Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 180: Voldemort is about to enter the countdown to his resurrection

Chapter 404: Voldemort is about to enter the countdown to his resurrection

When Hermione lamented that she had met the wrong person, she could never have imagined that Voldemort was also lamenting the same thing on a small island in the middle of the North Sea thousands of miles away.

In the fortress on the small island, Voldemort, now a bad old man, just wanted to curse.

He originally wanted to take over Antonin Dolohov's body and take in other serious criminals except his group of Death Eaters.

Some of them were as powerful in magic and as cruel as his group of Death Eaters.

Unexpectedly, when he revealed his identity, subdued the Dementors, and released his men, his lovely Death Eaters gave him a surprise - killing all the prisoners except them.

Facing Voldemort's question: "Master, we have been holding back for too long."

"With you here, where do we lack followers!" Mulcerber and his son explained.

"Master, I am the same as you!" Crouch laughed at his father's body.

"My master, you finally come to pick up your poor Bella." Bellatrix Lestrange looked at Voldemort, who looked like Antonin Dolohov, with the eyes of a lover. A corpse beside her also proved that she had released her desire.

Her husband Rodolphus Lestrange looked at his wife flirting with Voldemort as if it was natural, and his brother Rabastan Lestrange also looked as if he was used to it.

Similarly, there were several corpses lying around them.

"I just want to kill people!" Travers, who killed Marlene McKinnon and her family, said aggrievedly.

Voldemort felt that his blood vessels were about to explode!

He was possessed by the sea snake and swallowed several wands. He came here with great difficulty just to raise his arms and counterattack the Ministry of Magic.

But these crouching dragons and phoenixes under his command used the wands he sent to do these bad things.

But he couldn't be angry, because they were all his loyal apostles.

Bella was his lover. She, her husband, her husband's brother, and Crouch Jr. even tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom, who were Aurors, to madness after his death, just to find information about him.

As for the Mulcer father and son, the whole family was devoted to him, and only they were left.

Travers was very strong, and after killing someone, he did not forget to remind others to bring the body over - the body of a wizard is the best material for refining black magic props.


"I just think it's a pity."

"Maybe you don't know, Arthur Weasley became the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and he transferred all the minor prisoners to another prison."

"These guys you killed are all close to our team in terms of values ​​and strength." Voldemort, who had failed many times, rarely explained at length.

But he was not worried at all that these demons and monsters under his command would find out that he was wrong.

In so many years of imprisonment, their already twisted minds became more confused.

Not to mention that he explained patiently, even if he said he wanted to make peace with Dumbledore now, some of them, such as Travers, would agree to kiss Dumbledore's toes right now.

"Pure-blood traitor!"

"Scum who deserves to be cut into pieces!" The Mulcer father and son spat.

"Father, open your eyes and look, ha ha ha ha - the Weasley you despise has taken your place." The filial son, Crouch Jr., stepped on Crouch Sr.'s face.

"Can your father be resurrected so that I can kill him again?" Travers squatted down, poked Crouch Sr.'s shriveled cheek with his wand, and stared at Crouch Sr.'s neck.

"Master, it's all my fault!" Bella knelt at the feet of Dolohov's version of Voldemort.

Even Voldemort couldn't help but feel secretly happy. In the company of the crooked and unreliable guy, Bella, who was willing to apologize and admit her mistakes, looked particularly cute in his eyes.

If he wasn't using someone else's body, and Bella hadn't groomed herself for so many years, he would have wanted to do something happy again in front of her husband Rodolphus.

"We need to do one thing now - use the geographical advantages of this island and the Dementors to build a fortification that other wizards can't break into."

"You all be quiet - little Crouch, put down your father's head. Travers, don't pull the clothes of that corpse."

"You all study patiently, you will activate the magic added by the evil wizard Axtis in this fortress later, and I will cooperate with the Dementors to transform it."

"Bella, what's your problem?" Voldemort raised his eyebrows.

"Master, why don't we attack the Ministry of Magic directly?" Bella raised her hand.

"Master! I want to chop off Arthur Weasley's head, no, his whole family's! There are nine of them! How beautiful it would be to pile their heads together!"

"That must be more interesting than Marlene McKinnon's family!" Travers smiled innocently and raised his hand like a child answering a teacher's question.

"Maybe you don't know."

"Dumbledore used my body and my remaining soul to create a younger me where I failed, and brainwashed him into believing that wizards should protect Muggles and other ideas."

"The young me is still the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. Fortunately, he is still not as strong as me."

"Moreover, the loser Grindelwald was also invited out of Nurmengardi by Dumbledore. Igor Karkaroff is now under his command, with Durmstrang as his base."

"But don't worry!"

"Do you know what all this is for?"

"They are afraid!"

"They are afraid that I will be fully resurrected!"

"They are afraid that I will regain my strength as the best in the world!"

"For me, Dumbledore is even willing to abandon his principles - give up his so-called love!" Voldemort said, while laughing harshly.

"So, in order to buy time for my resurrection, we must first establish an unbreakable base." Voldemort touched his beard (Dolohov's body).

"Master, you are so charming!" Bella felt that she was about to get wet. She had never thought that Dolohov, the old man, was so charming before. His wrinkles, his dirt on his feet, and his beard tangled with oil and unknown stains were all particularly charming.

"Master, the young you may not be your opponent, but--" Travers regained his sanity in the fear of facing Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and the young version of Voldemort as opponents.

"You are not needed for this. You just need to delay the time. Azkaban and these corpses and Dementors will be the best materials for my resurrection." Voldemort waved his hand.

"How long will it take?" Crouch Jr. put down his father's head.

"One year, just one year." Voldemort said in a relaxed tone.

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