Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 107: Dumbledore's unprecedentedly powerful power

Dumbledore was not a man who was afraid of chaos.

But now, he suddenly discovered something.

Now may be the time for his greatest influence.

The power of the old, self-proclaimed pure-blood nobles and the stubborn Ministry of Magic can be said to be in Dumbledore's hands.

Moreover, the most famous and influential newspaper in the wizarding world also belongs to his group.

It can be said that now he really controls the power of the entire British wizarding world.

The greatest power was in his hands.

But he doesn't have to worry about deteriorating and making the mistakes of his youth.

Because some of the American wizards who have landed on the moon, as well as wizards who have been resurrected by the gods or have inherited his name, stand high above his head as the Sword of Duskmo.

As for Voldemort, who might bring casualties to the wizarding world, he turned his minions into the hands of his own people.

Greyback and Antonin Dolokhov were all villains who made him unwilling to give him another chance.

And Arthur has moved all the innocent people in his eyes who may be affected out of the battlefield of Azkaban.

Now, what else is there to fear about him!

Even if he is a hundred years from now, the immortal twins, Tom Riddle and Harry Potter will inherit his name.

Guard the land he loves forever.

Even if they deteriorate over the years, Hogwarts is a paradise they will never touch.

So Greek mythology, and the associated spells, we need to re-seal? Lucius Malfoy reacted immediately.

As pure bloods with a long history, they know that those gods are not fictional, and they are beyond the reach of current wizards.

In ancient Greek mythology, He is the first cause, the origin of everything in the universe.

It was He who created Chronos, created Aether (ether) and Chaos, and made a cosmic egg in the body of infinite Aether.

The egg contains the past, present and future of the entire universe.

And Greek mythology was born.

If He is revived, what about the other gods?

Then we also need a time converter? Arthur Weasley said next.

No, it's just the name that lives on, and no wizard today has developed a spell using his name.

Only the Time-Turner needs to be sealed. Dumbledore thought for a moment and finally said.

Okay, I'll arrange all this when I get back. Arthur Weasley said seriously.


Why hasn't Dad replied yet? After the day's class, Ron said depressedly on the lawn beside the Black Lake.

Mr. Weasley may be dealing with matters at the Ministry of Magic, as he has just assumed the position of Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

I'm afraid he is too busy to read your letter.

I was the most annoyed, Sirius ignored me.

Does he think my content is all nonsense? Harry picked up a stone and threw it into the Black Lake, as if to vent his inner depression.

Sirius might be busy taking care of his brother! Maybe Regulus has learned to speak recently.

I'm the one who should be depressed the most!

My dad obviously has nothing to do!

But he didn’t reply to my letter! Draco covered his face with his hands and said dully.

Isn't he busy with your engagement to Pansy? Ron and Harry said quickly.

The two finally had smiles on their faces at this moment. Eating melon is indeed an activity that every human being is happy for.

ah! I don't even know!

Did Sirius tell you? Draco had no time to feel depressed. He stood up abruptly, his pale face turning into a monkey's butt.

Hey, isn't this why you were busy and ignored us before? The smiles that had just bloomed on Ron and Harry's faces faded just like that.

Not true? Draco said half happily and half regretfully.

He thought it was true. For a moment, he was thinking about whether to marry Pansy in advance.

When he came back to his senses, he found two pairs of big eyes staring at him, as if he couldn't leave here alive unless he explained why he ignored Harry and the others before.

ok i said

You may all know that Terrence Higgins from our academy was in seventh grade last year.

So, our Slytherin Quidditch team needs a new Seeker.

And I've been busy with this recently.

I am the new Seeker of our academy team. Draco couldn't help but smile.

Let me start by saying something unpleasant. When the Quidditch match starts, unless your opponent is Hufflepuff, then don’t expect me to cheer you on! Ron frowned, thought for a moment and then said.

Of course! You are so serious, I thought you were going to say something! Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

Wait what is that? Ron and Draco also looked in the direction Harry pointed, and it was a heroic bird.

Its eyes, beak and feet are light yellow, the feathers on its head, neck and tail are white, and the feathers on other parts of its body are dark brown. It is very majestic and beautiful.

It’s a letter! Ron pointed to the bird's leg, where a letter was tied.

This is the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States. I heard that there is a branch of the Potter family in the United States. Could this be a gift from them? Draco looked at the bird and clicked his tongue in wonder.

How do you know? Ron frowned, noticing that Draco was talking about the United States, not the American wizarding world.

you do not know?

Since I learned about the moon landing, I have focused on understanding the countries that can land on the moon, and the United States is one of them.

You are Mr. Arthur's son.

Alas, I wonder if Mr. Arthur's becoming the Director of Magical Law will hinder his real career. Draco and Ron, who heard him say this, couldn't help but worry.

I think this may be a good thing.

After Mr. Weasley has the power, he can directly amend the relevant laws, and he doesn't have to rely on the backdoors he left behind like before. Harry persuaded.

At the same time, the sea eagle landed next to Harry and stretched out his right leg with a letter tied to it.

Is he really the Potter of the American wizarding world? Ron stretched his neck curiously.

It's Sirius!

When did he buy a new messenger! Harry happily opened the letter, and the sea eagle bit Harry's hair with its beak and flew away like a whirlwind.

Dear Harry:

Everything you dreamed of, I, Arthur, and Lucius told Dumbledore.

Dumbledore will take care of this, you don't have to worry.

Tell Ron and Draco that they don't have to wait for a reply.

Arthur and Lucius are busy with this.

Love you Sirius

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