him to be vindicated, released from prison, and be regarded as a wronged hero by others, and always entangled in pain!" It was Snape who said with a distorted face.

The other professors were silent, and Snape now made it impossible for them to interrupt.

They actually wanted to ask how to deal with Sirius's case and how to overturn the case if he didn't want to be released from prison.

But fortunately, a headmaster in the picture frame spoke.

"Can I understand that," Phineas Nigellus opened his eyes, "my great-grandson - the last of the Black family - is innocent?"

"Yes, Phineas." Dumbledore nodded, "but now the question is, how to make him -"

"No need! Whether it is truth serum or Legilimency, we are ready!"

"Want to atone? Forget it!" Snape said lightly.

"Well, you are worthy of being a Slytherin!" Phineas Nigellus nodded with a smile.

Snape also smiled and nodded, but the calmer his expression was now, the more frightened others felt. They even began to doubt whether it was a good decision to let Sirius out of prison.

Maybe it would be better to let him stay alone in Azkaban? Except for Dumbledore, other professors all thought so.

"By the way, we can say that we have found traces of Peter Pettigrew!"

"The case of Sirius was handled by old Crouch. Wasn't he arrested before the start of school? But Fudge didn't get much benefit from this. Old Crouch's subordinates were not implicated because of him. Fudge would probably be very happy to re-examine the case of the mad dog."

"This is a knife that he can use to cut meat from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement... We just need to push it..." Snape suddenly became excited.

Phineas Nigellus in the picture frame on the wall also showed the same excited expression as Snape.

He had long despaired of the inheritance of the Black family. The only great-grandson was in Azkaban, which was no different from being extinct, but now there was hope!

"Okay, Severus."

"It's a good plan. Why don't we continue to look at the image in the stone, and the rest of the matter--" Dumbledore suggested, but before he could finish, Snape left in a swift and decisive manner.

Before leaving, he said, "I understand, I will control everything!"

"I'll write the letter, I'll write it now!"

"I'll show it to you before I send it out." When Snape finished his last sentence, he had disappeared from the room.

"As expected of Sly——"

"Shut up Phineas!" Dumbledore couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"You can be jealous, the excellence of our college is beyond your reach." Phineas Nigellus quickly disappeared in the frame, and the frame became blank.

"He is?" Professor Flitwick couldn't help asking.

"He has another portrait, just like Dalys has a portrait in St. Mungo's, which can be visited." Dumbledore said.

"I'm not——" Flitwick retorted eagerly, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

"He probably wants to find someone who can speak for Sirius in terms of his release from prison." Dumbledore finally explained.

Professor Flitwick nodded, indicating that this was the question he wanted to ask, and he breathed a sigh of relief happily.

"Are we the same as Professor Snape, or?" Professor McGonagall began to ask the key point.

"Let's continue watching." Dumbledore nodded helplessly.

The following are his private conversations with Harry, and even his "confession" to Harry.

Although he didn't say it directly, these old friends can definitely see something from his face.

To be honest, he didn't want to continue.

But McGonagall keenly noticed Dumbledore's reluctance.

Sometimes the more you care about your secrets, the more others want to see them.

The picture in the air continued to play, and soon it came to the scene where Dumbledore appeared, Quirrell was self-detonated, and Voldemort turned into black smoke and escaped.

Even though they all knew that Quirrell was dead, they couldn't help but redden their eyes.

"He was still begging his master in the end!" Professor Flitwick fell off his chair in grief, and said with regret.

"Quirrel is obviously with You-Know-Who! How could You-Know-Who--" Professor Sprout, the softest of all the professors, said half questioningly and half painfully.

"Voldemort could have escaped without sacrificing Quirrell!" Professor McGonagall's feelings for Quirrell were the shallowest among the three, which made her discover the details.

Dumbledore nodded on the side, indicating his approval.

He didn't notice this at the time, but when he reviewed it later, he found that the number of Tom's Horcruxes might exceed his imagination, and his magic was not enough to control Tom.

The magic power of Harry in Quirrell's body is just a rootless source. Unless Harry keeps holding Quirrell, and Lily's blood relatives Dudley and Petunia are present, he can be restrained.

"It's disgusting!" Professor McGonagall finally scolded, not knowing whether she was talking about Voldemort or Quirrell.

McGonagall gradually calmed down. She even felt a little guilty. Dumbledore didn't want them to watch it. Was it because of this scene?

Dumbledore didn't have any shameful secrets. She was just too suspicious.

The following scene didn't surprise McGonagall and others. They all knew what Harry and Dumbledore discussed.

McGonagall soon calmed down, as did Professor Sprout. Only Flitwick was still immersed in the emotion of the death of his own school's child.

However, soon, a long calm appeared between Harry and Dumbledore.

"I'm not seeing wrong, Albus, you blushed!" McGonagall said in an unbelievable tone.

"Are you going to confess?" This was Professor Sprout. She had also been in love before, and she saw this expression.

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