Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 197: Bat God Umulatus

Chapter 421 Bat God Ebony Ratus

"You have to swear to Merlin before I will believe your lies - you really did it for Lupin." Harry couldn't help but reveal his dead fish eyes and looked at his best friend Ron.

"If you want to make this money, tut tut." Ginny also leaned on Harry and echoed.


The scene changed, and Harry and others had come under the tree, in the shadow of the beech tree by the lake.

The dazzling sunlight shone on the calm lake and on the shore, where a group of girls who had just come out of the hall sat. They laughed, took off their shoes and socks, and dipped their feet in the lake to cool down.

"Hey! Hey! Ron! Ron Weasley!" Ginny stretched out her hand and waved it while Ron was looking at the lake.

Seeing that Ron still didn't respond, she angrily put her hands on her waist.

It gave Harry, who was standing aside, a sense of déjà vu of seeing Mrs. Weasley.

In order to prevent the fire from burning himself, Harry admired it briefly and pushed Ron hard.

"What are you doing?" Ron staggered.

"Have you forgotten that you are no longer single, look at Harry." Ginny looked at her brother dissatisfiedly.

Harry, who was named, looked at his nose and his heart, and sat upright.

"I--" Ron, who looked at the Black Lake, understood the reason in seconds, "I was in a daze just now. Didn't I promise you that I wouldn't mention business to Lupin?" "But just now I was blown by the wind and thought of something."

"What is it?" Harry asked, trying not to look at the Black Lake.

He was leaning against the tree trunk at this time, and his head kept in one direction.

"I think we still need to find Lupin."

"Has he learned how to transform Fenir?"

"How are he and Tonks?" (Ginny nodded when she heard this.)

"And will he know more about the inside story of Azkaban?" Ron was silent for a moment and said to Harry and Ginny respectively.

Harry also changed his attitude because of the possible inside story of Azkaban.

"But where is Lupin?" Harry frowned.

The most troublesome thing is that Lupin is very likely not in Hogwarts now.

"I have a way." Ginny smiled and pulled out her wand.

In the Zara tribe in Africa, they have a culture with bats as totems.

In their culture, the bat god is their ancestor, named Umulatus.

He created humans and used his own hair to transform into bats as their food.

Yes, food.

In the Muggle world, this bat is called the hammer-headed fruit bat. It is the largest bat in Africa. Its face looks like both a fox and a horse, with a smooth chin, but hard whiskers on both sides of its mouth.

This bat feeds on fruit pulp - the main food is figs, and sometimes mangoes, bananas and guavas.

In addition to their huge size, catching one is enough for a meal.

In the eyes of the wizards of the Zara tribe, the hammer-headed fruit bat is the embodiment of the bat god's ability to harvest.

In their eyes, the Bat God possesses countless divine powers.

And what Ginny used this time was one of the divine powers of the Bat God Umulatos - summoning spirits.

Summoning spirits, as the name suggests, means summoning souls.

In the myths and legends of the Zara tribe, the Bat God can call back a person's soul in advance by calling his name.

In their view, those tribesmen who are prestigious, great, but die early are allowed to go to the kingdom of Umulatos in advance because they are too outstanding.

There are endless hammer-headed fruit bats there.

"Remus Lupin!" Ginny drew a circle with her wand and suddenly stabbed forward. A strange, huge brown fur bat with a horse face appeared in front of Ginny!

It hovered in the air for a while, then spread its long bat wings and flew into the sky.

"What the hell is that thing of yours!" Ron retreated in fear.

"It's a variation of the bat spell, you used the knowledge in the Bat Book."

"Do we need to follow it?" Although Harry's face turned pale, he still maintained his rationality and analyzed meaningfully.

"No, the bat will respond to me after finding Lupin, as long as he finds him!" Ginny suddenly closed her eyes, she grabbed Harry with one hand, and her eyelids began to tremble violently.

As she said, the bat she conjured up found Lupin in the Forbidden Forest according to the name and the impression in her heart. The picture of it flying along the way and the coordinates of Lupin's current location were all poured into Ginny's mind.

"Are you okay?" Harry hurriedly hugged Ginny into his arms.

"Or, let's write to Lupin directly."

"What about the owl?" Ginny's abnormality reminded Ron that he was still a brother.

"I've already suffered!"

"I saw Lupin in the Forbidden Forest, but it was very deep, deep in a dark hole, and there were ragged werewolves around him."

"They were communicating about Fenir's incarnation. I heard Lupin mentioned that Snape could provide free wolfsbane potion." Ginny repeated what she saw and heard.

"So, if we wait at Hagrid's place, we can wait for Lupin." Ron waved his hand and said excitedly.

"Why wait?"

"Can't Hagrid see everything in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Hagrid is a man who doesn't brag. Last time I asked him, he said he could communicate with the centaurs deep in the Forbidden Forest in his cabin."

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"We can talk to Lupin through Hagrid." Harry suggested.

On the other side, in the dark cave, Lupin waved his wand and lit a pile of wood.

He was surrounded by savages who made clothes and shoes with animal skins and wild grass.

They all looked serious.

Until - a human face emerged from the bonfire.

"I didn't see the bat, it's gone."

"Remus, can you tell me what the bat looks like?" said the human face.

"So, in just a few minutes, it left the Forbidden Forest." Lupin did not answer the following question first, but analyzed first.

He knew very well what kind of observation Hagrid had in the Forbidden Forest now.

Dumbledore tried to hide common stones, herbs and other items that were marked in every corner of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid found the location of those things in just a moment.

"As for its appearance?"

"I have never seen a bat that big."

"Its wingspan is 2 feet! If it weren't for the fact that I have excellent vision in human form since I learned that magic, I would really doubt whether I saw it wrong." Lupin continued after he came to his senses.

"Is it a Voldemort? No, its fur is black, and you can't be wrong."

"Voldemort will not attack awake wizards."

"Wait, Harry and the others are here, I will first--" The face in the flame disappeared.

There is another chapter to be posted later.

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