Unconsciously, it is almost January. In the recent period, Ryan has been making fairy fire non-stop, enjoying fairy fire BBQ, and using it to do some alchemical experiments for the first time in a long time.

December 25th is Christmas, and Penelope and Kate mentioned in the letter that I will meet again in Hogsmeade on Christmas.

Speechless, Hogwarts will be on holiday on Christmas, and the holiday is also very long. They will not return to school until early January. Don’t these two guys have a home?

The most important thing is that I have been going to Hogwarts almost every evening. The legend of the Ravenclaw Phoenix is ​​almost known to everyone in Hogwarts.

We often meet, why do we still have to write letters, even Kate, it seems that Penelope has led her astray.

Having said that, with Ryan’s unremitting efforts, the Phoenix Incarnation finally reached level 2, and the Nirvana skill contained in it was finally lit up. Skills related to future life events, Ryan couldn’t help but be cautious.

Ryan has been using his thinking skills constantly in the past month, and even his reconnaissance skills have mutated again, producing a strange wizard intuition. Ryan can always find relevant books that seem to be unrelated on the surface.

Ryan finally discovered that Nirvana can indeed regenerate, but it must wait until aging or serious injury. The memory problem after rebirth that I am most concerned about can also be preserved under the thinking skills. Nirvana is like sleeping.

During this thinking, Ryan also discovered the side of wizards besides magic properties and talents.

The reconnaissance skill comes from Ryan's unwillingness to not be able to perceive the breath of magic. With the help of his brain and talent, it is closer to the identification skill in the game. As Ryan's research on magic deepens, it can even connect invisible spells and can contact magic magnetic fields under special circumstances.

Recently, it has been closer to the third eye mentioned by the prophet. As long as he wants, Ryan can always find the knowledge he needs, but it must be related to magic. This may be related to the power of magic knowledge itself. What he is looking for is not knowledge, but magic. Finding magic books is a re-derivation of the previous skills.

Just like Ryan's reconnaissance skills, wizards actually have strange intuitions. For example, if you make potions according to the standards in the books, you can only be a craftsman, but to become a master, you must control the magic power and put in different quantities from the standard according to your intuition to truly make a potion that can be called excellent.

And "I" has a strange intuition in alchemy and mathematics. Ryan also inherited this after crossing. With the help of his father's manuscript, he completed the Black Knight.

The most well-known wizard intuition is the third eye.

Prophecy is actually not as rare as imagined. In the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic, there are many things that only a small number of wizards can contact and study. The wizards who work here are called silent people. Love, space, thought, time, death, prophecy, etc. are all their research targets.

There is a special prophecy hall in it. Countless real prophecies are hidden in crystal balls. Each one is real and effective, but not all of them will happen. To be honest, prophecy is just a possibility.

The real prophecy itself carries magic and cannot be faked. The prophets who make the prophecy cannot control it, and the wizards who hear it cannot forget it.

With so many crystal balls mentioned in the original book, it is conceivable how many prophets or wizards with clairvoyance there are.

This intuition is more reflected in the possible prediction of the future. Although the divination class at Hogwarts is ignorant and ridiculous in the eyes of Harry, Hermione and other untalented people, in the eyes of truly talented wizards, every course is a training and development of clairvoyance.

Not every prophet is as crazy as Sybill Trelawney, who thinks she is a liar.

As the great-great-granddaughter of the famous prophet Cassandra, in extremely rare cases, Sybill will fall into a trance, make a real prophecy, and then return to normal.

Her overly powerful prophetic ability makes her unable to remember her prophecies like ordinary prophets, and she forgets them after making a real prophecy.

If there were no magical item in the Department of Mysteries that is similar to the Hogwarts Book of Admission, all the prophecies made in the UK would be recorded and finally recorded in the crystal ball.

I am afraid that Sybill has only one prophecy recorded in her life.

This is why the Divination and Arithmancy classes have never been abolished. However, it may also be because Dumbledore was too impressed by his boyfriend who had the ability to predict.

Generally, the predictions made by prophets are made in a semi-conscious state. They can remember a small part of it and really know that they have a divine eye and talent.

Speaking of which, Professor Sybill Trelawney can also predict something through tools when she is awake, but she often doesn't believe it herself.

Thinking of this, in the memory palace, the book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" automatically appeared in Chapter 10 of the Gaunt House:

Harry walked quickly through the empty corridor. Suddenly, he saw Professor Trelawney turning the corner, shuffling a dirty deck of playing cards in her hand, reading the points on the cards and talking to herself. Harry quickly dodged and hid behind a statue.

"2 of Spades: conflict;" she muttered as she walked past where Harry was hiding: "7 of Spades: bad omen; 10 of Spades: violence; Jack of Spades: a dark-haired young man, probably upset and unwilling to be interrogated-"

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She stopped and stood on the other side of the statue where Harry was hiding.

"Oh, this must be wrong." She said in annoyance, and Harry heard her reshuffle the cards vigorously while walking forward, leaving only a smell of sherry behind her. ..."

Professor Sybil Trelawney is so pathetic, maybe it's a curse. After all, her family can be traced back to the priestess of Apollo. Because of making random prophecies, she was cursed by Apollo and passed down from generation to generation.

"What a pity. "Ryan sighed. If Professor Sybill Trelawney's intuition was changed to potions, alchemy, and magic, she would probably be a great wizard, instead of being looked down upon by fellow professor McGonagall, and even being made difficult by a small official Urimuch in the fifth part and almost driven away.

It is best to change talent into strength, so that others dare not make things difficult for you.

In order to protect Professor Sybill Trelawney, Dumbledore hid her identity as the prophet who made the prophecy of the savior. No wizard knew that the prophecy that led Voldemort to death came from the mouth of a crazy and liar professor.

But this also led to her not having the bonus of fame, and the only identity she could say was the great-great-granddaughter of the prophet Cassandra.

Voldemort should have also learned about the prophecy, and learned part of the prophecy from Snape. After he confirmed that it was a true prophecy, he went to give himself up.

After hearing this prophecy, Voldemort would not be so stupid.

The key to this prophecy is that the Dark Lord marked him as a strong enemy, and possessing energy that the Dark Lord did not understand was not the key. Only the child of prophecy after being marked is the real child of prophecy, Voldemort's strong enemy, and only one of the two can survive in the end.

In fact, as long as Voldemort does not attack a family that has defeated the Dark Lord three times, he can rely on the Horcrux to survive for a long time.

Ryan If Voldemort, a wizard family, withstood my attacks twice, I would never attack them personally again, and I would train my subordinates or win them over.

Prophecy, only if you believe in it and implement it according to the prophecy, will the prophecy really take effect.

Otherwise, where would there be so many real prophecies that have not taken effect in the prophecy hall.

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