Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 230 The Mysterious Tom Riddle

In this vast underground world, a powerful, ocean-like magic wave was born from nothingness. The magic power was deep, low, but full of youthful vitality.

The source of that magic was a tall boy with black hair. He was stroking every part of his body - hair, eyes, teeth, ears - almost frantically.

But for some reason, the boy's outline was blurry and strange, as if he was looking at him through a foggy window, and there was a strange, foggy shimmer surrounding him.

"Your name - Tom Riddle." A voice sounded, it was Dumbledore, who looked at the boy with a complicated look.

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the boy's outline suddenly became clear, revealing a peerless face that seemed to be carved out of stone and jade. He had deep eyes, bright and charming.

"Long time no see, Professor Dumbledore." A magnetic and soft voice sounded from the boy's mouth. Just by listening to the voice, you can detect the gracefulness of this man.

In Ryan's previous life, if he had been a voice anchor, he would have been the one that many female fans said would make them pregnant after listening to it.

There is no doubt that even without Dumbledore naming him, apart from Grindelwald, the only young Voldemort with such grace is a being who can physically and mentally conquer a thousand-year-old single female ghost.

"Long time no see, I think - I don't need to say anything more, right, Tom." The fragility in Dumbledore's eyes gradually faded as he spoke. His eyes were like X-rays at this time, able to see through all lies.

"Ah, I think so."

"As expected of you Professor, not a single life was lost. Typical Dumbledore magic - hypocrisy, waste, stupidity."

"This ritual is really interesting. It squeezes my life force in exchange for my visible independence. But it is like a chain wrapped deeply around my neck. Do you need me to call you master? Professor." Tom Riddle said in a playful tone, and Winked at Dumbledore.

"Just call me Professor, just like before."

"I just made a choice. Compared with Voldemort, I would rather accept a Tom Riddle who is monitored by me." Dumbledore said in a light tone, blinking like Tom Riddle.

"It made me want to puke, and I remember saying many times, I hate this name, don't call me Tom."

"Are you going to play the teacher-student game with me?" Tom Riddle's eyes no longer concealed, and his handsome and delicate facial features suddenly became rough, and his expression was like a beast.

"No, I just hope you can repent and repent for the innocent Myrtle."

"Cherish your new life - a pure life that has not been stained with the blood of others." Dumbledore said. His eyes were serious and powerful, staring intently at Tom Riddle's careless and arrogant face.

"Pure? You should have investigated me. After all, you never liked me like other teachers."

"Then you should know that when I was in Wu's Orphanage, during an outing, I killed two children, as well as Myrtle. Wasn't it the basilisk I released that killed her? Even Your loyal servant Hagrid was also framed by me." Riddle let out a cold, harsh laugh, not like a sixteen-year-old child.

"Hagrid is my student, not a servant. You have to understand this. We are equal to everyone else in terms of personality."

"And why do you have to hide it? You may not understand love, but you still have a conscience. This is the part that Voldemort hates the most. This is why he put you in his only Muggle item - a tattered diary. superior."

Dumbledore said in an unquestionable tone, and Riddle curled his lips in disdain.

"You still remember the names of M. Benson and Dennis Bishop, the children you said you killed. But as far as I know, they are alive and well. Benson became a lawyer. Bishop became a grocery store owner." It can be seen from Riddle's slightly trembling ears that he is very interested in this.

These two people were the targets of his intimidation, although Riddle believed that he did not need friends.

But they could also be said to be his childhood playmates. If they weren't so useless and weren't wizards, maybe they would have been allowed to join the Death Eaters as Mudbloods.

"Tom." Dumbledore called again, but Riddle didn't pretend not to hear this time. "You may be cruel, like to get pleasure from intimidating others, don't know love, and like to dominate everything. But you are not a person who likes to People who take lives at will.”

"Except for non-sentient animals, you regard other wizards and even Muggles as inferior to you, and you derive pleasure from them as precious possessions."

"That's why you still remember the name of the orphanage and even the two boys you terrorized."

"What happened to Myrtle was not intentional on your part. After all, your method of finding scapegoats was too crude, which is not in line with your style." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Oh, as expected of you."

"That's why the orphanage has always existed, instead of being wiped out by me like my Muggle father who abandoned me. Even my range of activities after adulthood has always been abroad. The reason why I didn't come back to wreak havoc in Britain is not only because of you, but also because there are people I am familiar with here." Riddle showed a disgusted expression, "That's why I was abandoned. The remaining part of my soul no longer cares about the lives of others. My Muggle father and others died because of this."

"Tom, the most wrong decision you made was to abandon your conscience. The greatest magic comes from this." Dumbledore said.

"What do you want me to do?" Riddle interrupted impatiently.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts needs a teacher." Dumbledore said happily, and Riddle's eyes widened.

"You're crazy. Before I made too many Horcruxes, I could still share the memory of the part of my soul that occupied my body."

"I remember that when I just graduated and asked to stay in school to become a teacher, you interfered and caused Professor Dippet to reject me."

"When I came back from my travels and wanted to teach again, you, who was already the headmaster, rejected me once."

"What made you change so much - let the greatest dark wizard be the headmaster of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Riddle sneered.

"This is a choice, a chance for you to start over."

"And if another Tom knew of your existence, would he allow you? He is more powerful, more knowledgeable, and more cruel than you."

"I think you should understand what choice to make, Tom." Dumbledore stepped forward and stretched out his arm.

Tom Riddle's face was uncertain, and he held Dumbledore's arm.

With a crackling sound, they disappeared from the spot.

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