Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 227 Awkward Meeting

Aunt Marge is not actually Harry's blood relative. She is Uncle Vernon's sister.

She lives in the country, in a house much bigger than the Dursleys', surrounded by a large garden and a large group of bulldogs.

According to her, she loves her dogs too much, so she doesn't come to Privet Drive often.

But even so, Harry still remembers her vividly.

Harry also remembers her appearance very clearly, perhaps Uncle Vernon has contributed to this.

She looks exactly like Uncle Vernon, with a purple face.

What's more terrifying is that as a lady, she even has the same figure as Uncle Vernon, and even has a beard.

The outline of the beard is the same as Uncle Vernon's, but not as heavy as his.

She is a very cruel person. She hates dogs that are not "strong" enough, and will order Colonel Fubster (she calls her husband this to show off his rank) to drown those little guys who are "skinny" in her eyes. Harry even sometimes wondered if the biggest reason she hated him was because he was too thin.

To be honest, if Aunt Marge hadn't stayed in the country, she would have been at the top of his list of the people he hated the most.

At Dudley's fifth birthday party, Aunt Marge used a cane to beat Harry's calves to prevent him from beating Dudley in the musical modeling game. A few years later, she came at Christmas and gave Dudley a robot with a computer and Harry a box of dog biscuits.

The last time she visited was the year before Harry went to Hogwarts. Harry accidentally stepped on the paw of her beloved dog, and the dog chased Harry all the way to the garden and forced him to climb a tree. Aunt Marge didn't call the dog back to the house until after midnight.

Harry thought that if Aunt Marge was a wizard, she must be from Slytherin.

The most obvious point was that every time she gave Dudley an expensive gift, she would observe Harry's reaction to see if Harry dared to ask why he didn't get one.

This is obvious Slytherin behavior, just like Draco in the past, he would often open the candy sent by his mother in the hall, and then show off and ridicule others.

And Sirius's smile just now made Harry understand one thing - he knew Aunt Marge's bad behavior and might have done something terrible to her.

Although Harry felt wrong, he still unconsciously showed the same smile as Sirius.

"What magic did Sirius just use?" Harry quickly changed the subject, so that he and Dumbledore would not notice his evil thoughts just now.

"Apparition, also known as Apparition, is to disappear from one place and reappear in another place in the blink of an eye." Dumbledore explained. Now there are only him and Harry in the room, he doesn't know what to say, so he has to continue with Harry's words.

"Why does it have two names?" Harry said.

"There is no spell for Apparition. It only requires a strong desire to go from one place to another. There are even little wizards who have Apparated unconsciously when they were young. The requirements for wizards who are good at Apparition are similar to those for Quidditch Seekers - thin and frail." Dumbledore blinked at Harry, and Harry suddenly thought of himself.

In elementary school, Dudley and his gang chased Harry as usual, but he suddenly disappeared from where he was and reappeared on the chimney of the kitchen.

"But Harry, don't try it in private. If you really want to make a complete and safe appearance, you need three Ds - Direction, Determination, and Dedication."

"The direction is to confirm where you want to go. Determination is to occupy the space you want and let the desire to go there overwhelm every smallest part of your body. Dedication is to relax. Unskilled wizards usually spin on the spot and forget themselves through this dizzy and weightless feeling."

"Finally, it is very important not to try it in private - if you fail, it will cause splitting, that is, one part of the body will go over and the other part will stay in place." Dumbledore reminded.

"Aren't you going to tell me why Apparition has another name?" Harry asked carefully.

"I'm really confused. I just found that you may be too talented in appearance. If I tell you this concept, we may be in St. Mungo's next time we meet." Dumbledore stroked his forehead and said.

"The full name of this spell that moves from one place to another is the Disapparition spell. Harry, I know that you have a deep understanding of the book "The Evolution of Spells", so I will tell you from this perspective."

"The word Disapparition is a variant of 'disappear', which means disappearing from a place. It is the previous action of the Disapparition spell effect - disappearing from the original place."

"The word Apparition is a variant of 'appear', which means appearing from a place. It is the second action of the Disapparition spell effect - suddenly appearing from nothingness."

"The official abbreviation is mainly Apparition. That's because Disapparition and Disapparition are too close, and wizards often make mistakes and split up." Dumbledore said.

"What spell is it?" Harry asked curiously.

"A spell that moves an object. It will cause the object to leave the ground slightly and move forward, backward, left, and right in the direction you want. It is different from the levitating spell." Dumbledore explained.

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"That's it. Why hasn't Sirius come back yet? Didn't he Apparate?" Harry found another topic. He didn't know what to say to Dumbledore, he could only do this.

"That requires the use of Apparition, which feels very uncomfortable. When moving, people traveling with you must hold the arm of the Apparition person tightly."

"Perhaps he took into account Petunia's feelings about their trip." Dumbledore said something that he himself did not believe.

Harry blinked and pretended to believe it.

In the unspeakable silence, there was a loud explosion from the center of the living room - it was Sirius, Aunt Petunia and Dudley.

Aunt Petunia and Dudley were seen looking pale and looking like they wanted to vomit, and they both unconsciously collapsed on the sofa.

"I'm back, Dumbledore and Harry." Sirius said happily, obviously he was angry at Aunt Marge for what he had done.

And it delayed some time.

"Professor!" Dudley exclaimed when he came back to his senses and looked at Dumbledore.

"Albus Dumbledore." Aunt Petunia's pony face was filled with horror.

"Good evening, Dudley."

"Penny, right? We wrote by letter." Dumbledore said casually, then he looked at the time, and with a wave of his wand, the dining table and chairs were all returned to their proper places, and the used dinner plates became Smooth and clean as new.

"Sirius, it's time for us to go," Dumbledore continued.

"Okay, but Harry, I'll pick you up in a month." Sirius nodded and disappeared into the night with Dumbledore.

Then Harry and Dudley were left looking at each other.

And Aunt Petunia seemed to want to say something to him.

She looked at him with a strange and timid look, as if hesitant to speak, but then she shook her head and walked to the restaurant, pretending to wash the dishes.

"Long time no see, Dudley."

"Long time no see, Harry."

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