Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 37: The Disappearance of Kreacher

It had been a while since they came to the Black family, and for the first time, Harry discovered that the Dursleys were not bad compared to the Black family.

The Black family was very big, and during this period, they lived in several rooms that had been decorated as much as possible.

Sirius was actually helpless about this, and he had actually planned to throw away the neurotic old things in the Black family.

This idea even came to his mind when he was just released from prison.

But for some reason, after he officially and legally inherited the Black family, he lost these freedoms.

He couldn't even throw away any furniture he didn't like, and could only decorate it slightly at most.

In addition, Kreacher had hidden a batch of things he was going to throw away in advance.

However, according to him, there were also benefits.

Harry didn't understand it at first, until one day when he was playing with indoor bamboo dragonflies with Ron and Draco, Ron accidentally lifted a velvet curtain while flying in the air.

Harry thought it was a door, or a window.

The next second, Harry almost bumped into Draco, and he thought there was a living person locked inside.

It was an old lady in a black hat, screaming desperately, one scream after another, as if she was being tortured.

The old lady was drooling, her eyes were rolling, and the yellow skin on her face was tightened because of screaming.

Then, in the hallway behind them, there were screams again.

Harry realized that it was a life-size portrait.

Harry and Draco couldn't help but land on the ground and covered their ears with their hands.

Ron flew over and tried to pull the curtain to cover the old lady, but he couldn't pull it up.

The old lady's screams became more and more shrill, and she waved her claw-like hands as if she was going to grab their faces.

Beast! Bitch! Dirty and sinful bastard! Bastard, freak, ugly freak, get out of here quickly! How dare you defile my ancestral home?

Then, a voice rang out, shut up!

It was Sirius!

Unexpectedly, all the portraits really shut up.

Including the old lady, she stared at Sirius, if she could not speak, it seemed that she wanted to swallow him.

Harry, this is the biggest benefit of me being the head of the family.

Mom, I am the head of the family, close your eyes and go to sleep. Sirius said.

As his last words fell, the two curtains closed again, and the other portraits closed their eyes.

She is your mother? Harry asked in surprise.

Harry stayed in Hogwarts for almost a year, and the most common thing in Hogwarts was various portraits.

They all contain part of the portrait's own memory and thinking mode, and can even be said to be another self.

And the portrait of Sirius' mother is naturally not much different from her.

Then this means that Sirius' mother is a real mad woman, not just his angry words.

Yes, she is my mother.

She looks down on everything except pure-blood wizards, stubborn, strong, and hates everything that is not as she wishes, including me.

Harry, look. Draco was here just now, but my crazy mother couldn't recognize him.

You know, all the Malfoys look the same, with pale skin and light golden hair.

My brother Regulus' death is also related to her. He was too weak to resist. Sirius said in a low voice. At this time, Lupin, who came over after hearing the sound, hugged him from behind. This has nothing to do with you, Sirius.

So, that Kreacher is so strange because of this portrait.

He seems to have not appeared for a long time? Ron asked suddenly.

This is not because he cares about Kreacher, but because his brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people, and he always remembers different points from others.

For example, from the crazy performance of Sirius' mother, when others were worried about Sirius's mood, he remembered a sentence, he stayed alone for too long, and received some crazy orders from my mother's portrait.

Kreacher? To be honest, I don't expect him to tidy up the room or make something to eat.

He should be hiding in his room, with those old antiques in the Black family.

But it is really strange. Normally, he should hide in the shadows from time to time and mutter strange words like "I am a prodigal son, a scumbag". Sirius said in a tone of indifference.

In his eyes, Kreacher is no different from the things that should be thrown away in the Black family.

The only difference is that he has life and is also a part of Sirius's childhood memory.

Kreacher even has a good relationship with his brother Regulus.

So, as long as Kreacher is alive, it is better not to appear in front of him forever.

The last time he took him to pick up Harry was just because of Molly's request.

His room? Harry asked curiously.

After meeting Dobby, he had a different understanding of creatures like house elves from books.

He really wanted to know what Kreacher's room looked like.

It was under the boiler in the kitchen boiler room. Sirius said.

He encouraged Harry's curiosity.

In his eyes, Harry would be closer to Harry's father and his best friend.

Okay, Remus.

Let the kids go on an adventure.

You will go to Hogwarts in September. Let's talk about what you should do when you go to Hogwarts, especially to the snot. After the last sentence, Sirius' voice gradually lowered, and even Ron, who was closest to Sirius and stretched his ears to listen to some gossip, didn't hear anything.

Soon after, they went upstairs, leaving Harry and the others staring at each other in the corridor full of portraits.

Let's go to see Kreacher's room. Harry said.

For some reason, a voice in his heart kept reminding him of this.

This idea came up for no reason since he arrived at Sirius's house.

Soon they came to the boiler room, and after they knocked on the door tentatively to no avail, Ron rashly opened the dark door.

Before Harry and Draco could attack Ron's rashness with their eyes, the scene they saw made them forget everything just now.

This place is like a garbage dump. Most of the space is occupied by an old boiler, but under the pipe, there is a pile of various rags and smelly old blankets about a foot wide, with a small depression in the middle.

Hey, this won't be where he sleeps. Ron couldn't help but cover his nose.

I think so.

Look next to the pile of things. Harry and Draco said separately.

They looked around the nest, and there were bread crumbs and moldy cheese scattered everywhere.

There is no doubt that they came to the right place.

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