Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 248 Dobby Sent by Lucius Malfoy

"And Sirius." Draco added helplessly.

Kreacher then shut up, but still muttered unwillingly with his fleshy nose as big as a pig's nose.

Harry watched all this in shock. This elf was simply the opposite of Dobby. He hated Dobby as much as he was pitiful.

"Why are you--" Harry looked at Sirius.

"It's Molly. She trusts house elves more than me, especially in a car that has not been tested for actual flight." Sirius shrugged.

At the same time, Harry's peripheral vision found that the curtains of his house were suddenly drawn up, and it looked airtight.

It seems that Uncle Vernon discovered their arrival.

"The old traitor of dirty blood, and his little cub, Kreacher can only protect them. My poor mistress, if she knew about it, what would she say to old Kreacher. Oh, it's so shameful, poor old Kreacher, what can he do--" Kreacher found another loophole.

Kreacher was like an old hand who had worked for many years. He easily found the loopholes in his master's orders and broke through them.

Dobby was just an honest child in comparison.

Harry couldn't help but think after hearing Kreacher's swearing again.

"Shut up, Kreacher! Don't mention my mother." Sirius couldn't help but scolded, just when Kreacher wanted to continue to say something, "And don't mention Ron and his family!"

Kreacher finally shut up unwillingly.

"Don't be surprised Harry, he has been alone for too long, and received some crazy orders from my mother's portrait, talking to himself, but he used to be a hateful elf." Sirius turned his head and said.

"Harry, you haven't answered my question yet." Ron interrupted.

"It's a house elf, his little master is my fan, and he knows that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a dangerous person, so he sent him to stop me from returning to Hogwarts." Harry shrugged.

"Dangerous person? The You-Know-Who is no match for you, Harry. His little master must be a brat who hasn't even gone to school yet." Ron said.

"That's right." The brat Draco nodded in agreement.

"Harry, there are independent news channels among the house elves. Harry, do you know the name of that elf?" Sirius cleared his throat and looked at Kreacher, "Kreacher, answer our questions seriously later."

"--After coming back from Azkaban, he started to give orders to Kreacher. My mistress! Old Kreacher can only listen to the orders of the prodigal son."

"If she knew that the young master spent a large amount of gold as soon as he came back, what would she say? She swore not to recognize him as her son. Now he is back again and spends money recklessly. It is said that he is also a murderer--" Kreacher muttered a lot of sarcastic words to Sirius, but still reluctantly agreed.

For these words, Sirius looked like a breeze blowing on his face. It seems that as long as Kreacher doesn't say anything about other people, he doesn't care.

He looked at Harry, and Ron and Draco beside him also looked over curiously. They all wanted to know who the little master was.

But Ron thought more, "I hope it's not a little girl. If Ginny knew, she would cry again."

"His name is Dobby." Harry said lightly.

Draco and Ron both took a breath, but Ron's reaction was half a beat slower.

"Dobby?" This is Draco.

"Harry, you won't forget it?" This is Ron.

Harry looked confused, as if he was the only one in the world who didn't know why.

But fortunately, Sirius was still with him. Sirius was also confused, but he looked at Kreacher and signaled him to answer quickly with his eyes.

"Dobby? Lucky Dobby! Oh, unlike old Kreacher who can only serve rebellious young masters."

"How great it is to be with the kind Miss Sissi!" For the first time, Kreacher's old face was no longer filled with resentment towards Sirius. It was jealousy, jealousy towards Dobby.

"He's lucky? Dobby often abuses himself! His master not only doesn't stop him, but also makes him do more!" Harry asked puzzled.

Ron and Draco on the side wanted to explain directly, but after hearing Harry's words, they immediately shut up.

"Harry Potter doesn't understand, it was Dobby who made a mistake, Dobby is a shameful bastard." Kreacher spit fiercely, and then said with the same fearful expression when Ron first heard Harry read Voldemort's name: "Dobby thinks about freedom all day long!"

"What's wrong with that?" Harry said.

He didn't understand why he couldn't pursue freedom in a place that obviously didn't like him and tortured him. This sudden doubt with a little anger made Harry forget what was wrong with Ron and Draco just now.

"Harry Potter, house elves have no right to be unhappy, how dare they comment on the attitude of their masters! Kreacher can't understand! Kreacher hasn't fallen to that level! Kreacher is ashamed of freedom!" Kreacher stared at his gray eyes angrily, but the puzzling thing was that even if he was offended to this extent, Kreacher still didn't say anything weird about Harry. You know, Harry is a half-blood. He just muttered in a low voice, "Poor Miss Sissi, Master Draco, there is such an elf around him. What will happen if my mistress knows, but Kreacher can only serve the master, there is no other way."


"Dobby is yours!"

"Did you send Dobby to intercept these letters?" Harry looked incredulous.

"Yes, but I didn't send Dobby here."

"Besides, I don't know who will be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts next semester?" Draco frowned and answered in a puzzled tone.

"It must be Lucius!" Sirius suddenly shouted.

"I knew he wanted to cut off your contact with Harry."

"I saw it last time. He was the only one who was fussy and said that the Malfoy family was the only one!" Sirius analyzed.

"What about my letters? And yours." Ron pointed to the letters with crooked handwriting in Harry's arms, which were his own.

"Lucius talked about the marriage with the Parkinson family last time. He must be afraid that Draco would object, so he cut off the contact between you first, naturally including me and Harry."

"It is also possible that the house elf named Dobby intercepted all of Harry's letters himself to prevent you from contacting through any third party." Sirius said confidently.

"Yes, my father has been urging me to contact Pansy today."

"I was wondering why he didn't stop me from writing to Harry, so he has this trick." Draco nodded.

House elves cannot do anything extra without the master's instructions, even Dobby is the same.

Draco thought so.

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