Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 Non-existence

What kind of wizard is Dumbledore in the wizarding world?

In fact, regarding Dudley's case, before the Daily Prophet, not many wizards knew about his unruly and rosy life when he was young.

As for Dumbledore not getting married, that's normal. A powerful wizard can make everything happen in his mind, real and vivid.

But now, every wizard knows about Dumbledore and Grindelwald's affair. Therefore, Harry and the others were not allowed to think too much.

You know, even if he was present, Sirius, who knew Dumbledore's true purpose, couldn't help but be suspicious, and even had murderous intentions.

I think I will explain it to them. Sirius said, but with a gloating smile for some reason.

They all know that I checked Regulus' body when I came here. Dumbledore noticed this keenly from their expressions.

But he was not anxious at all. To be honest, he had long been used to this since Harry's childhood and Dudley's deeds were published in the Daily Prophet.

You should know that even Newt's wife Tina wrote a letter about this. She suspected that his husband and Dumbledore had an abnormally close relationship.

The same goes for other professors at Hogwarts. If anyone is not affected by these reports, Hagrid is probably the only one.

Hagrid firmly believed that these were all lies made up by Rita Skeeter, and Dumbledore even believed that if Rita Skeeter appeared in front of Hagrid, Hagrid would probably tear her alive.

Then let's go out directly. Following Sirius's question, Dumbledore had already opened the door and walked out naturally.

As for Regulus, he must stay in the immediate room.

It wasn't that Sirius thought others hated his brother and was ready to isolate him from everyone else.

Instead, he discovered that Regulus preferred dark environments, even vaguely more than himself and Kreacher.

Regarding eating, Sirius also discovered that it was not necessary for Regulus. He only ate because of the remaining memories in his body. According to Sirius' measurement, Regulus gained less energy from eating than staying in a dark room for an hour. Come more.

Now, even Kreacher didn't ask to cook for his favorite Master Regulus all day long.

On the contrary, as soon as Regulus goes out, Kreacher will suddenly appear and turn off all the lights in Regulus's path.

So, Sirius mustered up the courage to follow Dumbledore's tall and thin figure into the living room that was decorated like a fairyland in the woods.

In the living room, the long square table is now filled with Phoenix cake, which is full of delicious food, Kreacher's most famous French onion soup, boiled potatoes, various tempting and rich stews, syrup fruit pie, steak and kidney pie. .

But Ron, who should be feasting most at this time, was playing with his fork in boredom.

It seems that even he understands that he cannot eat first before others, namely Dumbledore and Sirius, come and the seats are not full.

No wonder Ron opened the door first because his stomach couldn't wait.

Professor, Sirius, you are here! Ron said hello eagerly.

It was as if the scene that had just happened was all thrown out of his mind.

Is Regulus okay? Harry demonstrated his high emotional intelligence skills that he had learned over the years at the Dursleys' house, and used Regulus as an excuse to get over the embarrassing scene just now.

At the same time, I clicked on the question. I know that Dumbledore checked Regulus' body when he came. He's fine! Sirius couldn't help but smile and said.

Although the scene just now was embarrassing, the news that Regulus was fine made him smile.

Very good! x3

Now you won’t get up so early every day! Harry, the others and Lupine said separately.

Fortunately! Master Regulus, the sole legitimate heir of my old master, is fine!

Kreacher wants to talk to the mistress! Kreacher disappeared.

Sirius, who was expelled from orthodoxy, didn't care. On the contrary, he applauded.

Well, didn't Sirius get up early these days to prepare for my birthday? Harry discovered the blind spot.

No, it's also because of Regulus. I couldn't sleep because of his worry! Sirius said in a relaxed tone.

Now that Regulus is well, everything is like a breeze to him.

Why didn't Regulus wear any clothes just now? Sure enough, it was Ron.

Sirius' black face, no, except for what just happened!

Fortunately, as Ron's friend, even Draco learned to make amends for him and change the subject. What's going on with Regulus?

He doesn't seem to need to eat, and he can't see the light.

Dumbledore, who was already sitting at the dining table, saw this and said kindly: Regulus's state is very magical.

The wizard's magic showed another state in his body.

It seems to be able to absorb certain substances from the dark environment to maintain its survival needs. Dumbledore said with a smile.

Just like a Boggart?

Boggarts like to inhabit dark, narrow spaces in closets, crevices under beds, sinks, and lockers under desks. By the way, there is also a grandfather clock.

My dad said they also like dark corners. Ron replied with a raised hand and a beaming smile.

Because Dumbledore moved his fork, that meant he could eat as much as he wanted.

At this moment, even Dumbledore, who had experienced hundreds of years, was in a daze for a moment. He could not have imagined that even if he moved his fork to remind Ron that he could eat, he could not gag him.

Comparing Regulus to a Boggart is like pointing at a baby girl and saying she is the mother of a dog.

Harry and Draco glared at each other.

Sirius didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lupin once again doubted whether Ron was Arthur's son.

No, Boggarts have never really lived. They are a strange kind of non-existence in the magical world that transcends life and death.

Therefore, they are neither born nor die. They are born from human emotions and feed on these emotions. They are always appearing. In short, they grow in rotten places like fungi.

Just like Dementors, all known non-existences can fly without physical assistance, which is almost impossible for wizards to do. Dumbledore emphasized.

Harry noticed that it was almost impossible to do it, and he began to doubt one thing. Could Dumbledore fly like Ryan? And Regulus is alive, he has his own life, not like non-existence, which is a fungus in the magical world. Dumbledore finally said.

So that's it. Ron picked up a piece of pie and ate it while talking.

He didn't seem to realize that he had just said a lot of things.

He should also be thankful that Kreacher was not there. Otherwise, he would have gone from being a friend of Master Harry to being the son of a pure-blood traitor.

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