Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 195 The Late Daily Prophet

Chapter 419 The Late Daily Prophet

Winter has quietly left Hogwarts, and the warm spring sun shines on the earth. The snow that was once everywhere has turned into the nectar of life, nourishing the earth that has not been exposed to the sun for a long time.

In the hall, the ceiling that was cast with magic was also azure.

It brought a hint of clarity to this drowsy morning.

Even Ron, who was cursing because of getting up early, couldn't help but relax his brows. He began to overlap bacon, bread and fried eggs and feasted on them.

Cough, Ron couldn't help coughing a few times.

Because next to him, Ginny sat directly in Harry's arms, without caring about the eyes around him.

"What's wrong? What does my great saint brother want to say?"

"Some time ago, you were hot with that Lavender."

"Why, only you can?" Ginny turned her head and looked at Ron who was frantically pouring milk into his mouth.

"Ron, didn't you go to the Gryffindor table for dinner recently?"

"Why today?" Harry couldn't help but look at Ron, and glanced at the Gryffindor table next to him.

However, he didn't see Lavender, or even Padma's sister, Parvati.

"They went to the Divination professor, and said today is Saturday." Ron angrily took another bite of his handmade bacon and fried egg sandwich.

"Divination?" Harry narrowed his eyes.

He had learned from Ryan that the Divination professor was the guy who made the prophecy of the savior.

"Is it accurate?"

"I mean, what do Lavender and the others usually ask?" Ginny's eyes seemed to light up all of a sudden.

"I don't know, I don't know either!"

"I dare say it was Parvati who led her astray!"

"We just established a relationship, and what happened?"

"Today is Saturday!"

"The weather is so good!"

"I was going to take her to Hagrid's to see Hephaestus!" Ron said as he spread a thick layer of ketchup on his handmade sandwich. He seemed unsatisfied and took another sausage.


"But why hasn't the Daily Prophet arrived yet?"

"It should have arrived by this time." Harry looked at the enchanted ceiling, trying to find any traces.

However, not even an owl feather was seen.

"Are you still concerned about Azkaban?" Ginny touched Harry distressedly.

She noticed that Harry had been getting up very early recently.

She touched him several times.

Huh? Why is the skin smoother?

Moreover, she felt that Harry's thin abdomen under his robe began to bulge with several firm muscles.

Her hand——

"Hey! Ginny, I'm here!" Ron couldn't help but cut off Ginny's hand that was reaching out to Harry.

Ginny made a face.

"Yeah, it's been almost a month, it's already February!"

"Until now, the Daily Prophet hasn't mentioned anything about Azkaban."

"Hagrid said that's a good thing."

"Sirius also said that this is not something we should know!"

"You know, we are not children anymore!"

"We found Regulus, destroyed Voldemort's Horcrux, and even went to the moon!" Harry didn't care about being touched by Ginny, he had long been accustomed to it.

His attention was all on the feeling of being deceived.

You know, every time Voldemort made any move, he was the first to know.

As a result, now, he was a beat slower and was kept in the dark.

"Why don't we ask Lupin?"

"He seems to know something. I saw Lupin at Hagrid's place yesterday. He was very happy, never so happy before."

"He smiled even more than when he saw Sirius." Ron patted Harry's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"Have you asked Draco?"

"His father is also on Dumbledore's side. His father loves him very much. He may know something."

"By the way, where is he today?" Ginny looked at the Slytherin table.

Maybe because it was too early and it was Saturday, most people were still asleep, resulting in only a few people at that table.

It was easy to see that Draco was not there.

"Draco and Pansy both asked for leave from school today." Harry's excitement just now suddenly calmed down, and he twisted his butt uneasily.

However, he forgot one thing, Ginny was sitting on him.

"What happened to them?"

"You are hiding something from me." Ginny emptied her eyes.

Harry froze, and Ron suddenly continued to eat the pickled herrings that he usually didn't want to touch.

"They're engaged." Ron couldn't bear the pressure and said it.

But Harry suspected that it was the effect of the pickled herrings.

"Engaged?" Ginny's face froze.

She and Harry should have been engaged long ago, if it weren't for Voldemort.

However, it was strange that Draco didn't invite them.

"Some of Pansy's relatives don't want to see Weasley and Potter appear."

"Plus, their child just died not long ago, and the Parkinson family thinks they should respect their opinions." Harry secretly watched Ginny's expression and said slowly.

"I really don't understand why Voldemort is so good to follow."

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"According to your words, can't Professor Riddle be regarded as Voldemort himself?"

"Isn't he younger and wiser?"

"There is Dumbledore behind him." Ginny shook her head in confusion.

She understood immediately that those relatives of the Parkinson family whose children had just died were probably supporters of Voldemort.

Although they were not Death Eaters, they were more loyal than the Malfoy family.

"Professor Riddle's inclination is too obvious. Haven't you noticed what he wrote in his book?"

"I even suspect that those so-called young people who just died must have been killed by Professor Riddle."

"I have inquired about it. Those dead guys all held important positions in the Ministry of Magic."

"They also have anti-Muggle inclinations."

"It caused the entire department they were in to be in a mess."

"It is said that there was an Auror trainee named Finny Dax who chose to break up with his Muggle-born girlfriend because of his boss's inclination."

"It was quite a big deal back then. There was a report in the Daily Prophet." Ron looked around and said in a low voice.

There was one thing he didn't say. In fact, he still suspected that his father and Dumbledore might have been behind this.

Although Ron thought they were not from this place.

But for the blue and pure world and a better tomorrow, it was all worth it.

"The Daily Prophet has arrived." Ginny pointed to the sky, where a gray owl was circling, and then swooped down to fly towards Harry.

She felt that Ron's topic was a little dangerous.

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