Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 144: Riddle's Identity

Peter Pettigrew is the name of that person. He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, has a clean family background, and is from Gryffindor, which is almost isolated from dark wizards.

And Draco Malfoy, his surname is closely associated with the Death Eaters. He is also a bad guy who was sorted into Slytherin as soon as the Sorting Hat touched him.

"Rotten oranges are rotten oranges. If the Malfoys can change, I can only tell you two words: dreaming!"

"The blood of betrayal and speculation is engraved in their hearts." Moody said sarcastically.

"Enough! Alastor!"

"Draco is impossible!"

"Besides, his father handed something to me."

"This thing concerns Voldemort's life and is one of the cornerstones of his immortality."

"Such a big sin, even if Draco kills Harry, or I, it can't undo Lucius's mistake."

"In fact, in my heart, I already know who that person might be."

Dumbledore paused and said, "Tom Riddle."

"Did you and him set a trap for Voldemort?" Snape couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"What does this have to do with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" This is Moody.

"Is he really your son?" Digger, the source of the rumor that Riddle is Dumbledore's son, said sharply.

"Who is the mother?" Sturgis rubbed his square chin.

"I think it might be Professor McGonagall." Hestia's face turned red. The Scarlet Witch was born in this room.

"Wait, this news - Kingsley, you kid, it's better not to stay here." Moody suddenly interrupted again.

In Moody's eyes, Kingsley was just a newcomer, and he was not as reliable as other old comrades.

As for Snape knowing about it, Moody was not surprised at all.

In his eyes, Snape joined the Order of the Phoenix and became a spy for the Death Eaters when he was a student.

In terms of qualifications, Snape is probably not much worse than him.

"Well, it seems that this matter can't be solved in a short time." Even Dumbledore smiled bitterly.

He began to draw out his wand and recited a long and difficult spell, and blue light emerged from his wand.

Then there was the sound of the pressure cooker boiling - the narrow living room just now suddenly expanded, the sofa became very long, and the bookshelf that could be regarded as a wall just now looked particularly funny in this room.

It gave people an indescribable sense of humor.

"Very good, very good traceless extension spell."

"But, this is my home." Snape couldn't help but reveal a little anger.

You know, this place is not only filled with his painful childhood.

Earlier, when his father had not gone bankrupt and his mother had not been exposed as a wizard, their family was still happy.

After he became a wizard, Lily also came here.

This place can be said to be filled with his happy and beautiful side.

"Don't worry, the space of this living room will be restored to its original state in 2 hours."

"And, Kingsley, you don't have to go out." Dumbledore smiled.

He waved his wand, and the sofa slid behind the buttocks of other wizards present.

He waved again, and the wobbly table became gorgeous and wide. On the Scottish-style tablecloth that suddenly appeared on the table, there were several glasses full of sherry.

"Well~, you really remember that I like this." Moody drank a sip intoxicatedly.

"You know, I never drink drinks given by others outside."

"And I don't drink too high alcohol-" Seeing the deliberate doubt on Kingsley's face, Moody laughed.

He took out a curved wine bottle, "It's all thanks to this!"

"I'll let it go."

"As a lady, getting drunk in front of a group of men is not a good thing." Hestia waved her hand.

Indeed, sherry is also called cooking wine. Because of its unique fragrance, it is deeply loved as a wine before meals in the UK.

But relatively speaking, its alcohol content is not low, which is consistent with its origin in southern Spain.

On the other side, Dumbledore waved his wand again after hearing this, and the sherry in front of Hestia turned into a glass of iced pumpkin juice.

"Yes, that's the taste!"

"I haven't drunk this unique pumpkin juice since I left Hogwarts." Hestia smacked her lips.

"Then I'll let Hagrid provide you with his unique experience in cultivating pumpkins." Dumbledore smiled.

In addition, Snape went upstairs naturally and brought a few plates of food from somewhere.

Moody shook his head, shook his gray hair away from his face, then pulled a plate of sausages over and held it up to his incomplete nose to smell it.

He took out a knife from his pocket, poked it into one end of a sausage, and started eating.


After about ten minutes, everyone was almost full.

"Now it's time to talk about who Riddle is." Moody took out another handkerchief that didn't look very clean from his pocket and wiped his mouth.

Instead of choosing some easy-to-use cleaning spells, such as - clean up, whirlwind sweep, etc.

As an Auror, or a former Auror, he always maintained the principle of not using magic if he could.

"Before talking about him - whirlwind sweep!" Di Ge stretched out his wand, and the wand absorbed most of the oil stains, leaving only the handkerchief in Moody's hand that was still slightly smoking.

"Thank you, Digger!" Moody said in a sarcastic tone, "You know, if it wasn't in front of you, the people who can give me a sense of security, what would happen if a wand suddenly appeared?"

"Fainted?" Digger jumped up lively.

"No, Cruciatus!" Moody read in a gloomy tone.

"Although the Ministry of Magic is reluctant to give me a promotion or give me more allowances, it is willing to give me the privilege of using the Unforgivable Curse."

"Why-because they fucking know that I am a good person!"

"I have never been a lunatic!"

"Everyone knows that they are guilty! Why can't I be vigilant or even attack them!"

"But now it's all right!"

"Arthur became the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, everything is fine!"

"Albus, you are finally sober!" Moody said drunkenly, burping from time to time.

"Sorry, Moody is drunk." Digger quickly covered Moody's mouth.

"He's not drunk, he's more sober than anyone else."

"I make mistakes, too."

"Now, let me tell you about Riddle's identity." Dumbledore took a deep breath.

"You may find his name familiar, but you've never made any associations."

"Riddle is part of Voldemort, the younger version of him."

"At the same time, he is also a weapon to defeat the current Voldemort, an indispensable part of the best solution." Dumbledore looked at the stunned crowd.

Except for Snape, he already knew, and was lowering his head to chew a piece of bread that looked tasteless.

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