Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 130: The Vanishing Basilisk

Riddle opened his mouth and hissed, "Speak to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the four Hogwarts giants."

The ground shook with a sound of "click, click, click". It was a statue!

Dumbledore looked up at the statue, and the huge stone face of Slytherin moved.

The statue's mouth opened wide, almost forming an O shape, which could be said to be an expression that ordinary people could not make. Combined with the monkey face and long beard, it looked particularly funny.

Dumbledore also understood why Riddle had such a weird smile.

It seems that the basilisk has disappeared. Riddle sighed.

If the basilisk is still there, there should be the sound of the basilisk crawling from the depths of the statue.

If you count the time from when you sensed that something was wrong to when we arrived at the girls' bathroom on the second floor, that person probably only took ten minutes, or even less. Riddle frowned.

Even the funny appearance of his ancestors could not make his brows relax.

Isn't this what we have guessed long ago?

By the way, Tom, how did you find this password? Dumbledore said with a smile.

He waved his wand, and a recliner appeared behind him, and he lay down on it.

A brilliant transfiguration, without any fireworks. Riddle first exclaimed.

He also conjured a chair, but it looked more like a sofa.

He sat on the sofa and was silent for a long time.

You may not believe that Slytherin is still alive, at least when I came.

At that time, I was almost 17 years old, and I came to the secret room that no one had discovered for a thousand years with great satisfaction. But when I got here, I just thought about Slytherin in my heart, and Slytherin spoke to me. Slytherin's name contains part of his life, as well as the wizard's magic manuscript. After I entered that magic, he disappeared.

I also learned from Slytherin the password to release the basilisk. Before that, the basilisk could leave, but it could only pass through those magical channels, and could not actually enter Hogwarts, nor could it enter this room. Riddle's eyes were filled with memories.

Those so-called channel-enhanced magics should be used to deal with ghosts. This room also contains that kind of magic, I can sense it.

This is the same principle as ghosts cannot enter student dormitories and the lounges of various colleges.

Otherwise, this secret room would have been discovered long ago by asking ghosts to find it. Dumbledore took a sip of the wine that appeared from the air.

Of course, Slytherin has gone further than me in the magic of wizards. He can hide life and objects in his name and even sense my voice.

And I can only sense someone actually calling my name, and I can absorb other people's fear of me, which only increases the power of the spell a little bit.

My inability to complete this magic may really be related to the incompleteness of my soul.

After all, my information is not complete, how can I upload it. Riddle sighed and took the glass of wine that Dumbledore brought to him and floated next to him.

What a powerful magic.

Like Ravenclaw's ghost transformation, Slytherin also has his own unique magic. Dumbledore couldn't help but admire.

But you didn't seem to mention before that the magic can also enhance the power of your spells. Dumbledore said.

Why is it butterbeer! I'm not a brat. Seeing that Dumbledore didn't respond, he continued, "Of course the increase is too small. I can hardly feel it. I even thought it was an illusion for a while."

By the way, do you want to see that spell? I can repeat it to you. Riddle said in a casual tone.

Forget it. The magic of Ravenclaw alone almost makes me want to transform myself to prolong my life, not to mention

Tom, don't think I don't understand what you really mean. Dumbledore's eyes were empty.

You will change sooner or later, just like you dare to accept power now.

Potter can't replace you. Riddle didn't say much. He stood up and the sofa behind him turned into air again.

Dumbledore did the same. He waved his wand and saw the two of them began to float up and float into the O-shaped mouth of the Slytherin statue.

This is also a pipe, a dark, slimy slide.

Dumbledore's light blue eyes began to emit a warm fluorescent light.

This place seems to be no different from the previous place. Dumbledore looked around intently.

There is no passage that may connect to the underground world here. Riddle reached out his hand, touched the pipe, and sang a difficult ballad.

The most important thing is that there is no trace of the wizard.

This shouldn't be the case. Magic has been seen here. Dumbledore frowned.

No matter how powerful the wizard is, no matter how clean the magic is after use, the traces of magic cannot be eliminated.

Because the magic magnetic field will record everything.

This is why those gods, those gods who are deliberately forgotten and have no stories about them, are still alive.

Everything about them is engraved in their names, and their names are also engraved in the magic magnetic field like a spell.

This wizard may be closer to gods than us.

That is, the first generation of wizards. Riddle said excitedly.

Although he had already noticed and anticipated the power of this wizard.

But it was not until now that he confirmed this.

This means that in the future, when the time is so long that there is no end in sight, there is still room for improvement.

He thought that there was no progress in his study and training, but it might be an illusion.

Maybe it was just that the progress was too small for him to notice.

And in an old castle in Nottingham Forest, there was a garden. A bright green giant snake was entangled by the pond in the garden. It had yellow eyes as big as light bulbs, a long mouth, and hissed.

Next to the giant snake stood a handsome boy who seemed to have walked out of a painting. He had black hair and pupils like a bright moon.

Behind him, a snake that was extremely petite compared to the giant snake was rubbing its head against the boy from time to time.

Stop it, Nagini.

You might as well turn into a human form. Well, it's a pity that the time you can turn into a human form today has run out.

It's a pity that I look at the basilisk again. Its intelligence seems to have been wiped out before it was born. What an interesting eye. This is another kind of death curse, using the eyes. The boy muttered to himself.

A spider crawling in the flowers suddenly flew up, and the boy looked at it. Look at my shock!

The spider twitched and then stopped moving.

Obviously, this boy is Ryan.

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