Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 169 Side Effects

Chapter 393 Side Effects

Traveling in the North Sea in the morning and Cangwu in the evening, for Ryan now, it is just his daily routine.

It is even more exaggerated for him.

In the long-lost free time, he has the mobility to reach the moon in a physical sense. He can be said to be in Hogwarts in the Scottish Highlands in the last second, and appear in Paris, France in the next second.

Physical distance has no value to Ryan. As long as he wants, he can appear anywhere on the earth.

At noon today, Ryan came to the coffee shop he opened in the outdoor elevator of the Ministry of Magic, which is opposite the red telephone booth, for the purpose of studying wizards.

Here, he actually met the research material he used to study again - Finny Dax.

Dax and several other people's conversation in his shop and in the elevator made Ryan realize the deep meaning of Grindelwald.

Why did he kill those young wizards who had just followed Voldemort and had not really committed crimes.

After coming to this world, Ryan actually knew about Grindelwald.

He is actually a person who does not like killing.

Nurmengard was created for this reason, to imprison his opponents.

But this time, he changed his past style.

Although the answers of the other young masters besides Dax were outrageous, they could not be said to be unrelated.

Grindelwald's killing this time was all for Dumbledore.

In his eyes, as long as these conservative young people who occupied important positions were there, the existing good changes in the magic world would be slowed down or even destroyed by them.

Because he knew that Dumbledore was a good man and could not be ruthless.

Grindelwald did not know about Riddle's existence.

And now, the development of the wizarding world, or the changes in the Ministry of Magic, have indeed changed because of the death of those young cancers.

It can be seen that among the employees of the Ministry of Magic who have risen through the channels, there will be more and more busy people like Hughie.

The bloated Ministry of Magic has also begun to regain new vitality.

"Then I will do more practical things in the future! Now we don't have to worry about getting into trouble. I feel like I'm back to the time when I just graduated." On the second floor, Dax, who had just parted ways with Wayne and Hughie who were going to the fourth floor, had hope in his eyes.

"Long live Dumbledore!" Dick looked at the sun on the magic ceiling, which was gradually rising.


Time, the day before the end of the Christmas holiday, in the dormitory of Ravenclaw, Harry was fiddling with a pot of potion, which was bubbling.

As Harry stirred and chanted strange spells, the curry-like yellow liquid in the crucible began to become clear and the color turned silvery white.


"As long as I keep taking it for a hundred days without interruption, my blood will be replaced by this potion, and my body will undergo earth-shaking changes." Harry, who still had dark circles under his eyes and bloodshot eyes, trembled and was very excited.

"Do you really want to drink this?"

"Harry, think about it!"

"Drinking this is so troublesome. You will have to get up at six in the morning, do a ridiculous dance, recite a long spell, and you can't make any mistakes."

"If you make a mistake, the time will be postponed and you will have to drink the potion for another day."

"In the end, it will at most make you feel better."

"But the problem is, we have distilled water for healing, extrasensory spells for perception, and various protective spells for defense. You really don't need this." Ron looked at the potion in front of Harry with disgust.

It may look good now, like more transparent unicorn blood.

But before that, in addition to some normal potion materials, Harry didn't know how many strange materials were added to it, such as fresh slugs, toad livers, and mouse eyes, which were still normal.

Ron could never have imagined that Harry dared to drink this thing, and it was said that it would replace his blood.

"It's more than that."

"It will ensure that my body is always at its peak and will not be tortured by illness."

"My body will be strengthened as a whole, especially my resistance to spells will be enhanced, not to mention my reaction speed that is already beyond ordinary people."

"Ron, is there a better deal than this, just get up early and drink some potion?" Harry said, waving his wand.

The silvery white, clear liquid, with the traction of the wand, poured out from the crucible and filled the empty bottles in front of Harry.

"Very good."

"You don't have to get up at 6 o'clock for the first sip of potion, nor do you need to dance or chant spells." Harry picked up a bottle full of potion in front of him and drank it all.

Very strange.

This didn't feel like drinking a liquid at all.

The moment the potion was swallowed into the throat, it turned into a cold feeling.

This feeling started from Harry's heart and spread to his limbs, all the way to the ends of his hair.

"What happened to me just now?" Harry looked at Ron, who was looking at him in astonishment.

"You are glowing."

"I thought I saw it wrongly." Ron stammered.

"Maybe, I think I can do more." Harry shook his head indifferently, he stretched out his fingers and felt that it was much more sensitive.

Harry weighed the wand, twisted his index finger and thumb casually, and the wand turned freely at his fingertips and stayed steadily at his fingertips.

"Merlin's pants!"

"How did you--" Ron exclaimed.

Harry's wrist gently raised up, and the wand left his fingertips. He grabbed it casually with his right hand, and the wand appeared in his hand again.

"It seems that the transformation of the body has begun to take effect." Harry smiled, and the bottles of potions shining in the sun were like the trophies of the Quidditch champion.

Now, what can Dudley use to fight him.

"Oh, it seems that you succeeded." A clear voice came from behind Harry, and he turned his head, but there was no one.

He found out of the corner of his eye that Ryan was in front of him at this time. He was holding the bottle of potion and checking it against the sunlight coming in from the window.

"Ryan, is Harry's potion okay?" Ron's throat moved, and his face was pale.

He seemed to be more nervous than Harry, the main character.

"How could there be a problem."

"Potions are my specialty." Harry waved his hand impatiently.

"Very good."

"But--" Ryan dragged out his voice, keeping the secret.

"But what?" Ron asked quickly.

"But the blood quality of the salamander Harry bought is too good."

"With the improvement of breeding methods, the salamanders of today and those of that era can be regarded as two different species in appearance." Ryan paused.

When Harry couldn't help but feel a little worried, Ryan said: "But the side effects are not big, similar to the Felixir, which makes people behave a little arrogant."

There is another chapter to be posted later today. ps: Thanks to Taishi Yumixu for the monthly ticket and other classmates for the recommendation and subscription

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