Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 The Next Consumable


A rare all-black Adder snake crawled slowly in the garbage dump, its mouth was wide, and its forked tongue kept stretching and retracting, as if it smelled the smell of its favorite food, rat.

The next second, it raised its head high, and then a fat rat appeared in its mouth.

However, strangely, the rat did not resist.

You know, as the only venomous snake among the three major native snakes in the UK, its venom is deadly, but it will not inject a large amount of venom at a time, nor will it strike repeatedly like other venomous snakes.

This rat should have shaken more violently under the stimulation of slight venom.

However, this Adder snake did not have human wisdom. With the promotion of appetite, it soon couldn't wait to swallow the motionless rat.

With a flash of black light in its abdomen, the magic power that best fits snakes began to revive.

Then there was a tiny white gas that was no different from the surrounding fog.

Hiss, hiss, hiss (I thought I was really dead)! The snake eyes that were just filled with appetite and ambition suddenly regained the light of wisdom.

Voldemort felt that he was very unlucky.

He was just looking for a smelly old man who lived alone to inquire about the possible news of the old wand.

All this started when he occupied Greyback's body.

Greyback was a homeless guy, and Voldemort found a report with photos in Greyback's temporary residence, the home of a dark wizard killed by Greyback.

Voldemort didn't know which newspaper the report came from.

Because that page was simply torn off.

But the photo was of Lucius Malfoy, who was grinning and holding up a wand that looked very impressive.

It was speculated that the wand was the rumored old wand.

Voldemort was overjoyed. With Harry Potter too strong, Dumbledore not dead yet, and a part of his soul betraying him, it would be great if there was a wand that was praised as invincible after mastering it.

So, with a temporary body again, he quickly found the old wizard who sold the wand through his advanced magic and clever mind.

But the nightmare happened, and he became the weakest state ever.

This made him unable to even choose a temporary host like a mouse or a snake.

Snakes are the most suitable for his magic. When he uses snakes as hosts, he lives the longest and his magic recovers the fastest.

But he couldn't choose freely at that time. This made him choose to be swallowed by a snake to transfer the host.

But these are not the most terrible.

The most terrible thing is that he is almost losing something now, that is, confidence.

Although reason tells him that he is immortal and has plenty of time.

But the young self in Hogwarts is also the same.

He still has the help of Dumbledore.

Moreover, the wizard who called himself Kamen Rider and dressed as a Muggle was the main reason that shook his confidence.

That man could stop time just like his name Chronos.

At first, Voldemort actually just thought it was a compound magic similar to petrification and the disappearance of surrounding sounds.

However, until he used the Death Curse, he realized that it might be true.

The Death Curse that no spell could counter was actually stopped!

His most powerful spell!

The spell that no wizard dared to face! Stopping time seems to sound very simple for wizards.

After all, they all invented a time converter that can go to the past.

However, Voldemort clearly understood that time has never been controlled by wizards.

The time converter was only made because of a strange sand from ancient Egypt.

No wizard can touch that sand directly.

And although it has the power of time, it is very fragile.

A blazing flame can easily melt and destroy it.

He knows so much because he once studied it when he was young.

That's why he knew how great that man, the Kamen Rider, who used the name of the God of Time Chronos, was.

Moreover, the prop seemed to have used Muggle methods.

Does this mean that he is out of date?

Now, he realized that he was just an old man, an old man abandoned by time.

In the future when magic is developing rapidly, the immortal body he relied on might also have magic that could be cracked.

However, this also means that the wand in Lucius Malfoy's hand must be the legendary wand.

After all, there will be such a strong and unheard-of wizard!

Hiss hiss hiss (I must make a comeback as soon as possible)!

In fear of the future, Voldemort set his sights on Antonin Dolohov, his former subordinate.

The strongest and cruelest wizard among all his subordinates.

It is also a consumable that can temporarily restore him to his peak.

Dolohov is in Azkaban. Under the oppression of the Dementors, he can't resist Voldemort's invasion at all.

After taking over the body of this powerful wizard, he could use local resources in Azkaban and gather his followers there.

The Dementors were just his servants.

After occupying this isolated island, he can send his confidant Bella to collect materials for his resurrection. When he is truly resurrected, he will raise his arms and attack Malfoy Manor.

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Take down the Elder Wand.

Occupy the Ministry of Magic.

After conquering the Ministry of Magic, keep everyone inside as hostages.

Then he will develop slowly!

Hiss hiss hiss (Ahahaha)!

Just as Voldemort was looking forward to the future, two hundred miles away, the boy named Harry Potter suddenly woke up from his dream.

Harry lay straight in bed, panting heavily, as if he had been running just now. He woke up from a very realistic dream, with his hands pressed tightly to his face.

Under his fingers, the lightning-shaped scar burned with pain, as if someone had just pressed a white-hot wire to his skin.

He sat up, one hand covering the scar, the other hand groping in the dark to get the glasses on the bedside table.

He put on the glasses, the scenery in the dormitory slowly became clear, the bright moonlight outside the window shone through the window, covering the dormitory with a layer of hazy silver-white soft light.

Harry stroked the scar with his fingers again, it still hurt badly.

This feeling was exactly the same as the first time he saw Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.

After he inexplicably overcame it, he thought he would never experience it again in his life.

Harry! Harry turned over and got out of bed, and Ron's mumbling in his dream on the bed next to him almost made his heart jump out.

He looked at Ron, who was twisting his legs around the quilt in his sleep, and kept shouting his name.

What if Rita Skeeter saw this? Harry couldn't help thinking so.

He once again understood why some people thought that the relationship between him and Ron was abnormal.

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