Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 153: Hidden Monster

Chapter 377 Hidden Monster

Ron has always been a very emotional person. Even Harry, who has been with him for a long time and has been with him like conjoined twins, can't guarantee that he can calm his emotions 100%.

But Ginny knows his brother very well, just like she knows that Ron has a photo of Aunt Muriel under his pillow.

"Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded by the descendants of Slytherin, one of the founders of our school." Although Ginny's words were very ordinary, they just hit Ron's point.

"Merlin's chest hair! Why didn't I think of it? According to the generation, Moon City is just the grandson of Hogwarts!" In Harry's inexplicable eyes, Ron recovered his spirit, and Ginny on the side covered his mouth and laughed.

"Harry, what is that?"

"That monster seems to be able to see us." On the way forward, Ron poked Harry.

Harry looked in the direction Ron said, which should be a store similar to the magical animal store in Diagon Alley.

There was no one in the store either. The boss and employees didn't know where to go for a walk.

In the window, a tall animal with silver-white hair was staring at them fiercely. The animal looked very strange. It can be said that there is no creature similar to it in the Muggle world.

But if you have to say, the only creature close to it is a thin bear.

"It can really see us!" Ginny gave it a middle finger, and the creature slapped the window fiercely.

"That's the Hidden Monster, a powerful and almost unkillable dangerous magical creature. If it weren't for its weak attack power, I even doubt that it would make the wizards in the magic society no longer dare to travel alone." Harry was very surprised and slowly stopped the skateboard not far from the store.

"Really? Is it that dangerous?"

"Also, what is the relationship between him and the invisible beast."

"They all have silver-white hair." Ron was skeptical.

It's not that he didn't believe Harry, but in his first year, after he lied that Ravenclaw had phoenixes and invisible beasts, he had learned about magical biology in private.

He had never heard of the name of the invisible beast.

This creature must not be in the book, or there is no specific picture.

He can guarantee it with his knowledge of magical animals.

For example, the invisible beast, he knew that it was a magical creature from the Far East, herbivorous, gentle, invisible, ape-like in appearance, covered with long silver-white hair.

He even knew a secret knowledge about the invisible beast - the blue-eyed invisible beast had a premonition that could detect danger in advance.

"It's true."

"If you have carefully read the instructions given by Ryan in your mind."

"You will find its name very familiar."

"In the early 1620s, a Hidden Monster with extremely strong strength and size was chased away by Isolt Sayer after capturing a young Pukki (later called William by Isolt). Later, the same Hidden Monster killed the parents of Chadwick and Webber Boot, but was eventually defeated by Isolt Sayer and Pukki William."

"Defeat, not kill."

"Isolt Sayer is a powerful witch, and Pukki, as a subspecies of goblins, also possesses powerful magic, but even so, they can only defeat it instead of killing it." Harry sighed.

"So what kind of ability does it have?" Ron asked immediately.

He looked at the Hidden Monster in the window carefully, and he was frightened when he thought that he was just about to imitate Ginny, and even further make faces at it.

"The Hidden Monster is a nocturnal monster that lives in the deep forest and feeds on humanoid creatures. It can change its shape so that it can hide behind almost any object and hide itself perfectly when encountering predators or prey."

"By the way, it can also become invisible, just like the Invisible Beast." Harry said.

"That's it?" Ron looked unbelievable.

"Yes, that's it."

"Its ability to change its shape sounds simple at first glance, but in actual combat, it means that it can dodge any of your spells by changing its shape."

"What's more, as its name suggests, it usually attacks you suddenly outside your field of vision."

"It is much better than the Invisible Beast in hiding its body, which is why invisibility cloaks are made of the hair of the Invisible Beast, not the Hidden Monster - it is too dangerous."

"No wonder it can see us - it is an expert in hiding." Harry said as he knocked on the window.

The Hidden Monster in the window bared its teeth, scaring Ron behind Harry.

"What the hell does this guy have to do with the invisible beast!" Ron was frightened and couldn't help but swear.

"It and the invisible beast?"

"Then let me tell you a story."

"It all has to do with Phineas Fletch, a bad guy who trades in banned artifacts and animals. At that time, he wanted to transport a trafficked invisible beast to the New World to make an invisible cloak. But the invisible beast escaped on the ship and hybridized with a stowaway ghoul. Their offspring fled into the forests of Massachusetts after the ship docked, and they still appear in large numbers in this area today." Harry waved his hand.

"Then? Ghouls and invisible beasts are not dangerous creatures, they are both very docile."

"What about the Hidden Monster?" Ron couldn't help but ask.

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There is a ghoul, and he knows a lot about ghouls and invisible beasts.

He even dares to call himself an expert on them.

"Phineas Fletch is a jerk who likes to cruelly treat the animals he controls."

"The original parents of the Hidden Monster - ghouls and invisible beasts, they were all abused by Fletch, and the Hidden Monster must have inherited its parents' hatred for wizards." Harry sighed.

"Harry, where did you see this from?" Ron looked puzzled.

"Instruction manual, in Ryan's instruction manual."

"You know, the founding of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the encounter between Isolt and her husband, William Pukki, and their adopted son Chadwick and Boot are all inseparable from the Hidden Monster."

"You should have known it when I told the first story." Harry curled his lips.

The instruction manual was in their minds, but Ron knew nothing.

"Hey, there are too many contents." Ron scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"However, it would be great if Ryan could shoot all the knowledge from our first to seventh grades into our brains like this instruction manual."

"Then I don't have to read books."

"I still have time to finish my masterpiece while I'm in school."

"Maybe before I graduate, I will become a great writer like Skywalker." Ron's eyes sparkled with hope.

"Shut up, Ron."

"We still have to go to the library!" Ginny, who couldn't get a word in and felt like a light bulb, couldn't help but say.

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