Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Hephaestus

Chapter 388 Hephaestus

The wind leaves traces, and the wild geese leave voices.

This is even more true for the names of wizards.

The names of some powerful wizards will even be suddenly "remembered" - when the names are no longer recorded in history.

The same is true for Harry. When Ryan absorbed part of the power in his body and even installed surveillance on him, he copied part of Ryan's characteristics.

Ryan's magic is a unique magic that contains countless information under the training of "thinking".

With this kind of magic, no one can deprive Ryan of his memory.

This is based on Ryan's belief that the self is built on all a person's experiences.

In contrast, Ryan can easily add information to a person's mind.

The same is true for Grindelwald's precognitive dream.

And Harry just peeked at the name directly through his wizard.

Of course, this was with Ryan's permission. When Hagrid fell into a trance, he pushed it.

So, when that great name sounded again, the Forbidden Forest came alive.

Under the astonished gaze of Harry and the others, Hagrid's body moved without any wind, and his messy hair fluttered wildly.

Alaspad in the corner climbed down from the spider web in the corner and prostrated himself.

From the angle that Harry and the others could not see, in the Forbidden Forest, the giant spiders, unicorns, nifflers, bowtruckles, swans, fairies, goblins, thestrals, and even the most arrogant centaurs who would rather degrade themselves to beasts than share the identity of humans with creatures such as female demons and vampires, all bowed their heads one by one under the inexplicable power.

It was a power like a kind father, majestic, and peaceful.

And now, this power surged in Hagrid's body.

Hagrid opened his eyes, but he still felt that he still had a layer of "eyelids".

After a brief moment of confusion, he "opened" them.

Everything in the Forbidden Forest, the appearance of the magical creatures saluting in various postures at this moment, and the innate sense of dominance gradually awakened in his heart.


Hagrid panicked and ‘closed’ his ‘eyes’, and the connection was broken.

The magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest shook their heads, stretched their limbs without heads, and returned to their original appearance.

However, in their chaotic hearts, there was a trace of clarity.

“I just -” Hagrid looked at his hands, which contained a power that controlled everything.

He had an illusion that if he wanted, he could even let the clouds in the sky have life for a short time and then control them.

Even the magic of the enemy!

“I must be crazy.” Hagrid couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Hagrid, have you heard of the titles of King of the Forbidden Forest, Controller of Giant Creatures, Mentor of the Dark Forest, and Lord of Dragons?” Harry was the first to come to his senses, and the string of titles was inexplicably engraved in his heart.

“No, but it’s very familiar.” Hagrid tentatively stretched out his hand towards the fire in the fireplace.

“Hello! My master.” The fire jumped, outlining the outline of eyes and mouth in the center.

"It's alive!" Ron, who came to his senses the second time, saw this scene as soon as he woke up, and stepped back in fear.

"Harry, what did you see just now?" Draco connected everything sharply.

"I saw" Harry repeated the illusion.

"That was at least a thousand years ago!"

"The dragon in your description just now is obviously an ancient species."

"It's called the Pluto Dragon. Its name comes from the fact that no wizard can save his life from it."

"The reason why its information is known is only because those lucky people happened to encounter it dozing."

"Red scales, golden mane on the neck, black and golden eyes, yes, it's the Pluto Dragon."

"If I could see its appearance like you, Harry." Hagrid said sourly with a little jealousy in his yearning.

"That may be the title of your ancestor."

"No wonder I became friends with you so naturally." Draco made a face.

He made a joke about his previous backward concept of judging people by blood.


"Harry never makes mistakes in his dreams!"

"Harry, you must choose Divination next year." Ron nodded proudly.

As if he was the one who had that wonderful ability.


"That Trelawney guy is an old liar - these are Professor McGonagall's original words." Hagrid said after careful consideration.

"It's understandable that Professor McGonagall doesn't believe these things. After all, she looks like..." Ron didn't say the last three words out loud, but his lip shape was obviously "old-fashioned".

"Indeed, Harry's talent is so magical. If we were not his friends, and his predictions had not been verified in our eyes, we would probably think that Harry was an old liar." Draco added.

"Then I will choose Divination next year?" Harry's face was full of yearning.

In his mind, after taking the Divination class, he mastered the ability of prediction. No matter where Voldemort ran, he could not escape his predictive dreams. Finally, in the Hogwarts Great Hall, Dumbledore and Professor Riddle directly released two Avada Kedavra, and understood Voldemort's evil.

"Harry! Harry!" Ginny waved her hand in front of Harry's eyes.

"Harry, what did you dream about again?"

"You dreamed about Voldemort?"

"What extinct dragons did you dream about again?" After Harry came to his senses, Ron, Draco, and Hagrid came up to him.

"Nothing, I was just daydreaming." Harry smiled shyly.

"Alas." Except for Ginny, Hagrid and the other two sighed in disappointment.

"By the way, Harry, there is also Arithmancy, don't forget to choose it." Draco added quickly.

"Well, I'm not bad at arithmetic when I was in elementary school." Harry patted the table, and he thought of the lonely days when only mathematics accompanied him. ——Because of Dudley, no one dared to make friends with him.

He suddenly realized that he worked so hard to study the potion formula in "How to Forge a Strong Heart" because of the hostility of Dudley that still remained in his heart.

He would not allow himself to lose to Dudley, the former annoying guy, who was as annoying as Darth Vader.

"Um, hello, my name is Draco Malfoy."

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Dad is here!" After Harry came to his senses again, except for Ginny, the other three had already approached the flame of the fireplace.

"I don't have a name." The flame shook its body in confusion, and the firewood in the flame crackled.

"Hephaestus is the name of the god of fire, so I'll call you Hephaestus." Hagrid lovingly added a handful of firewood to the flame.

"Let me try Hagrid."

"Hephaestus, come here, open your mouth." Ron squatted in front of the fireplace and stuffed another handful of firewood into it.

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