The power of the gods is undoubtedly a curse for today's wizards.

As the incarnation of the gentle nurturing of the goddess Sakti, how could Parvati, known as the goddess of the snow mountain, cast such a vicious curse?

This curse that spreads from the bloodline is undoubtedly a gift.

Unlike the death god in the UK who relies on objects to carry his power, the gods of India are undoubtedly most fond of blessings.

And blessings are a kind of talent directly imposed on the body.

The power of the gods is thus wielded and immersed in mortals, or wizards who are also wizards but can no longer be called gods.

The blessing on Nagini is that she can transform into a snake-shaped magical creature that she has evolved herself, an achievement that ordinary wizards cannot achieve with Animagus.

The blood curse on the Greengrass family, one of the twenty-eight sacred families, makes all the female members of their family must be wizards, and there has never been a dud.

The essence of wizards is actually equivalent to gods, which is why the consequences of the blood curse on Greengrass are more serious and deadly.

Like Draco Malfoy's wife, Astoria Greengrass.

In the original world line, she died suddenly in August 2019, two years after she sent her son Scorpius to Hogwarts in good health.

She died at the age of 37.

The power of the blood curse is undoubtedly terrifying.

In fact, Ryan suspected one thing, that is, whether Voldemort's way of achieving level 6 and becoming a demigod wizard is related to the blood curse on Nagini.

After all, the direction of Voldemort's magic transformation is too much like a snake.

And after Peter Pettigrew, the wormtail, re-joined Voldemort, Voldemort naturally used Nagini's blood as part of his incarnation, which was too natural.

You have to know that a complete potion formula also requires experiments.

And Voldemort in that state did not have the energy and materials to experiment.

So, it is very likely that Voldemort's magic transformation referred to the power of the dark earth mother in the blood curse.

This is a fragment of the power of the gods, which is actually very likely.

Ryan also confirmed this after thinking about it.

That's why Voldemort doted on Nagini so much and was willing to let her become a living Horcrux.

Weak? Aren't gods also wizards? They are just the strongest among the first generation of wizards.

Nagini and even Greengrass are wizards, too. Why can't they bear it? Penelope, who was writing on the other side of her notebook, a page used for drafts, suddenly asked.

It's because they are wizards.

So Nagini can maintain her humanity and human form for a long time after adulthood; Greengrass usually die suddenly after middle age. Ryan answered.

In fact, in Ryan's opinion, if Nagini did not often use her ability to turn into a snake and witches from Greengrass did not use magic, then Nagini might die as a human being and witches from Greengrass would die of old age.

They are wizards, but only wizards.

Their wizard nature can barely bear the blessing, but they keep using the blessing (changing into snakes, becoming wizards and being able to cast magic), and the blessing will undoubtedly overwhelm their wizard nature.

Leading to the final collapse.

Wait, then according to what you said, Nagini experienced two dark lords and Dumbledore.

Is it because of this that they became the demigods you said, Ryan? Penelope noticed the blind spot. The carrier of the blood curse is undoubtedly rare, not to mention that this is the gift of the god wizard in Ryan's mouth.

The name of Nagini has a very obvious Indian style, and in some places in India it is even regarded as the name of a god. Such a blood curse is undoubtedly very valuable.

According to logical reasoning, Grindelwald, Dumbledore and even Voldemort should have come into contact with Nagini because of this blood curse.

No, no, no, Penelope, you finally guessed wrong this time!

Or not completely right. Ryan finally smiled.

Penelope puffed up her face.

Grindelwald and even Dumbledore actually didn't find the extraordinary of the blood curse.

The two of them achieved level 6, one because of their own talents and extraordinary beliefs. Another reason is the blood alliance they made to each other.

Two powerful wizards, love each other, but repel each other.

Want to get close, but afraid of getting hurt.

This mentality combined with their talents, the blood alliance, which is just a magic used to promise not to hurt each other, has evolved after their dramatic battle.

The mutual combination of magic and the refusal of the soul to get close, can share perspectives with each other, but firmly close themselves.

That is the root of their strength, it can be said that it is a miracle that can never be created again. Ryan sighed.

This is love. I am afraid that in this world, even Dumbledore can't believe that Grindelwald also achieved level 6 by love.

It's just that his love is more cruel and impure.

So he lost to Dumbledore. A wizard who truly believes in love.

Wait, why did they get close to Nagini.

According to you, I am not completely wrong, so Voldemort relies on this? Penelope asked her own question.

Kate pouted unhappily. After all, she was once a Dumbledore fan. She was ready to hear more gossip between Dumbledore and Grindelwald!

They came into contact with Nagini because of another person, Credence Barebone or Aurelius Dumbledore. Ryan nodded and said lightly.

Kate finally opened her beautiful brown eyes.

Gossip is coming!

There is actually a Dumbledore!

Is he Dumbledore's son?

Or another Dumbledore?

After all, Dumbledore also has a younger brother.

He also had an aunt, Honoria, and Lane used to tease him with her allusions to Horklap's sinister form.

Thinking of this, Kate couldn't help but show disgust.

She was reminded of Aunt Dumbledore's fiancé's terrible hobby of teasing the pink, spiky, mushroom-like creature.

Ryan continued: Cresden is one of the most powerful Obscuras in history and has the longest lifespan. Grindelwald regards him as a weapon to subvert Muggle society, or a replacement for Albus Dumbledore. Taste.

Albus Dumbledore wanted to guide this tribesman on the right path and stabilize him.

After all, the magical power of the Obscurans is unstable, which is also the truth about the short life of the Obscurans.

Because of this, both of them ignored Nagini, the blood-cursed orc who looked ordinary and was not uncommon in history.

In their eyes, Nagini is just Cresden's partner and friend. Ryan said with a smile.

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