Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 The True Whereabouts of the Locket

No one except Ryan knows what happened the moment Harry destroyed the locket.

At that moment, when Harry's holy magic collided with the dark, chaotic magic on the Horcrux, a slender white hand grabbed the locket.

And, in the next second, an identical locket appeared in the boiler room of the Black family.

Even from Harry's own perspective, he thought that the locket had been purified by him.

That was 3 hours ago, Nottingham Forest, the Smith family castle.

You will regret it! A hissing sound came from Ryan's hand.

I'm alive! The great Dark Lord is alive! The locket was opened, and the eyes behind the two small glass windows were filled with a sense of the aftermath of a disaster.

Hey, are you Voldemort? This voice suddenly woke up the Horcrux from the joy of surviving the disaster.

He turned to look in the direction from which the voice came. It was a short little witch, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, her eyes are silver and kind of pretty. this

The magical energy of a little witch may not be at the level it should be at her age, but it is only at the level of a student.

As for why he escaped, this may be related to areas that have not been explored in the current magical world.

After all, the kid named Harry Potter was also his Horcrux, an unprecedented living Horcrux.

The collision of two mutually exclusive and homologous magical powers may result in this sudden appearance. As for why he couldn't read the little girl's heart like he could with Weasley and Malfoy, it was probably also the sequelae of the incident just now.

And just now he accidentally called himself the Dark Lord, and the memory of Voldemort he heard from the little girl's mouth was as if it didn't exist and had never happened.

Hello, my name is Tom, who is you? Horcrux said.

My name is Kate, what are you? said the little girl.

I'm not a thing I mean I'm a memory. The Horcrux said with suppressed anger.

Oh, that’s how you got here.

This is my home. the little girl asked curiously.

Because there are always people who don't want people to know the secrets in this box.

I was banished during a fight by a magic similar to Apparition. The Horcrux said in a seductive voice.

He believed that under the magic power of his words, this little girl would not be able to help but touch him, and eventually lose to him in a heart-to-heart relationship.

He easily stole the heart of Ravenclaw's daughter, the Millennium Ghost, let alone this little girl. He just needs to absorb the life of this little girl, gain a physical form, and finally replace the main body and become the only Dark Lord!

What secret? The little girl's big silver eyes were full of curiosity.

Maybe, maybe I can suck the lives of other people later, this kid is quite cute. The Horcrux that felt like it had everything in control thought like this.

He felt that everything was stable, and he even came up with the idea that it would be okay to switch to another person.

Come here, hold this locket, and I'll take you to see it. Horcrux said.

Okay, Kai is having fun. A voice suddenly sounded.

It was a boundless, bottomless magical energy.

And he is in the hands of that energy master.


Why did he forget this.

Why did he forget that he introduced himself when he first appeared? The little girl also clearly asked him that he was the Dark Lord!

The Horcrux wanted to look back, or look at the hand holding the locket, but his soul and even his whole body refused.

It seems that just one look will destroy him! How is that possible!

The Horcrux of the greatest wizard in the world today would be afraid of a wizard whose voice doesn't sound great!


Absolutely impossible!

Is this the food that can make Jerry grow up? The little girl said innocently.

Yes Kate. The owner of that energy voice said.

Hello, I am Voldemort's Horcrux.

I know most of the magical knowledge in this world.

No matter who you are, what a magical creature that Jerry is.

I don't think anything is as important as my knowledge.

As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything you know. Horcrux said flatteringly.

As Voldemort's Horcrux, he also inherited Voldemort's fear of death.

Facing a powerful wizard like Ryan, he did not dare to risk his own life to show the dignity of the Dark Lord.

No, I think Jerry is more important. The voice said ruthlessly.

Then, a cat meow suddenly sounded.

However, the Horcrux felt the threat of death from this voice, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

He looked at the place where the meow came from, and saw a kitten as big as a palm.

No, that's not a cat!

It’s an all-devouring flame!

Fiery spirit!

This is definitely not a life that can be born naturally!

No, don't come over!

Don't come over here!

The Horcrux wants to beg for mercy from the owner of this flame.

But he was surprised to find that he couldn't speak!

The black cat got closer and closer, and what finally appeared in his eyes was a tongue full of barbs.

From Ryan and Kate's perspective, Jerry the cat approached the locket and licked it, and the eyes in the two glass windows in the locket disappeared.

Jerry the kitten is also a little bigger. Jerry meowed contentedly, rubbing his little head against Ryan's calf.

Ryan, is this Voldemort?

Why don't you keep him for fun? Kate said disappointedly.

What do you think Voldemort is? Ryan picked up Jerry and lay in the air, as if there was an invisible sofa behind him.

The most dangerous and terrifying dark wizard in the 19th century, no, in history. Kate said.

What about Grindelwald? Ryan said dissatisfiedly.

He felt that Voldemort, the part of the soul in the locket died too easily.

Is Grindelwald a dark wizard?

He just failed. Kate looked puzzled.

Okay, but Kate, Kate, you should be able to see how ignorant, bold, and afraid of death Voldemort is from his behavior of making Horcruxes.

Especially he actually made more than one Horcrux.

Tear his soul into pieces. Ryan said sarcastically.

As a descendant of the god of death, Tom Riddle is born to be a royal family in the afterlife.

Although the afterlife is said to be equal, there are classes where there are people.

Tom, who has the surname of the first generation of the god of death, Gaunt, is actually afraid of death?

And Tom also had the right of inheritance at the beginning, although in Ryan's thinking, Potter, the direct descendant of the second generation of the god of death, has the best chance.

In Ryan's thinking, the afterlife depends on will and soul.

There is not much difference between wizards and Muggles. Wizards can only wander between life and death, and have the right to refuse death and turn into ghosts to stay in the world.

But Tom Riddle cut off one foot of his soul in the afterlife when he was alive. How ignorant, he will understand when he dies.

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