Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Going to the Moon

Chapter 373 Go to the Moon

"Do you really want to travel? Then I have a better place."

Ron really regretted hearing this, and what he regretted even more was that he didn't refuse at the first time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this - in a bucket of milk.

Although he could still breathe in the milk, no, it's better to say that he was integrated into the milky white liquid.

He was like a ghost, a shadow, trapped in this milk bucket that was a bit narrow for him.

He couldn't open his mouth or eyes, and the only way he could sense the outside world was his ears and touch.

What's worse is that he didn't know how long he would stay in this state.

Because the destination of their trip this time was a place that great figures like Dumbledore and Voldemort could not reach with magic alone - the moon.

If there was no gravity in Harry's mouth, it would take 68 years to reach the place with the Nimbus 2001.

"Will I starve to death like this!" Ron touched his stomach.

"Ron, you won't starve to death." Harry's voice, which was almost unable to hold back his laughter, sounded from his heart.

"Yes, Ron, didn't you read the instructions?"

"Ryan said, if you have any doubts, just read the instructions in your mind." Ginny's clear voice also sounded inexplicably in his heart.

Ron subconsciously wanted to speak, but his tongue and upper and lower lips seemed to have merged into one. He only realized now that he didn't even need to breathe.

The feeling of breathing before was just an inertia, an illusion.

"Stupid! What you think in your mind, in addition to your own thoughts, we can hear those thoughts you want to convey to the outside world." That was Ginny. From her voice, Ron could imagine her look of disappointment.

"Think about the instructions quickly." Harry's helpless voice came.

"Okay." Ron read the instructions in his mind doubtfully.

Wait, Ron suddenly felt that there was something more in his mind, the origin of this Moon City...

This city is related to Sayer, a descendant of Slytherin, and the adopted sons of Isolt Sayer, the Boots.

If Draco was here, he would be very proud.

Sayer and Boot inherited the method of non-wizards to make this kind of magic tools from the great Muggle wand maker James Stewart.

When the American magic world chose not to interact with Muggles, they chose to find a new place-the moon, and built it according to their own ideas.

Ron eagerly squeezed out and browsed the information in his mind. In addition to the Moon City, the wizards who inherited the ideas of Ilvermorny School of Magic and Wizardry were looking for like-minded people all over the world.

They repaired the dilapidated Atlantis and built a beautiful underwater city.

"Ron, are you okay?" Harry asked suddenly.

When Ron was not there, only he and Ginny. His thoughts always thought of some not-so-serious things.

But fortunately, only Ginny could "hear" this information. If Ron heard it, it would probably be-

Harry couldn't help but shudder.

"I'm fine." Ron pulled himself out of the information flow with an unsatisfied mind.

"Ginny, what's wrong with you, why don't you talk." Ron couldn't help scratching the back of his head.

"Nothing." Ginny's voice echoed in Ron and Harry's hearts.

However, Ron was very surprised why he felt that Ginny was a little shy. This tone was the same as when she greeted Harry when Harry first came to their house to play.

"Ron, I never thought that we would have the opportunity to come to the moon."

"When Ryan told us, I thought I was dreaming."

"If I hadn't been to Atlantis with him, I would have thought he was talking crazy like you." Harry began to change the subject.


"You have been to Atlantis!"

"The underwater city!"

"When was it?"

"During your summer vacation, that's not right. If it was - Dobby would definitely know."

"Did you know Ryan last semester?"

"You lied to me - you said you just met Ryan at the entrance!" Ron was aggrieved.

In his impression, except for the summer vacation, before Harry went to school, they were like conjoined twins, always together.

If Harry had any travel that he didn't know about, it must have been during the time when he was not there.

"I didn't lie to you."

"This is all because of the Atlantis contract. Before you know it, I can't tell others by any means." Harry hurriedly explained.

"So you really knew Ryan a long time ago?" Ron misunderstood.

Ginny, who was sitting in the vegetable pile next to him, was still recalling the flashes of Harry's mind, her face flushed.

"No, it's not."

"Do you remember the first time I participated in Roger's Quidditch training? At that time, I complained about his paper talk, and you said he was unreliable." Harry asked tentatively.

Harry, who was also in the milk, was tangled. He didn't know if Ron would remember more critical points.

"At that time."

"Wait, at that time!"

"You were pretending to sleep at that time!"

"No, at noon, you and I were in the lounge, and at that time we were interviewed by other students together!" Ron was confused.

Could it be that Harry could split himself?

"Let me think - at 10 o'clock, you were still in the dormitory, until 10:30. It seems that you disappeared."

"Excluding the time you were in Atlantis, let's count it as 1 hour. You arrived there in about an hour?" Ron was stunned.

Now he knew how far Hogwarts, located in the Scottish Highlands, was from the Bermuda Triangle in the southeast of the Florida Peninsula in North America.

"Well, we used the Poseidon Staff inherited by the Ryan family at that time, which could directly appear in another place with water." Harry lied with his eyes open.

"A place with water?" Ron couldn't help but think of his Aunt Muriel. When he was still ignorant, she was still charming, completely different from now, just like Dudley before.

If he had that scepter at that time, then -

Ron's imagination ran wild.

At this moment, a strange feeling appeared, as if a hook suddenly hooked forward behind his belly button with an irresistible momentum, and he left the ground with both feet and flew up.

But this is not right, he is clearly in the milk bucket.

"It's a portkey." Ginny suddenly said.

When her uncle was still alive, he was a lawless guy like Fred and the others.

At that time, he had made a few portkeys to his house in private.


"It seems that we in Britain are no worse than them!"

"Portkeys are out of date. We now use the portal developed by Skywalker Alchemy Workshop!" Ron couldn't help but feel proud.

"This is the delivery channel." Harry reminded on the side.

The smile on Ron's face froze.

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