Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Voldemort's Defense Against the Dark Arts Part 2

Neville's performance made the tense crowd sigh.

It's not that Riddle didn't know how to liven up the atmosphere, but more because he felt it was unnecessary.

Class is class, as long as the students pay attention to what he says.

Okay, I have a question now. That is why we don't use spells to deal with the easier target, a Muggle.

You know, a strengthened wand illumination spell can blind him.

Even a simple confusion spell can confuse him. Riddle asked.

Because although Muggles are fragile, they will become extremely dangerous as long as he pulls the trigger. Lisa Dupin raised her hand.

She had always wanted to answer the question about the prince charming in her mind, but Michael got there first.

Even Neville attracted Riddle's attention a little.

This made her very depressed.

Not bad, anything else?

What about you, Harry. Riddle nodded approvingly and looked at Harry.

Spells other than Transfiguration can also harm Muggles. Guns are also dangerous to them. If they accidentally discharge or point the gun at themselves under the Confusion Spell, they will undoubtedly harm or take their own lives. Harry said.

Very good, you have paid attention to the safety of Muggles.

But if you think about it in a mean way, if the Muggle in my case died because of your spells other than Transfiguration, and our Ministry of Magic knows about it, there will be a consequence, and he will be sent to Azkaban.

Because, in the Ministry of Magic, Muggles need to be protected, which is a kind of political correctness.

So, when facing a Muggle with a weapon, it is best not to use spells to focus on him, but to focus on what makes him dangerous to you.

Finally, please write a one-foot article based on my book and what you learned today. The content and topic are not limited.

Almost forgot, Ravenclaw adds 5 points!

get out of class dismissed! As soon as Riddle finished speaking, the students led by Lisa Dupin surrounded him tightly.

Completely forget the previous traditions, everything is in get out of class.

In their eyes, it seems that Peeves' revenge is nothing.

You know, because of Harry, Peeves really hates Ravenclaw students.

Especially those in Harry's class.

One foot! That's enough! Even if we don't mention his identity, the standard unit of length of our homework in the second year has to be changed to feet! On the way back to the common room, Ron said indignantly.

Is the Ministry of Magic really like that?

I said how could there be dark wizards in Hufflepuff.

They probably went in because of similar cases. Terry seemed to have lost his dream.

Harry knew that he, like Percy, aimed to work in the Ministry of Magic.

Aha, don't worry, my dad is from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Although his position is not big, my dad can participate in the compilation of laws and has a lot of say.

Just like this year's "Muggle Protection Act", it was drafted by my dad. Terry's words relieved Ron from his depression.

Not only because he thought of his proud father, but also because he thought of a shortcut to complete his homework.

Harry saw this from Ron's expression.

Sometimes, the understanding of a person and the friendship between them are not determined by the length of time.

This is the case with Harry and Ron. For Harry, even if Ron sticks his butt out, he can understand what Ron wants to do.

So, Harry can even understand people's speculation about the relationship between him and Ron last school year.

I can write to my father and tell him about the content of the class.

As far as I know my father, if I send it at noon, he will reply before the evening, and there must be a lot of useful content in it.

I can excerpt some of it. Ron whispered excitedly beside Harry.

And Terry, who was standing next to him, calmed down with the comfort of his two good brothers Anthony and Michael.

Ron's words actually had no effect on Terry.

In terms of grammar, Ron's father can change the law in the future tense.

And Terry found that the Ministry of Magic was very bad in the past, which is a complete past tense.

What will happen in the future, can't Terry change it himself?

What do you want Ron's dad for?

Look! That's Peeves! Harry pointed to Peeves, who was heading to the fourth floor not far away.

He was definitely not mistaken.

Peeves looked completely different from a ghost, and his body was more substantial than the ghosts in Hogwarts.

He looked like a short man with a pair of evil black eyes and a big mouth, with black hair, and often wore brightly colored strange clothes, such as a hat with bells and an orange bow tie.

And he could fly like a ghost, pick up entities, and make himself invisible.

These were all conclusions Harry came to from other people or from his own observations from afar.

Because Harry's own strange passivity prevented him from meeting Peeves.

Peeves looked very happy now, with his big mouth wide open, which was obviously the prelude to a prank.

Oh no! Ron's face turned pale.

It was Ginny!

Their first class today was Charms! Harry and Ron looked at each other and ran to the fourth floor without saying anything.

Neville, Terry and the other two were all confused.

Harry knew that if Peeves was really targeting Ginny and the others, the first-year students of Ravenclaw, he would win as long as he got to the Charms classroom.

Because Peeves would subconsciously stay away from Harry.

As long as he got there, Peeves would be helpless no matter how many schemes he had.

Fortunately! Professor Flitwick was still there. Ron said breathlessly.

I think Peeves might not have been targeting Ginny and the others at the beginning.

After all, Professor Flitwick was there. Harry suddenly thought of this.

Yes, Peeves would at most provoke Filch.

I think he must have thought of some new prank on Filch. Ron also suddenly realized.

Why is Ryan there?

Faster than us! Ron pointed to Ryan who was chatting with Luna not far away in confusion.

Her sister Ginny also looked very crazy.

This made Ron more or less uncomfortable.

After all, that was Ryan.

He always appeared and disappeared mysteriously. Harry said speechlessly.

He knew best how Ryan got here.

This Ryan must be his clone.

Ryan had a necklace that could create multiple forms.

Not far away, Ginny saw Harry from a distance, and after hesitating for a while, she ran in Harry's direction.

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