Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 147 Weber Booth

Chapter 371 Weber Butt

"William Seward Webber?" Along with Ryan's low voice, at an angle invisible to the eyes, dots of starlight appeared on the surface of Ryan's body, and a large formation slowly emerged in his silver-white pupils—— A magic circle composed of the Milky Way.

Ryan's eyes looked at the third realm beyond matter and spirit, which the wizards called destiny.

Under Ryan's sight, the river of destiny, containing the past and future of this world, turned into names one by one.

William Seward Webb's name slowly began to emerge, then faded, leaving only Webb.

A thread of silk spread out from the river. Ryan looked closely and saw that it was the wizard's name. Unlike ordinary mortals, it shone with an eternal and transcendent brilliance - Weber Butt.

Around this name, there are several other extraordinary names, one of which is even connected to a longer past - Slytherin - Cadmus Peverell.

"Yes, Weber, Weber Butt." Ryan showed a surprised look.

Butt is an originally ordinary Muggle surname.

Like most surnames, boot comes from an unknown shoemaker.

From one of the shoemaker's descendants, a wizard was born.

The wizard later traveled to Ireland and settled here.

And Weber is the descendant of this unknown wizard.

He also has an older brother named Chadwick.

When he was young, his parents took the family to Plymouth Colony in the New World for adventure, where they met James Stewart, a No-Maj (the name given to non-magical people in the American wizarding community).

One day, the Bute family entered the forest to explore, but were attacked by a hidden monster.

Weber's parents were both killed, and he and his brother were seriously injured.

However, Pukechi named William and Isolt Thayer, who were foraging for food, rescued them and took them to Isolt's hut.

Later, Isolt brought back the unconscious James Stewart.

The following story is very familiar to wizards in the United States and even Slytherin House.

Isolt Thayer and James Stewart, descendants of Slytherin, fell in love, adopted Weber and Chadwick, and established Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Webb Bute returned to Ireland as an adult.

Repopulate their hometown.

Terry Butt is his descendant.

But maybe it was Webber Butt's Indian lover who made Terry's existence impossible to connect with Webber Butt.

Because Terry is totally Indian.

"It's really amazing. Could it be that the clues of Yuecheng are always by my side?" Ryan couldn't help but exclaimed and took a sip of the black tea handed over by Jerry to calm down his shock.

After observation and thinking, Lane has determined one thing. The American businessman named William Seward Webb is a descendant of Webb Butt.

But unlike the descendants of wizards who stayed in Ireland, they chose to take their ancestor's name and abandoned Bute, a surname that was prominent in the American wizarding world.

Ryan closed his eyes, and the magic power of the stormy sea wrapped around his brain like a spider web. Unrealistic guesses were swimming in his mind. With the great power of the system pointing to the right, each guess gradually came closer - and then , boom!

A huge snake shadow emerged from the invisible ocean of thoughts, cutting off Ryan's 'thinking'.

"Slytherin! Thayer!" Ryan frowned.

For Ryan, he could still continue to rely on his "gift" to "think", but that wonderful magic blocked everything.

If he really fights to the death, it will probably take him close to a month to get the results.

That Shelburne farm was undoubtedly owned by Boot and Thayer's descendants.

And these daily necessities will appear in a place as far away from human habitation as under the Atlantic Ocean.

The United States was the first country to land on the moon.

And this deviation from the human habitation allowed the tracking magic developed by Ryan and the tracer 134 he developed to be unable to sense the place. There is no doubt that it is the moon.

Only the Butes, the descendants of Thayer and Isolt Thayer's adopted son, could do this.

Because in the American wizarding world, the attitude towards Muggles is far more closed than that of the British wizarding world.

Wizards can't even marry the No-Maj they love.

But Thayer is different.

Their ancestor Isolt Thayer's lover was a No-Maj, and this No-Maj, James Stewart, was also an excellent wand maker.

The only No-Maj known to be able to make wands.

There is no doubt that the Thayer family mastered the methods of making such magical implements for non-wizards.

The development of science and technology in the United States may also be under their leadership.

Therefore, only Thayer and Bute could be the wizards who established Moon City.

Other wizards in the United States, like the old-fashioned Indians, avoid all contact with No-Maj society.

The connection between Atlantis and Moon City is easy to understand.

Most of the members are wizards who graduated from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and one is a descendant of the founder of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But it's a pity that Terry probably doesn't know about Yuecheng's existence.

Ryan realized this when he came to his senses.

His branch of Bute may have been deliberately kept in England by Webber Butt.

Bute in the United States may be another descendant of Webber.

Because in the original world line, Terry also participated in the final battle of Hogwarts.

After Ryan's observation, although Terry is not a bad person, his parents are typical Ravenclaws, looking like they are avoiding the world.

If he or his family really knew about Moon City, it is more likely that he would drop out of school and be taken to Moon City by his parents.

However, this is not important. Ryan can reach Moon City through the Shelburne Farm.

"Are there any other clues?" Ryan asked boringly.

After solving a goal that was deliberately difficult for himself, Ryan wanted to see if there were any wizard gatherings like Moon City.

"Master, there is only this one. The other clues have been ruled out through the tracking magic and alchemy props you developed."

"After investigation, their material appearance points are all in the known living areas of wizards." Jerry said.



And at Hogwarts, Ron faced his most desperate moment ever.

He never thought he would encounter such a crisis.

"You are Ron!"

"Let me touch you."

"Not bad, you are strong."

"Tell me about Harry Potter, what kind of person is he?"

In the Gryffindor common room, he was not facing Fred and his friends as expected, but a group of big and strong witches.

"When did I say I wanted to get married!" Ron shed painful tears.

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