Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 242: Old Malfoy Confesses

If the Malfoy Manor gave Ryan a feeling, the first impression was that it was big. It took ten minutes to walk from the door to the living room.

When Ryan paid attention to Lucius Malfoy, he was surprised to find that the Malfoy family did not have the floo network installed on the fireplace that almost everyone in the wizard family in the magic world had.

And this door key could not even lead directly to the Malfoy mansion.

At this time, the old Malfoy's face was extremely pale, his hands trembled involuntarily, and the hollow silverware was abandoned by him on the gravel ground, as if it was just a disposable product.

He walked forward quickly along a straight driveway, which should have been used for carriages in the past.

In front of him was a very decent mansion. The windows on the ground floor were inlaid with diamond-shaped glass, and the window edges were also carved with decorative patterns. The whole mansion could be said to be a large-scale work of art.

This was Smith in another sense. The Smith family had always been aiming to create an independent manor to improve from generation to generation.

But the Malfoy family kept adding details to the mansion to make it look more luxurious.

"As expected of Malfoy." Ryan thought, not knowing whether it was a compliment or criticism.

On the other side, old Malfoy walked calmly with his snake staff. After he went to the hallway, the silverware on the ground slowly disappeared.

This was obviously the magic of the house elves. The Malfoy family was really particular. From here, it can be seen that they probably never pick up things that fell on the ground.

Ryan continued to follow the pace of old Malfoy and walked forward. After walking for about ten minutes, he saw a large hallway. The sunlight from the outside could hardly shine in. The light was dim and all the light was provided by scented candles.

It was really strange. The lighting that normal houses pursued was completely invisible in the Malfoy family. They were indeed thorough Slytherins. The Slytherin lounge was also in the basement where there was no light.

The hallway was decorated very luxuriously, and a luxurious carpet almost covered the entire stone floor.

As the old Malfoy approached, the portraits in the frames on the wall, which were as pale as him and looked like standard Malfoys, looked at him with concern.

Then came the heavy wooden doors, which were ridiculously numerous.

Ryan suspected that the reason why the Malfoys who liked to rely on house elves for everything were not fat was because of these.

The house was so big and there were so many doors, so he could walk and lose weight.

Ryan even suspected that the reason why Dobby yearned for freedom was because of the heavy workload.

About ten minutes later, the old Malfoy walked to the living room and ran into his wife, Narcissa Malfoy, who was about to go out.

"Lucius, what's wrong with you?" As a wife, Narcissa obviously noticed that something was wrong with the old Malfoy.

"Nothing, Sissi." Lucius pretended to be shocked.

He was not going to tell his wife what he had just seen in Diagon Alley, and he did not mention it to her even though he had already surrendered to Dumbledore.

"What? What happened in Diagon Alley?"

"What did Arthur Weasley do again?"

"I remember you dealt with all the stuff at home last time." Seeing her husband like this, Narcissa took her husband's right arm and sat on the sofa by the fireplace.

And she kept talking about everything Arthur Weasley had done to "target" them - saying that their business was illegal and coming to check his house at every turn.

"I suspect that the previous incident with Draco was caused by the Weasleys."

"You go out often, I wonder what Draco said all day long, 'Ron's dad is so awesome' and so on."

"And where did you, Arthur and my bastard cousin go last time?"

"Draco wouldn't really have something unclear with the Weasley kid, would he?"


Seeing that her husband didn't speak, Narcissa began to talk about the previous things again, and began to connect them with the performance of old Malfoy today.

Just as Narcissa's words became more and more outrageous, and she even thought about whether her husband might have an affair with Arthur Weasley, Lucius Malfoy finally couldn't help it.

"Sissi, I'm going to tell you something, don't be afraid." Old Malfoy took a deep breath.

He decided to tell his lover. After all, the Dark Lord might be resurrected now, and he was a Dumbledore faction. If she didn't know anything, it would be dangerous.

"Sissi, you know that although my father is not a Death Eater, he has a good relationship with the Dark Lord."

"I am afraid that I am the only Death Eater who knows what the Dark Lord looked like before, except for the first batch of Death Eaters Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, and Dolohov."

"Perhaps your crazy sister also knows, she loves the Dark Lord so much." Old Malfoy paused, and continued after his pale cheeks slightly regained their color, "I saw the young Dark Lord, he was with Dumbledore!"

"Sissi, you know, I also got a crazy news, he is the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next semester." Old Malfoy said tremblingly.

Narcissa took a breath of cold air, and instantly possessed the painful cold white skin of her husband's family. In the corner where the two did not notice, a short figure wrapped in rags stood there, and then disappeared.

"Dumbledore, that old lunatic!"

"I should have listened to your advice and let Draco go to Durmstrang!" Narcissa exclaimed.

The worry about Draco's safety in the next school year brought by maternal love made Narcissa lose her mind.

"Sissi, don't you understand? This may be a good thing." Lucius reminded.

"Good thing?" Narcissa sneered, but then she thought of something, "I understand! Hogwarts is the lifeblood of that old madman. If the Dark Lord can become a professor at Hogwarts, it means he is 'harmless'."

"Dumbledore is on the advantageous side, and Draco is hanging out with Harry Potter and the Weasley kid."

"Some time ago, your contact with Arthur Weasley and Sirius was also--" Narcissa guessed, and as the words progressed, she slowly regained her composure.

"Not entirely, but now I am indeed on Dumbledore's side."

"The Dark Lord is the diary." Old Malfoy said.

Narcissa looked at her husband in surprise. To put it bluntly, her husband's family are all speculators and double-dealers.

According to Lucius, he must have discovered the secret of the Dark Lord's defeat.

Besides, isn't the diary just a dark magic prop?

"Didn't Draco say he was going to Sirius with Ron? Tomorrow you and I will pick out gifts for my cousin and Draco's two friends." Narcissa said.

She skipped the topic of the diary. She knew that her brain-blocking skills were not good enough, and she felt that she didn't need to know too much about this news.

"No, there is one more thing." Old Malfoy said.

"What is it?" Narcissa asked curiously.

"I have to prepare a gift and go to Hogwarts." Old Malfoy sighed.

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