Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 84 In the auditorium

Harry! Can you wear the crown?

Yes! Tell me what it feels like!

Can you rent it to me! How about ten gold galleons an hour?

How did you take out the crown?

I'm a student, can you give it to me directly?

You can't do that even if you're a beast! Where did the monster come from? Are you a Ravenclaw?

The Ravenclaws, realizing their own unreasonableness, stood around Harry politely, looking at Harry and the things in his hands with warm eyes, and asked all kinds of strange questions.

This crown was originally left by the great Ravenclaw to her daughter. And now you must all know that she is Ms. Grey. I just talked to Ms. Grey to let her untie her knot in front of this statue, satisfying a certain mechanism. And, we still have classes in the morning today. Harry explained reluctantly.

Luckily, Anthony, Hermione and others came out at this time.

The second year of Ravenclaw, that is, Harry's class, has always had the habit of going to and from get out of class together to avoid Peeves.

Although some of them didn't know, they still squeezed out of the crowd under Ron's leadership and walked towards the hall.

Today, the magic ceiling was gray, the same color as the cloudy sky outside.

This also represents Harry's mood at the moment.

Surrounded by bowls of porridge, plates of pickled herring, piles of bread slices, and plates of eggs and bacon on the long table, Harry thought of Qiu Zhang for no reason. She was really hardworking, even on a cloudy day.

But he suddenly remembered that when he just got up, the sky was still clear.

Harry, I heard that you really have the crown of Ravenclaw! Draco trotted over from the Slytherin table, and not far behind him, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle also had a curious light in their eyes.

Their expressions were not abrupt in the entire hall.

On the contrary, they seemed to be more restrained.

The other students in the hall seemed to want to eat Harry with their eyes.

If the deans of various colleges were not distributing class schedules at their tables, Harry's fate would probably be worse than in the lounge just now.

After all, there are students from not just one college, but four colleges.

Even the professors' eyes are full of irrepressible curiosity.

Next to Harry is Ron, and Ginny is sitting not far from them. Looking at this side curiously.

Well, it's true. Harry nodded helplessly. Now, even "Magic in the Muggle World" placed on a milk jug can't make him happy.

Yes, you heard it right, happy.

Harry is happy, after seeing the content of this book.

Although he knew that Voldemort's set was unreliable and that Ron's father was the future of wizards.

But there has never been a book that pointed out all this in such detail.

Well, Harry's heart began to immerse himself in the book again.

The crown in the robe seemed to have a strange magic, and when he didn't wear it, it also exuded a calming power.

Is that crown just as I said you have worn it? Draco asked stutteringly.

This year, he has encountered two relics of the Big Four.

One of the lockets was destroyed before he had time to appreciate it.

And now, there is a relic of the Big Four in front of him.

Draco, there will be plenty of time in the future. If you want to wear it, I can lend it to you. Harry shrugged. At this time, Professor Flitwick had already walked in front of them.

Harry, I can't believe that the Ravenclaw diadem is in the lounge, in front of us! Professor Flitwick exclaimed in a shrill voice, and after giving Harry the schedule, he resisted his curiosity and disappeared.

Our first class is Defense Against the Dark Arts! Ron couldn't help but exclaimed.

What! This can't be the handiwork of that person! Draco said worriedly.

Because of his concern for Harry, he immediately forgot about the diadem.

Are you talking about Professor Riddle? Anthony, who hasn't played a role for a long time, showed up. Is he dangerous?

But in my opinion, no one can hurt Harry!

You know, he is a real Ravenclaw! Anthony exclaimed.

A real Ravenclaw? Harry looked confused and ate an egg to calm himself.

He didn't know he had such a nickname.

When did he get another one?

Could it be Ron?

Harry looked at Ron, but Ron also looked confused.

That's right.

It is said that the sword of Gryffindor is in the Sorting Hat, but only a true Gryffindor can pull it out.

The crown in the statue of Ravenclaw must be the same.

Only a true Ravenclaw like Harry deserves it! Anthony said in a firm tone, as if he was saying that the sun rises in the east.

I have said it before, this is because of Ms. Grey. Harry defended.

To be honest, he didn't want another halo, he was already famous enough.

If there were more, he didn't know if he could still enjoy his campus life normally.

I know how humble you are, Harry! Anthony's eyes were filled with tears.

His voice was so loud that even Michael, who was preparing his speech and preparing to talk to Ginny not far away, was attracted.

He turned his head and looked at his best friend and Harry.

Terry did the same.

Anthony's voice made everyone around him look again.

They were all planning to talk about it later.

Because it's almost 9 o'clock.

And, Harry and the crown will always be in Hogwarts and won't fly away.

Like Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, they have two classes in the morning.

Take the courses of other colleges in the same grade as Harry.

Gryffindor is Herbology and Transfiguration.

Hufflepuff is Charms and Herbology.

Although Slytherins have only one class like Ravenclaw, they can still use it to catch up on sleep in History of Magic, but they are not as curious about everything in Ravenclaw as the other two colleges.

But now, because of Anthony's words, they can't help but focus their eyes on Harry again.

And the professors have disappeared. They all went to prepare for their own courses.

Does this mean

It's all because of you!

I haven't eaten enough! Ron, who hurriedly said goodbye to Draco and ran away in advance, complained to Anthony.

Because of the entanglement of everyone, Ron and others had to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in advance.

It is worth mentioning that the girls had already left one step ahead, and they couldn't stop their curiosity and desire for Tom Riddle.

However, except Hermione.

Hermione and Ryan were left in the hall by them.

They might be eating breakfast leisurely.

Harry suddenly thought with resentment.

Because, he was not full either.

Damn Anthony!

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