Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 38 The Secret of Vampires

"As for Lockhart's "Traveling with a Vampire", although it is more interesting, just read it as a novel. Lockhart claimed that making a vampire eat only lettuce is really a joke!" Ryan suddenly remembered this, prompted.

"Elder Walpole?, who is he?" Kate asked.

"A ruthless man who risked his life in order to write a book personally went to live in vampire society for a period of time as a Muggle." Ryan said with a hint of admiration.

"And he is also a member of the famous Slug Club. He has been visiting Dumbledore recently, hoping to get permission to visit Harry Potter and write a "Harry Potter Biography"."

"Okay, do vampires only suck blood?" Kate suddenly thought with half a chocolate frog in her mouth.

"Vampires can actually eat a lot of food. Blood sucking is actually not necessary. The act of sucking blood is more like a curse. Kate, can you believe it? Vampires can even eat garlic, but they hate garlic and will actively keep away from it. , so this is rarely known. By the way, in Honeydukes, there is a bloody lollipop, which is very popular among vampires.”

"It can still be like this." Kate exclaimed.

Time flew by so fast, it was as if Kate and I were hiding in a gap in time.

Unconsciously, two hours passed. At 8 o'clock in the evening, soft music sounded from the mouth of the bat lamp.

The table in the entertainment room split in the middle, and a small black coffin emerged from the middle.

Squeaking, red soup gushes out from the cracks in the coffin. The coffin is slowly opened, revealing red beef stew, and some bread is placed around it.

How should I put it, this dish now gives Ryan the feeling of stewing a goose in an iron pot, and the surrounding bread is like a pastry on the edge of the pot.

"Mr. Lane, good evening. After you have your meal, press the bell on your left hand and the table will return to normal." The hook-nosed wizard's voice suddenly sounded.

This red beef stew tastes like beef brisket stewed with tomatoes. The only difference is that it adds some Romanian specialty spices and the milky flavor brought by some butter.

Kate frowned. The sudden dinner made her regret that she shouldn't have eaten so many snacks before.

Unlike Kate, Ryan, who had known about dinner plans, simply ate a few chocolate frogs. After the bad taste was over, Ryan suddenly put his hand on Kate's furry belly.

"What are you doing! Be careful I tell Penello." Kate's face turned red.

But after a while, she understood Ryan's intention. The feeling of fullness recedes like a tide, and the feeling of hunger keeps coming.

"Ryan, how did you do that?" Kate asked.

"This is a secret, come on, eat." Ryan said with a mysterious face.

"This brat!" Kate cursed, but after a while she started to enjoy the food.

After the meal, Ryan took out a "Guide to Medieval Witchcraft" and read it with Kate, discussing some trivial magic from time to time.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the light of the bat lamp became dim. Kate stood up, stretched, and walked to the bathroom to prepare to wash up before going to bed. Ryan is still very energetic. With a physical constitution of 31, Ryan can already rest without rest. The only thing that is tired is something intangible like the heart.

Staying at your peak mentally and physically for a long time is just a piece of cake.

However, the source of magic in this world comes from the heart. Ryan still deliberately maintains some mortal habits, such as eating, grooming, and resting.

Ryan took out his own toiletries from his pocket and walked towards the bathroom. He washed his face and rinsed his mouth briefly.

Instead of waiting for Kate to take a bath in the bathroom, Ryan changed out of his wizard robe, put on pajamas with an Australian opal eye dragon printed on them, and walked to the bedroom.

The bedroom is also in a coffin style, with a silk bed as bright as blood. This is a coffin that can accommodate at least 4 or 5 people.

Ryan touched the coffin, which was the bed, with his hand, and a wandless cleansing came over him. Leaning on the pillow, Ryan read the Daily Prophet again. He had no choice but to say that there was no entertainment in the wizarding world that interested Ryan.

There is no wifi or network. Although there is wonderful magic that makes people feel like they are entering the virtual online game panel, Ryan still feels bored occasionally.

These carriage decorations may look interesting to people in the wizarding world, but after all, Ryan comes from the era of information explosion in the 21st century, and these are just a bit new.

Sometimes, Ryan even has the urge to play games and network in the magical world.

But apart from studying magic, in other aspects, Ryan is just a salty fish and does not have such strong mobility.

If he had really strong mobility, Ryan would have become famous in his previous life, and he would most likely still be a salty fish after traveling through time.

After a while, Kate took out a change of clothes and a fluffy nightgown from the bag she brought. Kate walked in slowly, holding a giant lion stuffed animal.

"Don't worry, it's just a seven-year-old kid here." Kate encouraged herself in her heart.

"Kate, Kate, do you like furry things so much?" Ryan couldn't help but complain after seeing Kate's outfit and puppets.

"What's wrong? It feels very comfortable to touch." Ryan's complaint made Kate forget her worries. She lay on the other side of the coffin and took out a copy of "The Great Wizard of the Twentieth Century" from the lion doll and imitated Ryan. Looked up.

In the following time, there was no communication, only the sound of turning pages. Ryan didn't know why the atmosphere was particularly calm. Looking to the other side, Kate lay on the book, used it as a pillow, and fell asleep.

Ryan stretched his body, lay down in a strange posture, closed his eyes, and the magic power continued to evolve the substantial vitality, surging around Ryan's body.

This is the call of the times, the meditation version of the body transformation skill, the static exercise, and the use of another skill developed by Ryan in order to exercise while sleeping.

Romania is a country located in southeastern Europe, with Bucharest as its capital. Its borders are Hungary and Serbia in the west, Bulgaria in the south, and Ukraine and Moldova in the north and northeast.

And Ryan and Kate went to the castle in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. It uses magic commonly used by wizards. Muggles will think of urgent matters when they approach, and they can't see the castle, which brings great convenience to wizards' travel.

The castle in Bucharest is also a tourist attraction that can only be visited as part of a horror tour if you pay extra. It is full of interesting traps and fixed vampire actors.

Even behind this castle is the natural habitat of the Romanian Longhorn Dragon, the largest and most important dragon reserve in the world. Standing on the top of the castle, overlooking this natural habitat and admiring the Romanian Longhorn Dragon with black and green scales and two shiny golden horns hunting and playing is also a common thing for wizards who come to travel.

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