Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 141: Minister of Magic

The Minister of Magic is the highest leader of the British wizarding world and the highest-ranking person in the Ministry of Magic.

The Minister of Magic has full authority over all affairs of the British wizarding community, and he also has exclusive jurisdiction over the Ministry of Magic as a whole.

This position is equivalent to the Prime Minister in the British Muggle society.

Although the Minister of Magic has directly requested someone to take up this position, in most cases, its candidates are elected through democratic elections.

There is no fixed limit to the term of office of the Minister of Magic, but they must hold elections regularly, with a maximum interval of 7 years.

So, it is obvious that if you want to be the Minister of Magic, the most important thing is to gain the recognition of the wizards in the wizarding world. If you do well, you may be able to do it until retirement.

This can be seen from the term of office of a Minister of Magic nicknamed "Sprayer".

His name is Faris Spavan, a wizard who is very good at speaking.

In 1865, he became the Minister of Magic at the age of 109. No one would have thought that he, who had no advantages except speaking, could stay in this position for 38 years.

At the age of 147, he began to retreat to the second line.

But this was not because he was too old to work, but because he attended Queen Victoria's funeral wearing an admiral's hat and foot guards.

So he was dismissed for violating the protection law, just like Millicent Bagnot in modern times (Bagnor defended a large part of the wizard celebrations after Voldemort's defeat because they violated the International Statute of Secrecy).

During Spaven's tenure, he also experienced many assassinations, but they were all because of his mouth. For example, because of the centaur joke (the beginning of a centaur, a ghost and a dwarf walked into the same pub), he was assassinated by a centaur (flying kick).

But apart from that, his position as Minister of Magic was unexpectedly stable.

His achievement of being the longest-serving Minister of Magic in history was not just because he could speak, the most important thing was that he was born in Hufflepuff, and with his ability to speak, he won the support of most Hufflepuffs in the wizarding world.

Hufflepuff, Faris Spaven is he a Hufflepuff? Harry, who was talking to Ryan, questioned.

Yes, the first Minister of Magic, Eurick Gamp, was also a Hufflepuff. Ryan replied in his mind.

Since Kate and the others had gone back for Christmas, Ryan, who stayed at Hogwarts on a whim, became a lonely old man.

So bored that he talked to Harry Potter about what the most important qualities are to become a Minister of Magic.

Well, maybe there is also origin.

But, Harry replied clearly in the book.

It is clearly not written, right? Being a Hufflepuff to run for Minister of Magic is a shortcut, a shortcut that is deliberately covered up by the other three houses.

All those ministers who do not mark which house they are from and do not have a bad reputation are Hufflepuffs. Ryan rolled his eyes in disdain.

Then I will ask you a question. You are familiar with Diggory, right? He is the central figure in your recent topic.

So, what house is he from? Ryan asked.

Hufflepuff. Harry replied in his mind while pretending to be tired and closing his eyes.

Yes, all the Diggory family are Hufflepuffs.

The fourth Minister of Magic in the Ministry of Magic is Diggory, Eddridge Diggory. Ryan's voice rang in Harry's heart.

But for Harry, this was simply shocking news. How could it be possible!

In Harry's impression, at least in the mouths of Ron and Draco, the position of Minister of Magic has always been in the hands of Slytherin and Gryffindor, and occasionally a Ravenclaw stands out.

Hufflepuff? Isn't it just a group of mediocre people?

The position of Minister of Magic has always been in the hands of most people, that is, Hufflepuff. Ryan replied.

But Dumbledore is not a Hufflepuff? Harry's face was suspicious, and Ron and Ginny in his arms almost thought he had a nightmare again.

Being born in that college is just a shortcut. As long as you are not Slytherin, you will be selected as the Minister if you are good enough, just like Dumbledore, who was invited to be the Minister three times. Ryan was speechless.

Slytherin? But Draco Harry didn't know how to respond.

But in the mouth of Draco Malfoy, the Ministry of Magic has always been in the hands of their pure blood, right?

You can say that, but the position of Minister is not like that. At most, they occupy a position of power other than the Minister.

When the Malfoy family was at its peak, they could only indirectly control a Minister, not directly because the people would not elect them.

You can look at the surnames of the Ministers of Magic in the Twenty-Eight Sacred Clans: Damocles Rowle, Perseus Parkinson, Josephina Flint, Radolphus Lestrange, Hector Foley.

Among the 33 Ministers of Magic, only 5 were pure-blooded.

They were obviously from Slytherin College.

But due to their bad reputation, which college they came from was also concealed by policy.

Damocles Rowle founded the cruelest prison Azkaban, and his descendants have been committed to maintaining this prison from being abolished.

Eldridge Diggory died of dragon pox because he wanted to abolish Azkaban.

Perseus Parkinson tried to pass a bill to ban wizards and Muggles from marrying.

Josephina Flint was morbidly opposed to all Muggle technology, removed all flush toilets from the Ministry of Magic, and even demanded the same from Hogwarts at the time.

Radolphus Lestrange tried to close the Department of Mysteries. He hated all advanced technology, including magic. He thought it would threaten their pure-blood magical knowledge.

Hector Foley allowed Grindelwald's behavior and always turned a blind eye to him, pursuing a policy of appeasement, like an ostrich, burying his head in the sand, as if danger would not come. Ryan replied.

So, Fudge is not the worst. At most, he is greedy for money and sold out some of his country's interests? Harry looked strange.

And Ryan sighed unconsciously that Fudge's resignation might be a good thing for Fudge himself.

In the original world line, after Voldemort's resurrection, Fudge's performance was exactly the same as his predecessor Hector Foley.

Ryan, are you saying so much just to explain one thing?

Percy took a detour? Harry opened his eyes and looked at Percy who was still talking about his cooking experience.

Percy was completely beaming with joy. Even when he was a superior, he was not so happy.

Harry began to wonder if Percy had offended Ryan, causing him to spend so much energy analyzing the history of magic, which he hated the most.

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