Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 256 Disagreement about Goblins

The farce on the first night at the Burrow ended with Ron's silence. Even Draco, who usually liked to ridicule Ron, also fell silent.

In fact, Ron still wanted to fight for where Harry slept.

After all, sometimes, the more you lose for something, the more you will value it.

Even willing to sacrifice more for it.

But with Harry's words, "I think the tent is big, the three of us can live together."

The atmosphere between the three became more awkward, and Ron couldn't help humming, feeling that he had lost his innocence for this.

The ghouls on the ceiling also howled loudly along with Ron's humming, banging on the pipes.

In the end, the three of them went to Draco's place.

According to Ron, "I'm like this, can't I indulge myself?"

In this way, time quickly came to the next day.

Life at the Burrow is very different from life at Privet Drive. The Dursleys like everything to be in order, but the Weasleys are full of magic and surprises. The mirror on the kitchen mantel gave Harry a fright.

The first time he looked in the mirror, it suddenly screamed: "Tuck your shirt in, you're sloppy!"

There were small explosions in Fred and George's room.

However, Harry once again felt regretful, regretting why he chose to live with Ron.

Because what Harry was most satisfied with was not the unusual environment, but that everyone here liked him.

This was completely different from the feeling in the Ravenclaw dormitory.

This was a complete and warm family that was willing to treat him as a child and accept him.

It was completely different from the Dursleys.

Although Harry's treatment at the Dursleys had become much better recently, except for Dudley, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia did not completely treat him as a member of the family.

And now, because of what Draco said last night, everything had changed. It would have been great if it hadn't happened.

Mrs. Weasley darned his socks and forced him to add four times every meal. But she was also careful not to let Harry and the other two stay alone together. Fred and George were pulled out by Mrs. Weasley and asked to accompany Harry and Draco.

"Mom, we have something to do!" Fred and George looked depressed.

"Come on, you shouldn't use magic."

"If you don't want to, fine, but you have to hand over your wand to me first." This is Mrs. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley likes to let Harry sit next to him during meals, and keeps asking Harry about the life of Muggles, asking him about plugs and post offices.

But under the threat of Mrs. Weasley's eyes, he asked Harry if he had a girl he liked while asking about plugs and post offices.

In fact, none of the above would make Harry too depressed.

After all, talking to a great wizard like Mr. Weasley is a pleasure.

Fred and George are also a pair of good playmates full of joy.

Being with them, although Ron was often ridiculed, it also made Harry and Draco smile.

What made Harry most depressed was Ginny, the most inconspicuous little sister of the Weasley family.

Ginny didn't blush when she saw Harry like before, and she didn't accidentally knock things over every time they looked at each other.

But now, every time Harry felt something was wrong, he would find a little red-haired person secretly looking at him.

But every time Harry turned his head, she disappeared again. This disappearing skill was almost as good as Ryan's.

This made Harry feel bitter.

Even the bamboo dragonfly was not fun.


This is the Weasley family's garden, which is beyond imagination and completely different from the crowded style in the Burrow.

Even Draco blushed slightly with excitement.

It's not that the Malfoy family's garden is not big. Draco's reason is the same as Harry's.

The style of Draco's garden is exactly the same as that of the Dursleys. Even a blade of grass must strictly maintain the same height.

The Weasleys' garden was overgrown with weeds, and there were many trees with tangled roots at the base of the wall. Various plants they had never seen before grew out of each flowerbed, and there was a large green pond with many frogs.

Ron flew around on the lawn with a bamboo dragonfly that Harry was not in the mood to play with, and played with Draco.

At this time, Fred and George were going to take Harry and Draco to participate in the Weasleys' regular game - throwing gnomes in order to have some fun.

"Hey ha!" Ron was like an owl catching mice, swiping quickly through the grass, and the next second, a strange creature appeared in his hand.

"What is this?" Harry asked in confusion, looking at Ron, ignoring Draco who was teasing frogs by the pond with a bamboo dragonfly on the other side.

"Gnome!" Ron said depressedly.

"No, there are gnomes in Muggle gardens too."

"This?" Harry looked confused.

"I understand."

"Goblins are magical creatures. They have a characteristic that Muggles cannot see them."

"Goblins in the Muggle world are different from those in the wizarding world. Because Muggles have a more complicated and comfortable life and no natural enemies, they appear to be smarter."

"Even learned to dress up." Ron said, holding up the creature with rough skin and potato-like round face in his hand.

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"Is this our little brother?"

"Weasley?" Everyone present was shocked.

"Hey! After all, I am a Ravenclaw!"

"Well, I asked my dad why the goblins in the Muggle world are different from those in the wizarding world."

"Like before, I mentioned the goblins in the Muggle world because I had seen them, and at most I knew that they were like chubby little Santa Claus, carrying fishing rods, speaking complete sentences, and having smooth skin."

"But why is that, I never asked or thought about it." Ron said.

But this still caused Fred and George to be amazed, and they even forgot to make fun of Ron.

They knew best what Ron was like before.

He never took the initiative to seek answers.

"Let me go! Let me go!" the goblin screamed.

The scream also woke Harry and the others from their surprise, and they realized that the little thing had been screaming for a long time.

They didn't hear it just now.

Ron stretched out his arms to hold it up, because it kicked and kicked at him with its calloused little feet. He grabbed its ankles and lifted it upside down.

"Okay, let's get to the point today, Harry, Draco, look, you have to do this." He said, holding the goblin above his head ("Let me go!"), and began to swing his arms in a big circle like a lasso.

So, an afternoon was wasted like this, and even Harry, who was a little reluctant at first, joined in, which had nothing to do with the goblin biting him.

Ron said that this level of damage would not hurt them, at most it would only make them dizzy - so they couldn't find the goblin hole.

That's it, Harry firmly believed.

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