Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 The unusually clean Malfoy home

Outside the window, the white peacock was calling, and Draco Malfoy was sitting on the recliner by the window, watching all this with annoyance.

He had never understood since he was a child why such a beautiful bird could call so unpleasantly.

Draco rubbed his eyes, the sunlight shone through the window onto the ground and reflected on his forehead, "Why is it so clean?"

Ever since he couldn't help but tell Dobby not to hurt himself last time, his home has been much cleaner.

Far better than the previous cleanliness.

His parents also praised him specially, "Draco, my good son, the pride of the Malfoys, you just said a few words lightly, and Dobby has been so diligent."

But now, it's too clean!

Even the ground can be used as a mirror.

Draco understood that Dobby was an unqualified, crazy elf.

He was different from his kind - he wanted freedom.

Every time he had such a rebellious idea, he would hurt himself, and now he was cleaning.

But recently, judging by the cleanliness of his house, Dobby probably thinks about freedom all the time.

Draco hesitated. He didn't know whether he should let Dobby go free.

His father once said, "We are doing this for Dobby's own good. It is difficult for an expelled house elf to find a new job, let alone an elf who wants money."

Such a thought flashed through Draco's mind, and soon he began to think about what really bothered him.

Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world, looks good, is an excellent student, and is a popular seeker. These alone have made people scramble to make friends with him.

And Draco also knew that Harry Potter was the next captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and he also defeated Voldemort, one-on-one!

This made Draco sometimes wonder: "Am I really worthy of being Harry's friend?"

"My father is a Death Eater, Voldemort's lackey."

"Unlike Ron's father, who is not only a member of the Order of the Phoenix, but also a great pioneer in the wizarding world."

"I wish I were Ron."

Recently, since they separated at Dudley Dursley's house last time, he has not received a letter from Harry for 10 days.

Even Ron's letter, which made Draco, who was already inferior, even more upset.

Harry and Ron would not have forgotten him and left him aside.

What Draco didn't know was that Ron, who was qualified to be Harry's friend in his eyes and also didn't write to him, was also very nervous.

Ron didn't think he was qualified to be Harry's friend just because his father was the great Arthur Weasley, as Draco thought.

On the contrary, because of his father's greatness and Harry's extraordinaryness, his own mediocrity becomes more glaring.

Ron's mood is the same as Draco's now. He also suspects that Harry has abandoned him and contacted Draco alone.

But Ron is different from Draco. Draco only has his parents at home, and these thoughts cannot be told to his parents, otherwise, wouldn't it confirm the relationship between him and Harry?

Although Ron's family is not rich, they have many children.

Charlie and Bill are not at home, and Ron has something on his mind but can't tell it.

Ron can't say anything about Ginny. After all, he is a brother in front of Ginny and can't expose his vulnerability, not to mention that Ginny cried before because she thought she had taken Harry away. This is also why his mother went back first after picking up Fred, George, and Percy. This is also the reason why Ginny didn't come-she was crying at home.

And Percy is also a guy who is still studying hard during the holidays. He is rarely seen going out, and Ron can't complain to him.

As for his parents, they also divided their energy between work, housework, hobbies, and Ginny, and rarely paid attention to Ron, so his depression was naturally not noticed.

But Fred and George were different. They keenly discovered one thing - Hedwig had not come to the Burrow for several days. They gave Ron another idea and woke him up from his inferiority complex. That is, could it be the Dursleys who blocked Harry's contact with the wizarding world? After all, they had a criminal record - preventing Harry from going to Hogwarts.

So, a letter was sent to Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire by the family's new owl, Juvijon (Errol was too old, and when Sirius and Arthur communicated about the transformation technology of Muggle items, they forced them to put an owl in his house as an excuse to send them one).

Hello, Draco:

Didn't we agree to go to Sirius's house on the 21st together with Harry? The 31st of this month is also Harry's birthday. I want to know if you have communicated with Harry about this. Recently, I haven't communicated with Harry through letters. I want to know if you have. If you don't have one either, I doubt if it's the Dursleys. Please reply as soon as possible. If necessary, I think I need to contact Sirius.

Your Hogwarts classmate Ron Weasley

"Haha, he didn't receive the letter either!"

"How come I'm worse than Ron!"

"Why didn't I think of it? It might still be the Dursleys' fault!"

"I want to reply, Dobby!" Draco laughed, his pale cheeks flushed.

As he finished speaking, a creature with big bat-like ears and lightbulb eyes appeared in front of him.

He prostrated himself respectfully, and with a snap of his fingers, a piece of parchment, an envelope, a quill pen, and ink appeared on a luxurious wooden table not far away.

Then he disappeared.

Draco happily replied to Ron's letter.

At this time, Harry was lying in the flower bed outside No. 4 Privet Drive.

Just when Harry was thinking about what it would be like to wait three days or at the end of the month to see Ron and the others.

A slight crackling sound sounded from his ears, and Harry raised his head and looked at the road to see if the car had a puncture.

And the next second, Harry was so frightened that he almost screamed.

It's a house elf!

If Ron and the others hadn't mentioned that they were curious about why slavery existed and checked it out later, he would have thought it was some little monster.

He understood that this could only be found in ancient and wealthy wizarding families, and in his impression these two conditions were met, and the only ones he knew were Sirius, Draco and Ryan.

Ron's family didn't have one. His mother had always hoped to have an elf to help them iron their clothes. Unfortunately, elves were only found in old manors and castles, and they couldn't find one at home.

Harry calmed down and said to the little guy who looked like he was about to cry: "Hello, are you sent here by Sirius?"

After all, Draco and Ryan should not let the elf contact him. This is only possible with Sirius, who he doesn't know what to say.

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