Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 40 Vampire Hunter

"Ah, how come it's not authentic at all." Kate, who had eaten and drunk enough, began to curse.

The breakfast disappeared magically, and the hall was also decorated in a magical way. It was not at all gloomy and scary in vampire novels. There were no spider webs, mice, or bats. Only the lightning flashing from time to time was a little bit of a feeling.

"Kate, this is where we eat, and it is also the safe zone mentioned in the manual. You haven't read the manual yet, have you?" Ryan said speechlessly.

"I am a professional vampire hunter who has read no less than ten vampire novels. What manual, is there any need to read it?" Kate said with her hands on her waist and her face flat and flat.

"Wait, you don't think we will go to fight vampires with wands in a while, do you?" Ryan looked at Kate with a look of looking at a fool.

"Isn't it?" Kate replied guiltily.

"Vampires are just xxx creatures. Any capable wizard, that is, wizard with a wand and some spells, can deal with them. If a wand is used, this vampire actor will probably be defeated as soon as he appears. Unless there are multiple vampires, it will cause some threat."

"Ah, you can't use spells. My front teeth are like clubs and my ear wrinkle spell is ready." Kate lowered her head dejectedly.

Fortunately, you can't use a wand, otherwise I feel sad for the vampire employees.

"Classmate Kate, there are more exciting things." Ryan turned the manual to a page, which was full of various silverware, garlic, crosses, wooden nails and other equipment for hunting vampires.

"Wow." Kate's eyes lit up.

"Where, where? Take me there!"

"It's in the passage on your left hand. These weapons are all magic. When the time comes, you just chop the vampire hard. It won't really hurt him." Ryan explained.

"Gogogo, vampire, ghost hunter, Sir Kate is here!"

I am Salvatore Stefan, a hard-working vampire, no, a vampire.

Unlike his fellow vampires who only know how to hang out in the vampire protection area, he wants to be a star in the wizarding world like his idol, Xueni.

After hard work, relying on his not-so-handsome face, he defeated more than a dozen fellow vampires and applied to become an employee of the famous horror tour.

He can even live in a wide and deep castle like some rich grandfathers in the vampires, and can also role-play and hunt wizards who play Muggles. It's really an excellent job.

He has no wizard friends, so he can't be written into a book by his friend, Elder Worpple, a literary master, like Xueni, and become famous.

Salvatore can only write himself into the novel, using each role-play as material, hoping that one day he can really live in his own castle, buy a lot of bloody lollipops, and even one day, like some wealthy American compatriots, open a hospital.

Unexpectedly, my writing is pretty good. Some readers wrote to me to praise how I wrote so vividly. A reader who called himself a ghost hunter, Sir Kate, was particularly enthusiastic.

He kept asking for methods and tips for hunting vampires.

Salvatore wanted to refuse, but when he thought that the person on the other side was a wizard, he could easily subdue the vampire without the so-called tips. In addition, he was a loyal fan of his. This was a small request, and there was already a part of it in the book. Salvatore specially wrote back to inform me of his summary and some tips.

First, flames or sunlight. Although these things are not like in Muggle novels, where the vampires will turn into ashes when they come into contact with them, they are not much better. This will make the vampires hot and soft.

Second, silver. Weapons made of pure silver can inhibit the healing of blood and flesh of vampires. Although you can chop off the head with an iron sword and stick it in the heart without pulling it out, it is not as effective as silver. Some excellent vampires who have been trained can endure the pain and not faint, and pull out the iron sword by themselves, or reinstall the head. However, even the most powerful vampires cannot pull out silver by themselves, and it is difficult to heal the cut wound.

Third, garlic. Most vampires can only eat a small bite of garlic cloves after training, but if you have a lot of garlic, congratulations, no vampire dares to turn into a bat and approach you, otherwise they will turn into their original form and faint on the ground.

As for the others, most of them are compiled from Muggle novels.

For example, sprinkle a handful of rice, sand, seeds and other things at vampires. Vampires are obsessed with counting. If you throw these things at them, they will distract their attention and make them unable to help but start counting, so that you have enough time to escape or kill.

Or bells, dog whistles, and the like. Vampires can't stand constant noise. This is also false. If you are a Muggle, it is equivalent to reminding vampires that it's time to eat and there are living things here.

There are also knotted ropes or tangled nets. Vampires will be attracted by them and want to untie them. However, if the net is strong enough and the mesh is so small that vampires can't turn into bats and get out, then it may be useful.

The most ridiculous thing is to wear a cross or recite the Bible. This is the most outrageous rumor.

After his book became popular, Salvatore also thought about leaving his job, but after leaving this job, where would he get inspiration, and he couldn't guarantee that every book would be popular.

Today is another day for tourists to come and play. At the reminder of the hook-nosed wizard colleague, this time they are rich, different from the group tour before.

The guests this time can use the weapons arsenal. Although these weapons are enchanted, it still hurts to cut them. And there are few people this time, so the mode of play is closer to Salvatore's own initiative.

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But it doesn't matter. Most wizards are indistinguishable from each other. They don't know how to use Muggle weapons to deal with vampires. They can't be real vampire hunters who come here to travel.

"Well, it seems that there are two little wizards. My next book has been settled. It's called "Home Alone: ​​Vampire Attack." Salvatore said confidently.

On the other side, Ryan stared at Kate in front of him in amazement. For a weak creature like a vampire, Ryan thinks it's just an ordinary creature that can be dealt with by a blazing flame. Even if he doesn't have a wand and picks up a sword, it's just a sword for Ryan.

But Kate in front of me, how can I say it, is really professional. As soon as she arrived at the armory, she chose torches and a dense net made of silver. The reasons for her choice were also very reasonable. She discarded the iron axe and armor that looked very powerful, and instead hung a garlic necklace.

"Compared to vampires, our wizards' physique is not weaker than theirs, but they are slightly lacking in strength and speed."

"Also, they are born to be able to turn into bats like Animagus. Silverware is the most common weakness of vampires. Once they see silverware, they will turn into bats and hide in the group of bats. In this case, the net is more useful than the sword." Kate said seriously. She didn't know much about vampires, but for her who had read more than a dozen vampire novels, how to use Muggle weapons to hunt vampires was undoubtedly professional.

"Even if the vampire can overcome his fear and face the silver, he will definitely not dare to get close to us for a long time with the torches and garlic. This net can also be used as a stick."

"And the torch can also illuminate the surroundings to avoid sneak attacks."

"Ryan, take the iron shield and silver sword to prevent him from getting close. Don't forget the garlic necklace." Kate gestured.

"One more thing, we stand in a diagonal line so that we can support each other at any time. While looking straight ahead, we always look at each other with our peripheral vision."

Vampire hunter team, let's go!

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