Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 The end of the

What aspects are the main factors that reflect a person's charm?

Appearance, conversation, and knowledge?

Appearance does not only refer to good-looking facial features. To become a sweetheart in the eyes of girls, most of them have other additional factors. Good skin, not greasy, refreshing, and well-proportioned body are also important factors in evaluating sweethearts.

Conversation refers to communication skills, which can get to the point when communicating and make people feel happy.

Knowledge is an important factor in the eyes of some little fans who love learning. Maybe they are just friends or reject them at the beginning, but as long as they have the opportunity to get in-depth contact, they will be difficult to get rid of.

In Penelope's eyes, her boyfriend Ryan is a charming existence.

Just in terms of appearance, she was attracted. He has light body hair, good skin, white as if it is glowing, non-greasy hair, clean and refreshing, facial features are perfectly matched, and his figure is slender and well-proportioned (that's right, although Penelope doesn't know, but Ryan's body transformation skills have made him almost perfect in appearance and inside, not to mention that he originally had a good foundation).

Moreover, he is not like other little boys of the same age, who always deliberately bully him to attract attention and mature.

Most importantly, Ryan knows a lot of unorthodox magic knowledge, which is inconsistent with mainstream views and books, but Penelope tries privately and learns magic more smoothly.

Although Penelope sometimes hates Ravenclaw for being too indifferent and even wants to go to Hufflepuff, the thirst for mysterious knowledge is also a side that Penelope cannot get rid of.

During the time they met, Penelope felt like she had lost herself, and Ryan could always help her, both in her studies and in her life. Most importantly, he made her realize Kate, a good friend.

In the previous incident of the crying boy Rocky, Penelope noticed Kate's actions at the first time and was ready to alienate herself. But Ryan's reminder made Penelope realize that Kate was doing this for herself, and later Kate made her discover the hateful red-haired informant Percy.

Sometimes when I was sober, I also suspected that it might be an adult wizard who used the polyjuice potion to become a child and interact with me. But Kate went to the admission book to investigate for herself, and Ryan Smith was indeed a student of Hogwarts, but it was 4 years later, and he was in the same class as the savior Harry Potter!

So this is Ryan's secret, and this is why he has been avoiding some of my questions. Penelope wondered whether she should expose Ryan and take revenge on this little liar.

But with Kate's hint, she also found that she was not much better, pretending to be a little wizard from Muggle, and finding topics to chat with Ryan.

What's more, Ryan can turn into a phoenix, and Penelope, who knows the magic of the phoenix, knows what kind of great magic it is, which is fascinating.

Becoming a magical creature, or an incarnation in Ryan's mouth, is amazing and mysterious.

Finally, on Christmas, Penelope made up her mind and gave a reply.

But what's strange recently is that when Ryan turned into a phoenix to chat at night recently, although he was energetic, he still felt a little lack of energy, as if he had just had a magic duel.

"What letter will Ryan write to me tomorrow?" Penelope thought in the dormitory.

"Oh no, Easter is almost here. Ah, I'm dying. I've been studying Transfiguration so much lately that I haven't finished memorizing the History of Magic yet!" Penelope received the letter the next day and was awakened from the joy of the Easter holiday by the information Ryan mentioned "accidentally" in the letter. The exam will be in June.

"Kate!" Penelope suddenly called Kate who was tiptoeing to leave.

"Let's go to the lounge and find some information about the exams in previous years. It's a holiday, so make a study plan!"

"Ah! Isn't the exam in June? I don't want it, I don't want it, I've planned to relax! -- Penelope, you can't be so cruel."

"Resistance is useless." After saying that, Penelope lifted Kate up like a chick.

Kate seemed to understand that resistance was useless, and she drooped her little face and stopped struggling.

"There's one more thing."

"I'm going to write to Ryan and ask some questions. What if I have to take the exam?" Penelope added.

So, in the evening in the Ravenclaw common room, Ryan, who looked like a phoenix, was pulled over again and asked a lot of questions.

Finally, Penelope added that he should pay attention to the letter, there is more in it.

"Ahhh, did I shoot myself in the foot?" On the other side, Ryan, who had untied the phoenix incarnation in the practice room, opened his eyes helplessly, "Penelope has become less and less concealed recently. I suspect she is greedy for my head!"

The difficult three months of preparation finally ended. June has arrived. Although they are in different places, Ryan and Kate breathed a sigh of relief at the same time when they realized that they had left the hell of the study plan.

For Kate, the exam is no longer a hell, but a paradise to get rid of Penelope.

What's more, after the exam results are released in the second week of June, the final dinner will follow, and the next third week will be the time for the summer vacation.

In September, I will be a second-year student at Hogwarts. How tall will I be by then?

Kate quickly wrote a letter to Ryan and made an appointment with where to go in London during the summer vacation. Then she will not be called Penelope.

Kate also noticed that Ryan, like herself, was suffering from Penelope's syndrome during this period, and didn't want to face her for the time being, so it was better to communicate through letters.

Besides, Penelope prefers to communicate by letter, "I'm such a good friend," Kate said after writing the letter.

"Kate's letter?" Ryan took the letter from Jack.

"Fortunately, Penelope's family is going on a family trip recently, otherwise I would be too busy." Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm so strong now, no, no, no, I still can't die. I'll go to a travel agency during the summer vacation and see the travel in the wizarding world." Ryan considered.

After Ryan finished writing the letter, he gave it to Jack to arrange for an owl to deliver the letter.

"Horror Tour? I've wanted to go for a long time, but unfortunately my father and mother have always prevented me from going. It just so happens that they have to go on a business trip during the summer vacation. Horror Tour, here I come."

On the other side, Kate thought excitedly after receiving the letter and checking it.

So the next day, Ryan, who received the reply and confirmed the time, came to 59 Diagon Alley alone.

Horror Tour is a wizard travel agency located at 59 Diagon Alley.

They offer thrilling vacation trips such as renting a vampire castle in Transylvania, hiking along the zombie trail, and visiting the Bermuda Triangle.

The company's external GG is not responsible for any injuries or deaths that may occur during these trips.

But Ryan had previously investigated and found that no wizard had died in the so-called thrilling vacation trips. The above statement was just a gimmick, and it just happened to bring Kate along.

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